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Assignment on Recruitment & Selection Process

Prepared by:
Mr. Sarfaraz Khalid: Mr. Rizwan Shafi: Mr. Junaid Shahid: Mr. Nayyer Azam: Mr. Farid Sharif Mr. Shanawaz Khalid: A1KW A1KW A1KM A1KW A1KW A1KW 410413 410418 410421 410416 208021 410414

Submitted to:
Mr. Tariq Saeed


Recruitment and selection refers to the chain and sequence of activities pertaining to recruitment and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for an organization. Every enterprise, business, start-up and entrepreneurial firm has some well-defined employment and recruitment policies and hiring procedures. The human resources department of large organizations, businesses, government offices and multilateral organizations are generally vested with the responsibilities of employee recruitment and selection. Job Openings and Available Positions The first process of any recruitment and selection program is defining the needs and requirements for new workers and professionals for outlined job positions and openings. Carefully devised and developed roles, responsibilities, skill sets and qualifications are defined and the job postings placed in recruitment ads in various media. Large workforce organizations also work with staffing agencies, HR contractors and online job portals to outsource certain employee requirements. Evaluation Period A rigorous process of evaluation follows the recruitment ads placement phase. Curriculum vitas (CVs) and resumes of various candidates applying for the jobs are screened, classified and filtered. Interviews are scheduled with the earmarked candidates. As per specific organizational policies, written tests may be conducted. Face-to-face interviews are conducted and job seekers and candidates evaluated on various parameters and organizational metrics. Selection Process Reference checks and detailed background checks are carried out to verify facts and matters presented in resumes and CVs. Follow-ups are done with certain selected candidates to firm up the hiring process. A thorough evaluation of the defined skill sets and qualifications of shortlisted candidates, their written materials and work samples is done again in a transparent and objective manner. Additional interviews or final interviews are conducted during this last stage of recruitment and the hiring decision is finalized.


The three organizations shared belong to different industries and give a flavor of formal, semi formal and seth run systems.

Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited (HMB) Formal

AASA Consulting (AC) Semi Formal MN Textile Pvt. (Ltd) (MNT) - Seth Own Organization


Selection activities typically follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final employment decision. The selection process typically consists of eight steps: Initial Screening Interview: The first step in selection process whereby inquires about a job are screened. Completing the Application Form: Company-specific employment forms used to generate specific information the company wants. Employment Test: Organizations historically relied to a considerable extent on intelligence, aptitude, ability and interest tests to provide major input to the selection process.

Comprehensive Interview A selection device in which in-depth information about a candidate can be obtained
Background Investigation: The process of verifying information job candidates provide. A Conditional Job Offer: Job offer made to an individual which will become permanent after passing tests such as a substance abuse test.

Medical Or Physical Examination: An examination indicating an applicant is physically fit for essential job performance.
Permanent Job Offer: Those individuals who perform successfully in the preceding steps are now considered to be eligible to receive the employment offer.


Filling the Recruitment Requisition Form: Recruitment requisition form helps different departments in placing their HR requirement to the HR department. This firm is for both new and existing positions. Before this form is completed a Job De4scription needs to be finalized as JD helps in identifying the job specifications / requirements. Executive Search: Once manpower requirement is received to the HR department, they start the executive search. There are different methods of executive search and it depends upon the profile required. Few methods are given below
In-house Database Nationwide Ad in Selected Newspapers Own Website

Once CVs are received long list followed by shortlist is formed. A sample of long list and shortlist is given below:
# Name Contact details Designation Company Comments

Selection Process/ Evaluation of candidates: There are different methods of evaluating a candidate. More than one method can be used for finding the right person for the job. Step of assessing the candidate are Written Test, Eligibility Assessment Sheet (EST), Presentation. Offer letter : Once the candidate is finalized offer letter is shared with the individual. Contract letter : After the acceptance of offer letter contract letter is shared with the candidate. Contract letter includes the terms of employment, the breakup of salary and benefits, separation policy, etc.


Interview: The HR Manger Interview the candidate. In which ask him/her his background, previous experience, References which is very essential for unknown person.

Aptitude Test: After the candidate conducted aptitude test Total marks of the test 50 .while 25 marks are the passing marks in this test different type of questions like General Knowledge, MIS, Maths, English grammar.
Selection Process: When the candidates pass the aptitude test then the selection Process is start .In this process use a form in which HR Department noted all bio dada desired salary, actual salary Previews experience. References, job description job Specification, Working hours, etc. Permanent Job Offer: Those individuals who perform successfully in the preceding steps are now considered to be eligible to receive the employment offer. Orientation Process: After select the candidate. He /She presentation all of the staff which are the team of organization and the place or location where he/she work that they introduced him/her like work, responsibilities

While going through each recruitment system one realizes how different recruitment and selection process is in different sector. The variation in the recruitment & selection system is mainly due to the extent of usability, need of the business and kind of professionals required. Salient features of the comparison: HMB a bank is from the financial sector of Pakistan which is amongst the most progressive sectors in human resource management. The organization complies with comprehensive recruitment & selection policies & procedures. It has a detailed structured manual on HRM policies and recruitment & selection is one of the sections in it. The bank has employment test center, followed by interviews with the HR professionals, department heads and panel interviews. The recruitment process includes a series of verifications including medical checkups, references and so on. AC a private owned firm but run professionally belong to the semi formal sector and run a structured recruitment process. The number of steps are less as compared to the banking sector such as there is no concept of aptitude test and they rely more on one on one interviews and stress upon communication skills including written and spoken. MNT is the other extreme of the spectrum which is the most unstructured organization in terms of formal management structures. As said SETH owned organization. The recruitment & selection process is more informal and based on an interview followed by selection of the candidate. In essence all there recruitment selection process are delivering results and are practices in the market. None of them can be declared wrong but with the more structured systems the recruitment and selection process becomes more transparent and the concept of right person for the right job is ensured.

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