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Foundations of Strategic Marketing Management

Vidhya Srinivas

In this chapter, you will learn about

1. Defining the Organizations Business, Mission, and Goals Business Definition Business Mission Business Goals 2. Identifying and Framing Organizational Growth Opportunities Converting Environmental Opportunities into Organizational Opportunities SWOT Analysis

In this chapter, you will learn about

1. Formulating Product-Market Strategies Market-Penetration Strategy Market-Development Strategy Product-Development Strategy Diversification Strategy Selection The Marketing Mix 2. Budgeting Marketing, Financial, and Production Resources 3. Developing Reformulation and Recovery Strategies 4. Drafting a Marketing Plan 5. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Primary Purpose of Marketing

To create long-term and mutually beneficial exchange relationships between an entity and the publics (individuals and organizations) with which it interacts.

Expanding Responsibilities of Marketing Managers

They no longer function solely to direct day-today operations. They must make strategic decisions as well. Expanded responsibilities include: Charting the direction of the organization Contributing to decisions that will create and sustain a competitive advantage and affect long-term organizational performance

Evolution of the Marketing Manager

From being only an implementer. to being a maker of organization strategy This has prompted the emergence of strategic marketing management as a course of study and practice.

Processes in Strategic Marketing Management

1. Defining the organizations business,mission, and goals Identifying and framing organizational growth opportunities Formulating product-market strategies Budgeting marketing, financial, and production resources Developing reformulation and recovery strategies

Defining the Organizations Business, Mission, and Goals

Business Definition
By defining a business from a customer or market perspectivean organization is appropriately viewed as: a customer - satisfying endeavor not a product-producing or service delivery enterprise.

What business are we in?

An organization should define a business by: The type of customers it wishes to serve The particular needs of those customer groups it wishes to satisfy The means or technology by which the organization will satisfy the customer needs

Business Mission
Underscores the scope of an organizations operations apparent in its business definition Reflects managements vision of what the organization seeks to do. Most statements describe: the organizations purpose customers, products/services, markets, philosophy, and technology

Benefits of Mission Statements

Crystallizes managements vision of the organizations long-term direction and character Provides guidance in identifying, pursuing, and evaluating market and product opportunities Inspires and challenges employees to do those things that are valued by the organization and its customers Provides direction for setting business goals or objectives

Business Goals
Goals or objectives convert the organizations mission into tangible actions and results that are to be achieved, often within a specified time frame Three major categories of goals: 1. Production 2. Financial 3. Marketing

Production Goals Apply to the use of manufacturing and service capacity and to product and service quality Financial Goals Focus on return on investment, return on sales, profit, cash flow, and shareholder wealth. Marketing Goals market share marketing productivity sales volume profit customer satisfaction customer value creation

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