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Managing Change

The Art of Balancing

Jeanie Daniel Duck (author, The Change Monster)

Victorino Samarita July 2012

Change and Transitions
Challenges for the Change Master Dynamics of Change

Transition Management Team TMT

TMT Responsibilities Burke-Litwin effects Local application Work implication Article evaluation

* Words to Ponder *

the wisdom of many is preferable to the brilliance of one

Roman Pichler, Agile Product Management

Change vs. Transition

is an event is situational

eg. Computerization of Inventory Management Transition is the journey from point A to point B
is somehow psychological eg. Analysis of manual process, design of new
system, programming the system, implementation, etc.

Change Master Face-off

Building trust Value ownership Willingness to participate Clearing-up uncertainties

Process alignment vs. Do it your Way

Re-training / Re-tooling

Dynamics of Change
the Balancing
Exciting / Alarming Cooperation / Resistance Advancement / Bailed-out Learning / Un-Learning

Agreements / Confusions
The Ending . . . Neutral Zone . . . to the NEW Beginning

Transition Management Team (TMT)

Change handlers, not change experts Vanguard of CEO Manages process and EMOTIONS Emphasize common goals, common enemies, common victories Communicate Change Process, controls, multiple milestones

8 Responsibilities of TMT
Establish context for change and provide guidance

Stimulate conversation
Provide appropriate resources Coordinate and align projects Ensure congruence of messages, activities, policies, and behaviors Provide opportunities for join creation Anticipate, identify, and address people problems Prepare the critical mass

Burke-Litwin Effects
Scenario: Take-over of Company DEF by Company ABC
External Environment

Mission and Strategy




Management Practices


Workgroup Climate

Skills / Job Match


Individual Needs and Values


Managing Change - Local

San Miguel Corporations Expansions PLDT-Smart merger with Sun Cellular Departure of FORD Philippines Arrival of Trumps investments

Hand-over of elected government officials

Other, similar changes

Managing Change - Work

Job promotions Lateral transfers BPO acquisitions of new accounts Opening of new branches

Introduction of new products

Other market segmentations

Managing Change - Ratings

Content Presentation Details Clarity
8.5 9.0 8.5 7.5


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