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Content: About practical training .

introduction of web site. content of web site. Brief introduction of content. Html. And table making. Css and php. MySQL and JavaScript. About project. Management Branch of school management system.


My summer training is held from WSCUBETECH, SARDARPURA JODHPUR. I am trained in Php language and my training duration from 25th may 2012 to 25th June 2012 in web development department. And my trainer is Mr. Kushagra Bhatia(director of wscubtech). My training duration is one month . I am work with my guide in development department.

Introdection of web site

Web site is a collection of web pages.

Web page is a document or image or video and etc.

In the web site we can easily found the information every one from every where. We can develop the web site two type as following : 1. static web site. 2. dynamic web site.

Cantent of web site

The web site is developed with following contains are helpful for made prefect web site. 1. HTML. 2. CSS. 3. PHP. 4. JAVA SCRIPTE. 5. MYSQUL Both two web site is developed with these above help.

Brief introduction of content


: - Hyper Text Markup Language. . .


These langue is used for static web site . It is client side scripting language.
Its all file is save with .html or .htm


: - Cascading Style

It is used for web site making good looking or attractive web site Its all files are save with the .css. It is client side scripting language.

JAVA SPCIRTE : -it is fast and secure.

Its all files are save with .js. Its also client side scripting language.

PHP : -

Hyper Text Preprocessor Language It is used for dynamic website / effect. Its all files are save with .php .
It is server side scripting language.

MYSQL : -It is a database. It is used for data storage.


General structure of HTML: <HTML>


</HEAD><BODY> This is a first page of web site.


for paragraph general structure : <p>...</p> If change the line that time used the <br>(i.e. break row) For heading of topic we used <H1></H1><H2></H2><H3></H3> so

on this is used till h6 and its priority is tope to down h1 to h6 of bold case. It is in decreasing order.

Table making : We can make the tables in three types as following : Rule no one :-it is also a simple table. In the simple table each and every row and column is equal no.

Rule no two :-In this the column is not same in each and every row so we can used the colspan=no of column are combined or marsing. Rule no three :- it is also known as nested table .we can used in the web page, and all these type of structure formed we used. We can make the tabular form or web page the these type all format are makes by these above all three rules of table are used.

Example of tables rules :-


color:#682114; background-Image : url; background-repeat: repeat;(on repeat,x-repeat, yrepeat) background-position: center ; background:#681218; width:1000px;height:200px;text-align:justify; font-size:14px;font-family:arial;fontstyle:italic; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none(overline , linethrow , blink ,underline)text transform : uppercase; text indent :10px; padding :10px; padding left :10px; padding right :10px; padding: top;border: 10px;border-width: 10px; border-style : solid; border-color: #681218;

Css is used for makes the web pages good looking or attractive. It is used into web page two type :One is internally second is the externally used and last inline. Internally page is used as following:-<HEAD><style type =text/css>FOR INTERNALLY Style Sheet</style></HEAD> Externally page : in this type style sheet we used particular css page and then we connect the page on html page following syntax as:<link type=text/css rel=style sheet href=style.css. All property of css used for web page:-backgroundcolour:# 618124;

Php :Hyper text preprocessor language :-it is sued for dynamic web site and server scripting language. We use the php server is xampp. It is run on the browser by this syntax:- local host/folder name. And following we used into php : Operator. If-else , switch case. Loop:-for , while loop. Inbuilt functions. Include and include-once. Require and require-once. method :-GET, POST. Variable.

Basic syntax of php :

Basic syntax of php is blow :<?php.. .?> Define the variable:-$aa = home. Syntax for write in php:- echo home . And using variable:- echo $aa.texting.$aa; Here . is used as a concatenation. If :-if condition is used for check the true or false as: If(condition){ True part.} Else{ false} Loop is used for run one statement more then one times. Rule is < 1 >. Initialization ,< 2 >. Condition, <3>. Increment or decrement.


MySQL :-my scripting query language and syntax open the window of database :-localhost/ phpmyadmin. It is used for storage of data into database by help of creating database as : create new database [new name of db] [GO] and for creating table used as : create new table [new table name][no of field] [GO] Some syntax for connecting of db by web page :mysql_connect(localhost,root ,password);mysql_select_db(db name); $s=query of select or insert or delete or update; Mysql_query($s); Other mysql function is :-join(left, right, inner join).
Searching. Paging. Multiple delete.

Java script :

Basic syntax of JavaScript :-its syntax is write on the same page only one condition which is write between <script></script> tag and into header part. <head><script type=text/JavaScript> .. .. .</script> </head> If we used extern page that time used JavaScript page and write on this page only one syntax an one page :<script href=validation.js type=text/JavaScript> Syntax for simple print :-document.write(hello) and for alert :alert(please enter the your name). Data type :- variable, character, integer, float, double and etc.


About the project

This project is made for the school management system to use easy and Any one of person who has interested into this school these access about school all information like as admission date, examination form last summation date, making bus card, play ground card and collecting information about staff member and more about it. In this project all these information is necessary for knowing as different in our areas schools so it is all necessary work like as admission , examination form , bus card, play ground card, staff card and all these type of works is done online and these all information are provides on school wed site early to early . And all notice are attested on wed site . Admiration conformation detail online and also examination form detail online, roll no., bus card detail, staff card detail and etc. All examination schedule online with date ,day and time. All classes examination centre also on school wed site.

What is management system ?

Management word is made by two words one is mange and ment.

Manage :- to control or be in charge of a business, a team, an

organization, and etc.

Ment :- the action or result of.

it means when we used the techniques which is helpful in manage the team or some one special organization by the team lieder or manager of organization . when we create these type of system is called management system . and these are perform on online is called online management system. and it is used in school so it is online school management system.

What is branch of school management system?

In the school management system branch is following : 1. Admission cell 2. Examination cell 3. Staff centre 4. Transport cell 5. Sport cell 6. Information centre and etc. in above all stream are works together and in only one aim of students development or students future and allover development so these are work under in director of school or education group.

What works of Admission Cell ?

The admission cell is works for all admission of students and all information about each and every student contain in dbms maintain Provides the admission application form for play group to 12th all faculty (i.e. science, comm., art) With all fees structure of all classes. And provides the identity card of students and staffs In the admission cell building contain one fees counter and enquire centre and etc. One counter is counselor for counseling of students parents regarding to our question according to our son/ daughter admission in class.

Admission form

What is examination cell?

These part of building in school those organize the exam and schedule on the examination cell notice boards by permeation of examiner control. All examination form provides on online for all students those are study in school. Each and every exam form is different for all classes. And provides the admission exam form. All fees structure of each and every exam fees on school web site. All details o r information are provides on examination cell notice board s. All results are show on notice boards or school web site. Time schedule or result date and examination centre details. All students admit card for exam provides for each students. All exam supervisor details provides individually for each teacher. All other staff duty schedule or report provides the management member.


What is work of transport cell?

Mainly works of transport cell it is provides the transport facility for students and faculty and staff member. The transport facility is manage strongly and work by planning properly. All buses or vans stations list provides with the fees structure and bus driver name with mobile number. All bus and van list according to the station number with bus or van number show on notice boards or online. In the transport cell all member is work under the manager of transport cell. It is provides bus station in the school champs. It is provides proper bus facility in school for students, staffs and etc.


School staff :

First of all principal of the school. One director and also managing director. Each and every department head. Each and every class teachers. Each and every head of department's peon. Cetin staff . Bus staff and etc.



This cell is provides all information about all activity of school. All information on the school web site for online user and for school staff and students provides on each and every departments notice boards. This cell is work as a enquiry centre for all information about the school and connected board of education.



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