Chapter Four

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Section 1. Description of vessel and cargo Section 2.The period of charter and delivery and redelivery Section 3. The hire and payment of hire Section 4. Off-hire clause Section 5. Other clause

A time charter party is a contract under which the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship during the contractual period for the agreed service against payment of hire. The time charter party may be classified as an agreement for hire of a certain vessel.

A time charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowners, the name of the charterer; the name, nationality, class, tonnage, capacity, speed and fuel consumption of the ship; the trading area; the agreed service, the contractual period, the time, place and conditions of delivery and redelivery of the ship; the hire and the way of its payment and other relevant matters.


The compensation to the shipowner is called hire instead of freight, and instead of a certain voyage, a certain hire period and trading area will be agreed. Instead of mentioning a certain cargo, the time charter party, mostly in general terms, states the type of cargo the time charterer are allowed to carry with the ship. Also the shipowners position against a third party is not the same in time chartering as in voyage chartering. It is the time charterer who operates the ship commercially and thus also the time charterer who has the closest contact with shippers, receivers, etc.


By far the largest number of time charters are fixed on the basis of the New York Produce Exchange (NYPE) charter party form. For convenience we will examine the elements of a time charter party based on the NYPE form 46/93 (The New York Produce Exchange Time Charter - Revised 14 September 1993) to provide some ideas of the normal clauses required in a time charter party.

Section 1. Description of VCL and Cargo 1. Description of the vessel

Generally, the description of the vessel is more important in the time charter party than in the voyage charter party and the description is also mostly more detailed and precise. All details about the ship such as name, flag, classification, port of registry, deadweight, capacity, construction, speed, fuel consumption, nationality, tonnage etc. must be known by the charterers during the negotiation with the shipowners. Charterers should form an opinion about the commercial vale of the vessel and it is therefore important for them that they have correct and sufficient information about her.

1.1 Name of the ship

There seems to be no direct English authority on the question whether the name by which a vessel is described is a condition of a charter party. The famous book [Scrutton on charter parties and bills of lading] states Substantial accuracy in the name of the vessel will be a condition of the contract. The charter is for the named ship alone and the charterers cannot be required to accept delivery under it of another, even of identical characteristics. It is open to the parties to agree that another ship may be substituted for the originally named ship or to agree to more than one substitution. The parties may also agree that the substitution be made at any time, whether before the start of the charter period, during it, or after the loss of the named or any substituted ship. But if it intended to give a right of substitution after loss, particularly clear words must be used; for otherwise the charter will be held to have been frustrated by the loss and the right to substitute will terminate with the termination of the charter.


The Badagry was chartered for a period of eight years, the charter providing by clause 33: shipowners have the option to substitute the vessel with similar vessel type/size during the period of this charter party. The charter further provided that if the vessel should become a constructive total loss, hire shall cease at the time of the casualty resulting in such loss; The Badagry became a constructive total loss on or about 27 September. On 17 October the shipowners purported to substitute the Bonny for the Badagry. It was held by the Court of Appeal that it was not consistent with a continuation of the charter party after a constructive total loss, that the charter was frustrated before 17 October and that with the termination of the charter the right to substitute perished.

1.2 Sale of the ship and flag

Sale of the ship It seems that it is not of itself a breach of the charter for her owners to sell the ship during the period of the charter. The original owners will however continue to be responsible to the charterers for the performance of all the obligations assumed by them under the charter.

CMC regulation

According to Chinas Maritime Code, where the ownership of the ship under charter has been transferred by the shipowner, the rights and obligations agreed upon under the original charter shall not be affected. However, the shipowner shall inform the charterer thereof in time. After such transfer, the transferee and the charterer shall continue to perform the original charter.

Ships flag

It is submitted that the statement as to the ships flag will usually be an intermediate term. But where the flag of the ship has a vital bearing on her safety or on her trading opportunities---as in wartime, when the flag of the ship may determine her neutrality or otherwise---the statement may be treated as a condition, so that any breach will allow the charterers to treat the contract as discharged.

1.3 Cargo capacity

1.3.1 Description of cargo capacity

The ships cargo capacity is described in the same way as in the voyage charter party, i.e., in most cases by deadweight and/or cubic capacity. In some cases it is necessary to have additional information about the vessels cargo capacity, for instance, how many containers she can take on deck and under deck respectively. A vessels cargo capacity is normally of great importance to the charterer. If a chartered vessel cannot load all the cargo the charterer wishes to ship, clearly he may miss his intended market or incur extra warehouse or transport expenses on shore as well as in arranging substitute tonnage.

