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Dr. B. P. Singh Senior Scientist Division of Extension Education Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar
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Rabelais ( 1483-1553) was the one to influence the movement of application of modern science to practice affair In England Samul Hartlib ( 1600-1700) published a book in 1651 entitled an Essay for Advancement of Husbandry-Learning.

Swiss Educational reformers, Heinrich Pestalozzi ( 1746-1826) wrote on agriculture for several years and conducted a school for poor children in which part of their time was spent in raising farm products spinning and weaving of cotton.

Philip Emanual von Fellenberg ( 1771-1844) conducted two mannual training school, which was located on 600 acre land in which boys were expected to do farm work. Agricultural school in europe were established in Hungary in 1779, in Nagi Michlas in 1786 and Georgican Academy at Kezthely- 1797.

The annals of Agricultural and Useful Arts -a periodical begun in London in 1784 by Arthur Young ( 1741- 1820) widely promoted the advancement of agricultural in Europe and America ( True 1929).

Agricultural Society: According to True ( 1928), the forerunner of agricultural extension in Europe and North America was the agricultural society.

The first such society in scotland was known as the society of improvers in the knowledge of agriculture , which was begun in 1723.
The America philosophical society founded in 1744 and published many article on agricultural subject. There were many societies formed to acquaint their member with what was being done to improve agriculture and to disseminate agril information through their publication, newspaper article and lecturers 1 6

The Beginning of Extension type Programme

The overt use of the notion of extending relevant and useful information to the adult population at large however, predates the university extension movement.
In 1826, a British Poloitician Lord Henry Borugham, founded the society for the Diffusion of Useful knowledge to the poor

The use of itinerate teachers to improve agriculture was first started in America in 1843, when the committee on Agriculture, New York Assembly, suggested the legislature might authorized the State Agril. Society to employ a practical and scientific farmers to give upon practical and scientific knowledge ( True 1928) to the needed farmers.

In Ohio in 1845, N.S. Townshed, Dean of the college of Agriculture suggested that the State Agril. Society

might select a sufficient number of competent individual to lecture .on all the science having relation with agriculture,
N.S. Townshed also advocated the formation of farmers club in every township to hold meeting, at least monthly, at which there should be lectures on the science and their application to agriculture.

The Rise of Extension

The first , modern, agricultural and instructional service was established in Ireland during great potato famine of the mid-nineteenth century . This service operated from 1847- 1851


The Rise of Extension

The actual use of the term EXTENSION originated in England in 1868 with a system of University Extension which was taken up first by Cambridge and Oxford University around 1850s and later it was used by other educational institution in England. According to Farquhar ( 1873) the term Extension Education was first used in 1873 by Cambridge University to describe the particular educational innovation.
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The objective of University extension was to take the educational advantage of Universities for ordinary people * to serve their educational need, * to those who are near to their farm, * For the rapidly growing population in the industrial, urban area


Extension Work in the US

In US ,the system of University Extension was introduced through city library, especially in Buffalo, Chicago and St. Lavis. By 1890 the American society for the extension of University was established.


Extension Work in the US

In context of diffusion of Agricultural information to the farmers Vorhees ( 1894) was the first to use the Word Extension. In fact in USA, Extension work started when Dr. Seaman A. Knapp organized education campaign to control cotton boll-weevil during the first decade of 1880-s to the first decade of 1900s.. He is also known as father of demonstration


In 1906 , Willium C. Stalling become the nations first county agent.

On January 16, 1912, Mrs. Edna W. Trigg became the first woman county agents.


With a view to bringing the resources of land grant Universities to bear upon problems that people faced daily, the US Congress passed the Smith Lever Act, in 1914 itself which led the establishment of Cooperative Extension Service on May 8, 1914.


* In the Programmes running under Cooperative Extension Service, county agent was important person , who worked with people to identify their problems

To motivated them Made scientific information available to them Helped them to use the information His goal was to help people to have a higher standard of living and an enjoyable life
Formally, term Agricultural Extension was adopted in USA when the Smith Lever Act of 1914 was passed.
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World War II brought emphasis on increasing production.


and Extension staff encouraged the farmers to meet production goals and adjust shortages at home. Further efforts were made to decrease livestock losses from disease and improper care under the programmes of CES.


