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Q. WHAT IS AN INPUT DEVICE? A. Any machine that feeds data into a computer. For example, a keyboard is an input device, whereas a display monitor is an output device. Input devices other than the keyboard are sometimes called alternate input devices. Mice,trackballs, and light pens are all alternate input devices.

In computing, an input device is any peripheral (piece of computer hardwareequipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or other information appliance. Input and output devices make up the hardware interface between a computer and a scanner or 6DOF controller. Direct input is almost necessarily absolute, but indirect input may be either absolute or relative. For example, digitizing graphics tablets that do not have an embedded screen involve indirect input and sense absolute positions and are often run in an absolute input mode,

A Keyboard is a typewriter-style device, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches. Following the decline of punch cards and paper tape, interaction via teleprinter-style keyboards became the main input device for computers. A keyboard typically has characters engraved or printed on the keys and each press of a key typically corresponds to a single written symbol. However, to produce some symbols requires pressing and holding several keys simultaneously or in sequence. While most keyboard keys produce letters,numbers or signs (characters), other keys or simultaneous key presses can produce actions or computer commands.

Type several characters into the active browser window to navigate to any link with that text in it If you repeat the same character, it will start to cycle through all the links that begin with that character. However, if it can find a match with the exact string you've typed, such as "oo" in "woods" it will go there first. Typing "o" more times will then cycle through the links that start with "o". Use the backspace key to undo the last character typed. Type a ' before your string to search only links. Type / before your string to search all text. To cancel a find, change focus or scroll, press Escape, or wait for the timeout. Works with any Gecko HTML content window - embedded clients, IM conversation window, help, etc. Works with IME for input of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.

In computing, a mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensil motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons. The mouse is now one of the most popular input devices the mouse is a small box with a round ball on the underside and one or more buttons on the top. A cable attaches the mouse to the terminal or microcomputer

As "wheels", which allow the user to perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features that can add more control or dimensional input. The mouse's motion typically translates into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows for fine control of a graphical user interface. The mouse allows you to manipulate a pointer or arrow on screen. As you roll the mouse across a flat surface,the screen cursor too moves in that direction(this movement is measured in hundredths of an inch). For example, if you roll the mouse forward and to the right,the cursor moves up and to the right on the screen.

Lines of different widths and sizes representing data, that when read will determine what the scanned object is. Barcodes are often used to help organize and index information or prices about an object. Barcodes used by the U.S. postal service that helps speed the delivery of mail is another perfect example of how a barcode could be used. In the picture to the right, is an example of what a barcode for an address may look like.

A hardware device capable of printing out adhesive barcodes that can be attached to a product. This helps identify the product or a company keep track of its inventory. The barcode scanners consist of an internal decoder and a cable, which are connected to the computer through compatible ports. It consists of a light source, a lens and a photo conductor translating optical impulses into electrical ones. Additionally, nearly all barcode readers contain decoder circuit. It analyzes the barcode's image data provided by the photo conductor and sends the barcode's content to the scanner's output port. Advanced readers use laser-scanning technology. Barcode readers are available in several forms like in hand-held, hands-free, wearable, scan engines, laser or digital.

A microphone (colloquially called a mic or mike; both pronounced /mark)[1] is an acoustic-toelectric transducer or sensor that converts soundinto anelectrical signal. Microphones are used in many applications such as telephones, tape recorders, karaoke systems, hearing aids, motion pictureproduction, live and recorded audio engineering, FRS radios, megaphones, in radio and television broadcasting and in computers for recording voice, speech recognition, VoIP, and for non-acoustic purposes such as ultrasonic checking or knock sensors Most microphones today use electromagnetic induction(dynamic microphone), capacitance change (condenser microphone), piezoelectricgeneration, or light modulation to produce an electrical voltage signal from mechanical vibration.

A mic that is equally sensitive to sound from all sides is called an omnidirectional mic.Omni mics are great for picking up natural room sound and are also very good for capturing group vocals.. Omni mics also tend to be more "forgiving" because they pick up sound even when the mic is rotated at different angles. A unidirectional mic is sensitive to sound only in a specific direction. The most common type features a cardioid (heartshaped) pattern that rejects sound coming from behind the microphone. This can be very useful for reducing bleed when recording a guitar amp sitting next to a drum kit. A supercardioid mic has an even narrower pickup pattern, further reducing bleed from nearby sound sources. Cardioid and supercardioid mics are good for crowded spaces (like group recording sessions) where multiple

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