1.3.2 NYPE Form

The time charterers dispose all compartments which can be used for cargo. In the NYPE form this is expressed in the following way: The whole reach of the vessels hold, decks, and other cargo spaces (not more than she can reasonably and safely stow and carry), also accommodations for supercargo, if carried, shall be at the charterers disposal, reserving only proper and sufficient space for the vessels officers, crew, tackle, apparel, furniture, provisions, stores and fuel.

1.3.3 Importance of cargo capacity

As information about the vessels cargo capacity is very important for the time charterers, the shipowners must declare these details as correctly as possible. Statements of cargo capacity usually constitute intermediate terms. Incorrect information about the cargo carrying capacity may lead to deduction of the hire or, when the difference is big, the charterers may also be entitled to cancel the contract and claim damage. In the New York Produce form 93 the deadweight capacity is defined as cargo and bunkers, including fresh water and stores not exceeding ----long/metric tons.

1.4 Speed and bunker consumption

1.4.1 NYPE Form 93

As the charterers pay hire per time unit, the vessels speed capability and bunker consumption are essential for judging the operating potential of the vessel. The speed capability and bunker consumption statements in the time charter parties are usually connected to certain weather conditions and to a certain draught. Also, the type of fuel is important. In the NYPE form 93 it is said that Speed about -----knots, fully laden, in good weather conditions up to and including maximum force-------------on the Beaufort wind scale, on a consumption of about -----------long/metric tons of---------.

1.4.2 Misdescription of statement

It seems that statements as to speed and fuel consumption will usually constitute intermediate terms in accordance with English law. The consequences of misdescription will then depend upon the nature and consequences of the breach. Usually, a lack of speed or an excess of consumption can be compensated for damages alone. However, a serious discrepancy in either respect may be so fundamental to the charter as to entitle the charterers to treat it as being discharged.

1.4.3 Time requirement for correct description

Whether the ship has to comply with the description as to speed at the time the charter is entered into or at the time of delivery, or whether it is a continuing warranty? The whole purpose of the description of the vessel containing a speed warranty is that when she enters on her service, she will be capable of the speed in question, subject, of course, to any protection which her owners may obtain if there has been some casualty between the date of the charter party and the date of delivery affecting her speed which, under an exceptions clause, protects them from liability in relation to a failure to comply with the warranty. Commercial considerations require the description as to the vessels speed to be applicable as at the date of her delivery whether or not it is applicable at the date of the charter party.

1.4.4 Meaning of about

The word about when qualifying the warranty as to speed allows a margin either side of the stated speed; The extent of the margin is a matter of fact, not one of law. It was argued that there were only two possible margins that could be allowed for the word about, half a knot or five per cent. The English court of appeal considered that it must be tailored to the ships configuration, size, draft and trim, etc.

1.4.5 Cases

A vessel which was chartered under a time charter party was described as capable of steaming at 14.5 knots. Due to her bottom being fouled by encrusted with molluscs, she was only capable of steaming at 10.61 knots. Held, that the owners were guilty of a breach of warranty, but were protected by an exceptions clause. The Apollonius [1978]1 Lloyds Rep. 53. In the Lipa [2001] 2 Lloyds Rep. 17, the Lipa was under time charter on Baltime form. The charter party provided consumption figures of about the number of tones best oilfuel, and all details given in good faith but without guarantee. Charterer alleged vessel consumed excessive fuel. It was held that charter did not contain warranty about the vessels rate of fuel consumption.

1.5 Safe port

1.5.1 Charterers obligation

Under the time charter party, the primary obligation on the charterers is to order the vessel only to safe ports where the ship may safely lie always afloat. In general the criteria applicable in the case of voyage charters are applicable also to time charters. But the shipowners of a ship are more in need of protection from a safe port promise when operating under a time charter, in accordance with which they may be required to go to ports worldwide, than when operating under a voyage charter with named or listed loading and discharging ports.

1.5.2 Definition of safe port

The classic definition of a safe port is that a port will not be safe unless, in the relevant period of time, the particular ship can reach it, use it and return from it without, in the absence of some abnormal occurrence, being exposed to danger which cannot be avoided by good navigation and seamanship. If the charterer sends the vessel to an unsafe port, and she is damaged as a result, he will have to indemnify the shipowner. But if the master has acted unreasonably, knowing of the danger in the port has proceeded to enter it, and damage result, the charterer will not be liable.

1.5.3 Case

The Sussex Oak was time chartered under the Baltime form and was ordered to proceed to Hamburg. On her passage up the Elbe ice was encountered, but the pilot considered it safe to proceed. When the ship was nearing the approaches to Hamburg she was stopped by a large ice flow. The ship was then in a part of the river in which she could neither turn, go astern nor anchor in safety and on the advice of the pilot forced her way through the ice, sustaining damage in consequence. It was found as a fact that the master acted properly in proceeding without ice breaker assistance and held that the charterers were liable for the damage on the ground that Hamburg was then an unsafe port. The charterer does not guarantee that the most direct route or any particular route to the port is safe, but the voyage he orders must be one which an ordinarily prudent and skilful master can find a way of making in safety.