Extension Work in the US The conditions for agricultural extension to evolve apart from the importance of farmers and agriculture in the society and economy concerned, several conditions appear to be necessary for the initiation and organized development of agricultural extension work. 1st Information has been assembled, systematized and made available on good or new agricultural practices suited to a particular environment and is based on either the accumulation of experience or findings from research
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2nd This information is used among other things, to educate professional agriculturist who may further enlarge or refine this body of knowledge or become active promoters and disseminators of it.

3rd An appropriate administrative or organizational structure exists by and within which the dissemination activities may be established and conducted.


4th There is a legislative or some other official mandate or influential proponent which prescribes that Agricultural extension work is desirable and must occur.

5th There are invariably variety of antecedent ( experiences) which have attempted to promote agril information and advice to disseminate. All or several of these conditions have been present in the evolution of modern form of agril extension.
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Development of Extension in the Third World

Although the concept of extension education was introduced in the 19th century, yet its importance was realized in the countries of the third world after the second world war.


There were two main reasons for the establishment of advisory services for rural development in the most of the countries, : food shortage after the war and the independence of many nations. Newly formed nations, the rural population of which maintained a subsistence agriculture with limited industry, found it essential to establish a better balanced economy.


The government of these free countries started giving special importance to the programm of rural development.

These and many other factors led to the establishment of a varieties of rural services and institutions, including extension services.


Latin America and Caribbean- National agricultural extension organizations were started in the mid1950s

In African countiries- the introduction of agril extension organization was later, with most extension organization starting in the 1960s and 1970s ( Swanson and Rassi, 1981)


In most third world countries, the introduction of general agricultural extension organization was brought about by assistance, particularly from the US. The lack of local demand for extension-type services has been characteristics of the experience in most Third World countries; this is a major difference from the North America and European experiences. Few Third World countries had well established colleges of agricultural university when they become independent.
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The extension type activities were carried out in many Third World countries. These activities were usually associated with commodity improvement schemes. The experiences of most of the extension organization have not been satisfactory as it was stated by Clifford Wharton, Jr. ( 1983). President of the State University of New York:


Clifford Wharton, Jr. ( 1983). President of the State University of New York:

If there is an area where we have been most unsuccessful, it has been the development of costeffective and program- efficient models for the delivery of new scientific and technical knowledge to the millions upon millions of farm producers of the third World. We know how to harness the creative and inventive forces of science and technology in the war on hunger, but I submit that we still have not been fully successful in technology diffusion.
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Philosophy of Extension Education

Ensminger (1962) state that philosophy of extension can be expressed on the following lines: 1. It is an Educational Process, through which change is made in K.A.S of the people. 2. Extension is working with all kinds of person to answer their needs and wants 3. It is helping people to help themselves. 4. It is learning by doing and seeing is believing. 5. It is development of individual , their society 6. Working together to expand the welfare 7. Extension is a two way-channel 8. Working in harmony with the culture Dhama (1965) has also given almost same point 29 1

Philosophy of Extension Education

Mildred Horton described four principles which make philosophy of extension education: The Individual is supreme in a democracy The home is the fundamental unit in a civilization The family is the first training group of the human race The foundation of any permanent civilization must rest on the partnership of man and land.


Philosophy of Extension Education

Shukla (1972) supported the philosophy Horton and emphasized Extension programme revolves around the individual, the cultivator and we have to bring change in his KAS understating , capacity and ability through persuasion by educational means Bhatnagar ( 1971) it is the activity of State govt. ( with or without the help of other agencies) which provide the farmers with technical know-how as a guide to improved methods, in order to bring desirable changes in their behaviour with the aim of attaining higher production. 1 31

Function of Extension Education

Its Function is to bring about desirable changes in the human behaviour by means of education. Changes may be brought in their KAS, understanding, goals, action and confidence.
Change in the knowledge means change in what people know Change in skill is change in the technique of doing the thing Change in attitude involves change in the feeling or reaction towards certain things. Change in understanding means change in comprehension. Change in goal Change in action means change in performance Cahnge in confidence involves change in self-reliance
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