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Julian Gomes
Algosaibi Services Co.

UNIT IGC1: Management of International Health & Safety

Element 5: Risk Assessment

Five Steps to Risk Assessment Process
1. Look for hazards
2. Decide who might be harmed and how 3. Evaluate the risks and decide if enough is being done 4. Record significant findings

5. Review and revision

STEP 2: Decide who might be harmed and how

Be clear about who might be harmed
That doesnt mean listing everyone by name, but rather identifying groups of people (eg people working in the storeroom or passers-by).



Non- Employees


if you share your workplace, you will need to think about how your work affects

Reduce collective risk, limit visitors, look at things around and keep people away from accessing the hazard area.

Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how

Identify how they might be harmed
what type of injury or ill health might occur. For example, shelf stackers may suffer back injury from repeated lifting of boxes.

Groups at Particular Risk - some workers have particular requirements,

Trainees, new and young workers (unfamiliar and unaware of the risk) New and expectant mothers e.g. breast milk may get contaminated from radiation or chemicals Sex Genders (females may be more prone to risk than male. e.g.- male and female gamete) People with disabilities may be at particular risk. Lone workers, people working at home, travelling workers ( due to lack of supervision, isolation, limitation in interaction, no assistance during emergencies) Cleaners, visitors, contractors, maintenance workers etc, Maintenance workers generally deals with problems - defective equipment. ) Part time temporary workers (who may not be in the workplace all the time. e.g. Harvestime Bakeries (May 1998): maintenance works were trapped inside a hot oven and eventually died from burns and heat exposure after being unable to escape. The oven was normally set to run at 260C. It had only been turned off for two hours and the centre was 100C when these two men went inside.

STEP 3: Evaluating Risks

Definition: Hazard: something that has the potential to cause harm(loss). E.g. Hazard (physical) = Electricity Risk: is the LIKELIHOOD of harm occurring and the SEVERITY of the outcome. E.g. Likelihood = frequency or probability of electricity causing harm may be obtained from previous accident records associated with that particular job, equipment, etc.(unlikely to happen, may happen, likely to happen, very likely to happen and certain) Severity = Death Minor injury(first aid on site), major injury(treatment off site like in hospital), over 3 days injury and death

Factors affecting risk

Duration(time- how long) and frequency(number of times how often) of exposure. Competence of those who been exposed (proper training will reduce the frequency and therefore the risk may be low) Condition of equipment ( a damage equipment will increase chance of failure) Numbers of exposed (collective risk three mile island) Nature and intensity of hazard (physical, biological, chemical, ergonomic & psychological). Availability of First Aid facility needs to be considered since if the treatment is delayed the victims condition will deteriorate.
Suitability of existing controls (risk assessment before doing the job.

Calculating the risk

Risk = Likelihood X Severity Risk of Slip & trip and Burn from deep fat oil is high in a busy kitchen. Likelihood of slip & trip in busy kitchen is high. Severity is high serious burn.

Risk Rating Matrix

Certain (5) Death (5) Major Injury (4) Over 3 days Injury (3) Minor Injury treatment off site (2) Minor Injury First Aid on site (1) 25 20 15 10 5 Very (4) 20 16 12 8 4 Likely (3) 15 12 9 6 3 May Happen (2) 10 8 6 4 2 Unlikely (1) 5 4 3 2 1

Risk Priority Matrix

Score 1 -4 5-10 12-25 Priority Low Medium High Action Low risk control measures must be maintained Medium risk soon control required. High risk urgently action required to control. Further resources may be needed.

Hierarchy of Risk Control

liminate/Avoid: e.g. cleaning window using extended glass wiper and water hose pipe. Using cordless power tool educe at source: try a less risky option (e.g switch to using a less hazardous chemical); solate (barriers, distance, engineering controls: prevent access to the hazard (eg by guarding); ontrol (admin procedures, systems of work: eg. G.I, SOP ersonal protection

isplay/ discipline

Implement Control Measures

Reduce as far as is reasonably practical ( balance between Benefit and cost.) Acceptability of risk vs Tolerability Acceptability: degree of acceptance which is reasonably practical.e.g. buying car with special safety features or not. Tolerability: driving in Saudi Arabia because we have some benefits so tolerating the risk.

Prioritization of risk: risk control measures will depend on the risk rating (Low , medium or high)

STEP 4 Record your Findings

Significant findings to be recorded - fewer than five employees you do not have to write anything down,. When writing down your results, keep it simple, for example Tripping over rubbish: bins provided, staff instructed, weekly housekeeping checks, or Fume from welding: local exhaust ventilation used and regularly checked. The following things needs to be included - significant hazards: people who may be affected: people who could be involved; - risk and adequacy of existing control measure: the precautions are reasonable, and the remaining risk is low; - any further action is necessary or not - reference to documents like material safety data sheet, past history (if any)

STEP 5- Review & revise

Significant change in the tasks, processes and equipment Plan to introduce new technology, will bring in new equipment, substances and procedures that could lead to new hazards. Therefore, it is necessary to review what you are doing on an ongoing basis. Every year or so formally review where you are, to make sure you are still improving, or at least not sliding back. Significant changes in the Health & Safety legislation. Review in case of accidents or ill-health
Who can carry out the risk
Competent person ( having sufficient knowledge, skill, understanding and experience to conduct risk assessment).