1.5.4 Time requirement

Where the charter party requires the vessel to use safe ports only, the port, at the time when the order is given, must be prospectively safe for her to get to, stay at, so far as necessary, and in due course leave. But if some unexpected and abnormal event thereafter suddenly occurs which creates conditions of unsafety where conditions of safety had previously existed and as a result the ship is delayed, damaged or destroyed, the charterer is not liable. Where the time charterer has performed his primary obligation by ordering the ship to a port which at the time of the order was prospectively safe, and while she is still proceeding to that port new circumstances arise which render the port unsafe, he is under a secondary obligation to cancel his original order and order her to go to another port which at the time when the fresh order is given is prospectively safe. Where the vessel has entered the port and new circumstances arise which render the port unsafe, the charterer is under no secondary obligation to nominate another port, if it is impossible for the vessel to avoid the danger by leaving the port. But if it is possible for her to avoid the danger by leaving the port, the charterer must order her to leave forthwith, whether or not she has completed loading and discharge and order her to go another safe port.

1.5.5 Case

The Evia under a time charter party which required that the charterers to use safe ports only was ordered by them in March 1980 to load cargo in Cuba for discharge at Basrah. She arrived and berthed on 20 August and completed discharge on 22 September, on which day war broke out between Iran and Iraq. The ship was unable to leave because of the danger to navigation. The shipowners claimed damages from the charterers for breach of their safe port obligation. Held by the House of Lords that there would be judgment for the charterers, for Basrah was prospectively safe at the time of nomination, and the unsafety was due to an unexpected and abnormal event after her arrival. They were not under a secondary obligation to make a fresh nomination because such an order would have been ineffective.

2. The cargo
2.1 Cargo Exclusions

Besides the trading limits, the most important restriction as regards the time charterers freedom to use and direct the ship is the restriction on cargoes to be carried in the vessel. The general description of cargo accepted for the vessel sometimes by itself excludes some cargoes.

2.2.1 NYPE form

The printed charter party forms usually also contain a specification of cargo that is not allowed. In NYPE 1993 this clause has the following wording: The vessel shall be employed in carrying lawful merchandise excluding any goods of a dangerous, injurious, flammable or corrosive nature unless carried in accordance with the requirements or recommendations of the competent authorities of the country of the vessels registry and of ports of shipment and discharge and of any intermediate countries or ports through whose waters the vessel must pass. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, in addition the following are specifically excluded: livestock of any description, arms, ammunition, explosives, nuclear and radioactive materials.

2.2.3 Lawful merchandise

Lawful merchandise may include military stores and munitions. But goods will not be lawful merchandise if their loading amounts to a breach of the local law nor if they cannot lawfully be discharged at the nominated discharged ports. Presumably they must also be lawful under the law of the ships flag and the proper law of the charter.

2.2.4 CMC

It is a breach of the contract for the charterers to ship goods excluded by the charter and the master may properly refuse an order to load such cargo. According to the provision of article 135 of Chinas Maritime Code, the charterer shall guarantee that the ship shall be employed to carry the lawful merchandise agreed. Where the ship is employed by the charterer to carry live animals or dangerous goods, a prior consent of the shipowners is required. The charterer shall be liable for any loss of the shipowner resulting from the charterers violation of this article.

2.2.5 Other rules

The time charter parties often incorporates the United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act or the Hague Rules.According to these rules relating to danger cargo carried: First, it allows the shipowners to land, destroy or render innocuous inflammable, explosive or dangerous goods to the shipment of which they have not consented with knowledge of their nature. Secondly, the shippers (charterers) liable for all damages and expenses arising out of such shipment. Thirdly, it concerns shipment of such cargoes to which the shipowners have consented with knowledge of their nature but which become a danger to their ship or its cargo, and gives the shipowners the rights listed in the first.

2.2 Cargo liability

In time chartering, the charterers and shipowners can allocate the liability for cargo as they wish but as liability under a bill of lading is also often involved, the situation is sometimes complex from a legal standpoint. Cargo owners usually claim under the bill of lading and the first question is whether the shipowners, time charterers, or both, are liable to the cargo owners. The second question is how the liability should ultimately be allocated between the charterers and shipowners.

2.2.1 Transfer of responsibility to the charterers

In the absence of express provision, the obligation to load, stow, trim and discharge the cargo is at common law on the shipowners. The NYPE form has the effect of shifting from the shipowners to the charterers the primary responsibility for loading, stowing and trimming the cargo. It provides that the Charterers shall perform all cargo handling, including but not limited to loading, stowing, trimming, lashing, securing, dunnaging, unlashing, discharging, and tallying, at their risk and expense, under the supervision of the Master.

2.2.1 Transfer of responsibility to the charterers

The master has the right to supervise the cargo operation, particularly from a ship safety point of view, irrespective of the words under the supervision of the master. But, leaving aside considerations of safety, he has no duty to the charterers to supervise. These words only qualify the primary responsibility that the NYPE form places on the charterers for the loading and stowing of the cargo: (a) if loss or damage is attributable to want of care in matters particularly within the province of the master, such as, for example, the stability of the ship; (b) if the master actually supervises the cargo operations and loss or damage is attributable to that supervision. Where it is intended by the parties that responsibility for the operations shall be upon the shipowners, it is usual for the words and responsibility to be inserted after supervision. The addition of these words has been held to effect a prima facie transfer from the charterers back to the shipowners of liability for the entire operation of loading, stowing, trimming and discharging of the cargo.

2.2.2 The Inter-Club Agreement

In order to avoid endless discussions between shipowners and charterers, several P&I Clubs have made a special agreement for the apportionment of liability for cargo under the time charter party based on the NYPE form. In NYPE form 1993, it states that cargo claims as between the owners and the charterers shall be settled in accordance with the Inter-Club New York Produce Exchange Agreement of February 1970, as amended May, 1984, or any subsequent modification or replacement thereof.

This agreement, officially named The Inter-Club New York Produce Exchange Agreement, but usually called The InterClub Agreement. The latest replacement is Inter-Club Agreement 1996 has the following allocation: Claims in fact arising out of unseaworthiness and/or error or fault in navigation or management of the vessel: 100% Owners. Claims in fact arising out of the loading, stowage, lashing, discharge, storage or other handling of cargo: 100% Charterers. Claims for shortage or overcarriage: 50% Charterers and 50% Owners. All other claims whatsoever: 50% Charterers and 50% Owners.

Section 2. The period

The time charter parties regularly contain a clause stating the length of the charter period. To avoid recurring disputes on the duration of charter, it is recommended to specify clearly the exact period of hire with any margin, if also agreed.

1.The period of Charter 1.1 Implied margin or allowance

When a charter party is for a stated periodsuch as three months or six monthswithout any express margin or allowance, then the Court will imply a reasonable margin or allowance. The reason is because it is not possible for anyone to calculate exactly the day on which the last voyage will end. Where such a margin is implied the charterers are not in breach if they send the ship on a final voyage which can reasonably be expected to end beyond the stated period itself but within the implied margin. It is legitimate for the charterer to send her on a last voyage which may exceed the stated period by a few days. If the vessel does exceed the stated period--------and the market rate has gone up------nevertheless the charterer is only bound to pay the charter rate until she is actually redelivered.

1.2 No margin or allowance express or


But it is open to the parties to provide in the charter party by express words or by implication that there is to be no margin or allowance as being between a certain minimum and a certain maximum time. In such a case the court will not imply an additional margin beyond the stated maximum. The charterer must ensure that the vessel is redelivered within the stated period. If he does not do so and the market rate has gone up he will be bound to pay the extra. That is to say, he will be bound to pay the charter rate up to the end of the stated period, and the market rate thereafter.


The Mareva was chartered under the NYPE for a trip. By addendum No. 1 the charter was extended to five months, twenty days more or less in charterers option. Subsequently, a further addendum was concluded providing charterers are to keep the vessel on time charter for a further period of 2 months minimum, 3 months maximum, in direct continuation from the end of the full period of 5 months and 20 days. It was held by the court that no margin beyond the further three months was to be allowed. The Mareva [1977] 1 Lloyds Rep. 368.

1.3 Express margin or allowance

It is also open to the parties themselves to fix expressly what the margin or allowance shall be. If this has be done, such as by adding to the basic period 20 days more or less, that leaves no room for any implied margin or allowance. The express margin is greater than any period which would normally be implied.

1.4 Extension of the period

Charterers are not entitled to an extension of the period because of off-hire period which occurred during the charter unless this is expressly stated in the charter party. If such a clause is inserted it is advisable also to state the latest time by which the charterers must notify the shipowners that they intend to use their option to extend the charter period. Furthermore, the hire for the additional period should be determined as well as the question of whether off-hire during the extension period will give the charterer a right to additional extension.

2 Time for delivery and redelivery

2.1 Delivery
(1) Laydays and notice For the delivery, it is usually to state a number of days which is so-called laydays, for instance March 1-10. If the vessel arrives too early, the charterers are not obliged to take delivery before the layday and if she arrives too late they are entitled to cancel the charter party. The shipowners shall give the charterers not less than a few days notice of expected date of delivery, such as 7/5/3/2/1 notice of expected date of delivery.