Element 6: Principles of Control

General principles of prevention 1. Avoiding risks: stop doing the task if you thing risk associated with that particular task. 2. Evaluating risks: risk assessment to be carried out. 3. Combating the risk at source: slippery floors are treated or replaced rather than just putting up a sign. 4. Adapting to technical process by introducing new equipment with special safety features. 5. Replacing the dangerous by non-dangerous or less dangerous: substituting to water base paints. 6. Developing a coherent overall prevention policy technology, organisation of work, working conditions, social relationships and the influence of factors relating to working environment. 7. Giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures: removing hazardous dust by exhaust ventilation rather than providing a filtering respirator to an individual worker. 8. Giving appropriate instruction , training and supervision to employees.

Principles of Hazard Prevention and control ILO-OSH 2001

Eliminate the hazard/risk Control the hazard/risk at source, through the use of engineering controls or organisational measures Minimize the hazards/risk by the design of safe work systems, which include admin control Where residual hazards/risk cannot be controlled by collective measures, the employer should provide for appropriate personal protective equipment, including clothing, at no cost, and should implement measures to ensure its use and maintained.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Ensure that it is suitable different body structure. Adequate training/instruction provided regarding handling and usage Regular monitoring and supervision required Suitable storage facility, cleaning/sterilization facility. Types: aprons, eye protection, life-jackets, safety harness system, safety footwear, etc. Limitations of PPE: it does not eliminate or reduce the hazard, it only protects the wearer, may introduce new hazard, relies on worker use, it may uncomfortable and therefore worker may not use for long duration, etc.

Safe system of work

Safe system of work is a formal, written agreement between line management and staff defining how to perform a task safely. The Safe System of Work states identified risks (from the risk assessment step), lists risk control/management necessary and provides instruction to staff working on the task. A Safe System of Work may relate to one very specific task (for example, use of a chain saw) or to a wide area of work where hazards and risks are common to many tasks. The Safe System of Work relates to specific staff working on specific tasks and is in operation for an agreed length of time; staff, tasks and time period until revision, must be recorded. Employer responsible to provide safe system Developed by people with sufficient skills, knowledge, understanding and experiences. Encourage workers participation in development process since they have practical working knowledge, gives them ownership, encourages them to use the system and confirms management commitment.

Importance and relevance or written procedures

Serves as written documentation of the organizations commitment to its employees safety and health. May contain complex information May be used in defense against legal action, insurance claim May be a requirement of organization Quality Assurance purpose.

Development of Safe System of Work

Select the task Record the steps Examine the components parts Develop the safe system Implement the safe system Monitor/maintain the system

Permits to work
This Technical Measure Document refers to permit to work systems required to control work such as maintenance activities on chemical plant and so prevent a major accident. The permit to work procedure is a specialized type of safe system of work for ensuring that potentially very dangerous work (hot work like wielding, work with high voltage 1000V )is done safe. Key elements of system Issue by the authorised issuing department within the organisation. Receipt by an authorised person on behalf of those who are to carry out the work Clearance of permit at the end of the work If the permit overruns close that permit and open another one Shall specify the work and the work area. Method of working Emergency action to be taken Date and time of permit validity Information regarding any work which needs isolation Signature of the issuer and receiver

Work in Confine Spaces

A confined space is any space: 1) that has limited or restricted means of entry or exit; 2) is large enough for a person to enter to perform tasks; 3) and is not designed or configured for continuous occupancy 4) Can represent a risk for the for the health and safety of anyone who enters, due to one or more of the following factors:its design, construction, location or atmosphere the materials or substances in it work activities being carried out in it, or the mechanical, process and safety hazards present Prevention Prevent the need for entry at very first place if reasonably practicable If entry cannot be avoided: supervision is required, only competent employees must do the job, decide whether there is a need for electrical and mechanical isolation, need to be cleaned before entry, is the entrance big enough, need for atmospheric testing/monitoring, availability, suitability and adequacy of personal protective equipment, method of communication.

First Aid Requirements

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so your employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work. Employer must inform employees about the first aid arrangement Self-employed must ensure adequate and suitable provision is made. Role of the first aiders Give immediate assistance to casualties Summon an ambulance or other professional help Number of first aiders based on risk are and number of persons( 1:50 in high risk areas; 1:150 in low risk areas).

Thank You

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