(2) NYPE

Under the New York Produce form the charterers are given the option to cancel if the ship shall not have given notice of readiness by the stated date; and the shiponwers notice of readiness must be valid as well as timely. The exercise by the charterers of their right to cancel does not deprive them of the right to claim damages if the shipowners were in breach of any of their obligations under the charter and the charterers suffered loss as a result.

(3) CMC

According to the provision of article 131 of Chinas Maritime Code, The shipowner shall deliver the ship within the time agreed upon in the charter party. Where the shipowner acts against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the charterer is entitled to cancel the charter. However, if the shipowner has notified the charterer of the anticipated delay in delivery and has given an estimated time on arrival of the ship at the port of delivery, the charterer shall notify the shipowner, within 48 hours of the receipt of such notice from the shipowner, of his decision whether to cancel the charter or not.

(4) NYPE 93

If the owners warrant that, despite the exercise of due diligence by them, the vessel will not be ready for delivery by the canceling date, and provided the owners are able to state with reasonable certainty the date on which the vessel will be ready, they may, at the earliest seven days before the vessel is expected to sail for the port or place of delivery, require the charterers to declare whether or not they will cancel the charter party. Should the charterers elect not to cancel, or should they fail to reply within two days or by the canceling date, whichever shall first occur, then the seventh day after the expected date of readiness for delivery as notified by the owners shall replace the original canceling date. Should the vessel be further delayed, the owners shall be entitled to require further declarations of the charterers in accordance with this clause.

2.2 Redelivery (1) General note

The charterer shall redeliver the ship at the agreed redelivery date or period. Sometimes the vessel is redelivered before and sometimes after the agreed redelivery date or period. The shipowners cannot refuse to take the ship if the charterers redeliver her earlier than they are entitled to in spite of this being a breach of contract on the charterers side. The shipowners have an obligation to try to minimize their loss by seeking alternative employment for the vessel but if they fail or if they get lower revenue compared with the previous charter, they are entitled to compensation from the charterers. It is, however, not always clear how this compensation should be calculated.

(2) case

The Alaskan Trader was chartered on the New York Produce form for 24 months and delivered in December 1979. In October 1980 she suffered a serious engine breakdown which it was clear would take several months to repair. The charterers indicated that they had no further use for the ship but the shipowners nevertheless proceeded with the repairs. The repairs were completed in April 1981 but the charterers declined to give the master any orders and said they regarded the charter as at an end. The shipowners did not treat the charterers conduct as a repudiation but continued to hold the ship at the charterers disposal, fully crewed and ready to sail, until the charter expired in December 1981. She was then sold for scrap. Hire was paid throughout by the charterers on a without prejudice basis. The charterers claimed to recover the hire they had paid on the basis that the shipowners should have accepted their repudiation and claimed damages. It was held by an arbitrator that the shipowners were not obliged to accept the charterers repudiation in October 1980, but that they should have done so in April 1981 as the finality of the charterers refusal to accept the ship made it clear that the charter was dead. The arbitrator held further that the shipowners had no legitimate interest in holding the charterers to their contract rather than claiming damages, rejecting the various grounds upon which it was argued that the shipowners were justified in continuing to claim hire: the requirements of their bank, the difficulty in assessing damages and the difficulty in finding other employment. The court upheld the award, saying that he could find no fault the arbitrators approach in law and that the findings of fact were a matter for him.

(3) Last voyage

When the charterers are planning the last voyage for the ship under the charter they must take into consideration that she has to be redelivered in accordance with the agreement in the charter party. As it is often difficult to determine beforehand exactly when the ship shall be redelivered, the time charter party form usually have a special clause about the last voyage. If the charterer sends the vessel on a voyage which it is reasonably expected will be completed by the end of the charter period, the shipowners must obey the directions. If she is delayed by causes for which neither party is responsible, hire is payable at the charter rate until redelivery even though the market rate may have gone up or down.

(4) case

The London Explorer was chartered under the NYPE form for 12 months 15 days more or less in charterers option. She was sent on a final voyage that could have allowed redelivery well within this period but which was extended by unforeseen strikes until considerably after its expiry. The freight market had fallen and the charterers sought to establish that they were in breach and, therefore, obliged to pay damages for the period of overlap at the then market rate instead of continuing throughout that period to pay hire at the (higher) rate stipulated in the charter. The House of Lords rejected this argument, holding that there was no breach of contract. The orders for the final voyage were good and did not cease to be so because of unexpected delays thereafter. In any event, the hire was payable at the charter rate until redelivery.

(5) Over lap

If the charterer sends the vessel on a voyage which she cannot reasonably by expected to complete within the charter period, the shipowner is entitled to refuse that direction and call for another one. If the charterer refuses to give it, the shipowner can accept his conduct as a breach of contract, fix a fresh charter for the vessel, and sue for damages. If the shipowner agrees to the voyage originally ordered by the charterer, he is entitled to be paid hire at the current market rate for the excess period.

(6) CMC

According to the provision of article 143 of China maritime law, If, on the basis of a reasonable calculation, a ship may be able to complete its last voyage at around the time of redelivery specified in the charter and probably thereafter, the charterer is entitled to continue to use the ship in order to complete that voyage even if its time of redelivery will be overdue. During the extended period, the charterer shall pay the hire at the rate fixed by the charter, and, if the current market rate of hire is higher than that specified in the charter, the charterer shall pay the hire at the current market rate.

3. The port or place of delivery and redelivery

The port or place of delivery and redelivery can be more or less specified. Sometimes a certain port is mentioned and sometimes a certain area or range, i.e. vessel to be delivered and redelivered in the Mediterranean. When only an area or a range is mentioned it is usually the shipowners who choose the place of delivery and the charterers who decide the port of redelivery. Delivery and redelivery may not necessarily take place when the ship is in port. It is not unusual that the charter parties contain a delivery or a redelivery clause of the following type: vessel to be delivered/redelivered on dropping outward pilot at ----- port or Taking inward pilot or Arrival Pilot Station.


Arrival Pilot Station signifies a location on arrival at which a vessel will delivery on to a time charter. This term has advantage to the shipowners when compared with TIP. Dropping Outward Pilot signifies a point of delivery on to or redelivery off time charter, following a vessels sailing from port. Taking inward pilot signifies a location on arrival at which taking aboard the pilot a ship delivers on to her time charter. It has advantage to the charterer when compared with APS as in the event of a suspension of the pilotage service, or late boarding by a pilot, the risk and expense of delay is that of the shipowner.

Clear words

When describing delivery and redelivery points, it should be noted that these terms may not be sufficiently clear and may cause difficulties at a late stage, taking into account that pilotage, at many ports or places, may be performed in two or three stages and that the employment of compulsory and/or non compulsory port pilots, river pilots may be necessary. The parties are accordingly recommended to describe the delivery and redelivery points as exactly as possible and to check in advance whether the contractual arrangement matches the actual conditions. DLOSP: dropping last outward sea pilot

4. Conditions of the vessel on delivery and redelivery 4.1 State of the vessel on delivery
(1) Requirement of the contract The vessel shall, on delivery to the charterers, be seaworthy and conform to the requirements of the contract. This is, for example, stated in NYPE 93 such as the vessel on her delivery shall be ready to receive cargo with clean-swept holds and tight, staunch, strong and in every way fitted for ordinary cargo service, having water ballast and with sufficient power to operate all cargo handling gear simultaneously. If the ship is not in the state required by the charter, a valid notice of readiness cannot be given under the canceling clause; and upon the expiry of the time allowed in the charter, the charterers may exercise their option to cancel the charter. If the state of the ship is due to breach of any of the shipowners obligations under the charter, the charterers will normally be entitled to damages if they have suffered loss as a result.

(2) Explanation

The words ready to receive cargo with clean-swept holds is a concept much developed in cases under voyage charters, particularly in relation to the commencement of laytime. It is considered that the general propositions developed in these voyages charter cases apply also to time charters which require that on delivery the ship shall be ready to load or to receive cargo. The words tight, staunch, strong and in every way fitted for ordinary cargo service constitute an express obligation of seaworthiness. The express obligation of seaworthiness at the beginning of the charter period is reduced from an absolute obligation that the ship will be seaworthy to an obligation to exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy. It includes the requirement that the ship must have certain kinds of documents, and it also includes the requirement that the ship must be provided with a sufficient and competent crew.

(3) case

The Madeleine was chartered under the Baltime form for a period of three months. The canceling date, as extended by agreement, was 10 May. On 6 May the ships de-ratting exemption certificate expired. On 9 May the ship completed discharge of her inward cargo. But after inspecting her the port authorities refused to issue a new de-ratting exemption certificate. They ordered fumigation, with a view to issuing thereafter a de-ratting certificate. In the absence of a valid de-ratting exemption certificate the ship could not trade as the charter provided. Fumigation could not be completed before 12 May. At 8 a.m. on 10 May the charterers advised the shipowners that they cancelled the charter and they gave a further notice of cancellation at 8.48 p.m. the same day. The certificate was issued on 12 May and the shipowners claimed that the charterers cancellation was wrongful. It was held by the court that the ship had to be delivered in the condition required by Clause 1 (in every way fitted for ordinary cargo service, which mean in a seaworthy condition) and that since the ship was not delivered in a seaworthy condition by 6 p.m. on 10 May the charterers were entitled to cancel.

(4) CMC

According to the provision of article 132 of Chinas Maritime Code, the shipowners shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy at the time of delivery. The ship delivered shall be fit for the intended service. Where the shipowner acts against the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the charterer shall be entitled to cancel the charter and claim losses resulting therefrom.

4.2 State of the ship on redelivery (1) Same good order and condition

As regards redelivery, the following or similar clauses are used: The vessel to be redelivered on the expiration of the charter in the same good order and condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted. The vessel should under many charter party forms be redelivered in the same good order and condition as when delivered. The charterers will be liable in damages if as a result of a breach of any of their obligations under the charter they redeliver the ship in a worse condition than when delivered, ordinary wear and tear excepted.

(2) Damaged vessel

This does not mean that the charterers are prevented from redelivering her before damages have been repaired for their account. Under normal circumstances the shipowners cannot refuse to take redelivery of a damaged vessel. The charterers may make a valid redelivery of a damaged ship at the end of the charter period even if that damage has been caused by a breach of their obligations under the charter. They may thus bring to an end their obligation to pay hire. The shipowners cannot refuse the redelivery and are left to a claim for damages. If the charterers are liable for the damage, and the repairs delay the ship, the shipowners can instead includes the loss of time in their claim against the charterers.

(2) CMC

According to the provision of article 142 of Chinas Maritime Code, when the charterer redelivers the ship to the shipowner, the ship shall be in the same good order and conditions as it was at the time of delivery, fair wear and tear excepted. Where, upon redelivery, the ship fails to remain in the same good order and condition as it was at the time of delivery, the charterer shall be responsible for rehabilitation or for compensation.

5. Survey on delivery and redelivery

When the vessel is delivered under the charter, liability for certain costs, for instance the costs for bunkers, harbor dues, and agency fees, goes over from the owners to the charterers. In the same way liability for these costs goes back to the shipowners at redelivery. In order to get a base for the allocation of costs, special survey reports onhire and off-hire survey reports are usually issued in connection with the delivery and the redelivery. In these reports the exact time for delivery and redelivery and quantities of fuel and diesel on board are stated. Usually damage to the vessel and her general condition are also stated. Such damage reports often have an important function in discussions about liability for damages which sometimes arise during and after the charter period. Charterers and shipowners can make separate surveys but it is also common that they agree to have a joint survey by an independent surveyor. The parties must agree not only for whose account the survey is, but also in whose time.

NYPE form

Prior to delivery and redelivery the parties shall, unless otherwise agreed, each appoint surveyors, for their respective accounts, who shall not later than at first loading port/last discharging port respectively, conduct joint on-hire/off-hire surveys, for the purpose of ascertaining quantity of bunkers on board and the condition of the vessel. A single report shall be prepared on each occasion and signed by each surveyor, without prejudice to his right to file a separate report setting forth items upon which the surveyors cannot agree. If either party fails to have a representative attend the survey and sign the joint survey report, such party shall nevertheless be bound for all purposes by the findings in any report prepared by the other party. On-hire survey shall be on charterers time and off-hire survey on owners time.

6. Bunkers on delivery and redelivery

As regards bunkers on delivery and redelivery the charter party should state the quantity and prices of bunkers remaining on board the ship to be applied at deliver and redelivery. The provision on bunkers in NYPE form 93 stipulates that: The charterers on delivery, and the owners on redelivery, shall take over and pay for all fuel and diesel oil remaining on board the vessel as hereunder. The vessel shall be delivered with: ------long/metric tons of fuel oil at the price of -------per ton;---------tons of diesel oil at the price of -----per ton. The vessel shall be redelivered with: -------long/metric tons of fuel oil at the price of ------per ton; ---------tons of diesel oil at the price of -------per ton.


The charterers must take care that the bunkers they provide are of suitable for the type of engines fitted to the particular ship. The charterers retain the property in bunkers which have been supplied and paid for by them on board the vessel during the period of charter.

Section 3. The hire and payment of hire

The hire is the financial payment to the shipowners for leasing the manned and equipped vessel to the time charterers. The basic rule is that hire shall be paid from the moment when the ship is delivered to the charterers until she is again redelivered to the shipowners at the termination of the charter period. Under some circumstances mainly defined in the off-hire clauses the time charterers are relieved from their obligation to pay hire to the shipowners. The standard forms of time charter recognize the importance to the shipowners of the regular receipt of hire by the inclusion of a provision which allows the shipowners to terminate the charter altogether should the charterers fail to pay the hire due on or before each appropriate date.

1 Calculation of hire

Time charter hire is commonly calculated and described in charter parties as a daily rate e.g. US$8,000 daily. To this applied a pro-rata adjustment for part of a day. Thus a vessel on hire for 10 days 12 hours would be entitled to gross hire of US$ 84,000. An alternative but less utilized method of calculating hire is to base it on a vessels deadweight tonnage per calendar month. Thus for a 40,000 ton summer deadweight bulk carrier, the equivalent time charter rate to US$8,000 daily can be calculated as follows: US$240,000 40,000 SDWT = US$6.00 per SDWT ton In NYPE 93 the above two alternatives are inserted in for parties to choose one of them.

2 Time for hire payment

The hire is payable in advance in nearly every case, i.e. monthly or semi-monthly or every fifteen days in advance. It is common practice to pay hire every fifteen days in advance, which continues to allow for subsequent equal payments irrespective of whether a calendar month comprises 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Hire is to be paid in advance meaning that each periodic payment must be made by the charterers on or before but not later than the due day. In the absence of express agreement or settled practice, the charterers have until midnight on the due day in which to effect each periodic payment. The obligation to pay hire in advance applies equally to the first as to subsequent installments. If the due day for a particular payment falls on a Sunday or some other non-banking day the charterers must take their payment on an earlier banking day.

3 Last hire payment

If the charter does nor expressly provide to the contrary, hire payable in advance for a month or half a month will be payable in full even it is clear that the ship will be redelivered before the end of the month or half month. As the last period of hire in most cases is not as long as the full hire period and as the charterers will usually have a claim against the shipowners in connection with the redelivery for bunkers remaining on board, the time charter party forms frequently contain a last hire payment clause.

NYPE form

Should the vessel be on her voyage towards port of redelivery at the time the last and/or the penultimate payment of hire is/are due, said payment is/are to be made for such length of time as the owners and the charterers may agree upon as being the estimated time necessary to complete the voyage, and taking into account bunkers actually on board, to be taken over by the owners and estimated disbursements for the owners account before redelivery. Should same not cover the actual time hire is to be paid for the balance, day by day, as it becomes due. When the vessel has been redelivered, any difference is to be refunded by the owners or paid by the charterers, as the case may be.

4 Place for hire payment

Payments of hire are commonly made via banks and in most cases payment is not considered as effected before money reaches the shipowners bank. The time charter hire has to be transferred in good time from the bankers of a charterer to the bank account of a shipowner. If this hire does not arrive in time, then technically the charterer is in breach of the contract and the shipowner has a case for withdrawing his vessel from the charterers employ.

5 Deductions from hire

When the advance payment of hire is to be made the charterers often wish to make deductions for off-hire during previous period, for cash paid by agents to the master, for disbursement for shipowners account and for other monetary claims that the charterers may have against the shipowners. As default in payment may give the shipowners a right to cancel the charter, it is important for charterers to rely on a clause in the charter party which give them a right to make such deductions. Normally hire is subject to deductions for:

---Address commission and/or brokerage.

----Port disbursements. ----Domestic bunkers. ----Off-hire.

6 Additions to hire

Where some ships deliver on to time charter some distance from their original position, their shipowners may negotiate a positioning bonus (so-called ballast bonus) to cover time and expenses incurred between departures from the original position to the vessels delivery under the new employment. Quite apart from ballast bonuses, there may be other additions to hire payments made from time to time such as the followings: ----Supercargo accommodation; ----Port employees meal; ----Radio message expense; ----Hold cleaning expense.

7 Right of withdrawal
(1) Right of withdrawal

If the charterers fail to make punctual payment of an installment of hire, that is to say payment on or before the due date, the shipowners are entitled by the withdrawal clause to withdraw the ship from their service and thus bring the charter to an end. The right to withdraw is not lost merely because the charterers tender the overdue hire before the shipowners have given notice. If the charterers fail to pay in time they are in default and their tender of hire thereafter cannot alter that position. The shipowners may accept a late tender of the hire as if it had been paid punctually. If they are found to have done so they will be held to have waived their right to withdraw.

(2) case

A vessel was chartered to the charterers under a time charter party stating that hire was to be paid in cash semi-monthly in advance, and that failing the punctual and regular payment of the hire the shipowners were to be at liberty to withdraw the vessel from the charterers service. The charterers tendered payment one day late, and the shipowners withdrew the vessel. Held, by the House of Lords, that the shipowners were entitled to do so. The breach of the obligation to pay in advance could not cured by a late tender. There was no evidence that the breach had been waived.

(3) Anti-technicality clause

The shipowners right to withdraw may operate very harshly against the charterers, who may lose a valuable charter and suffer heavy losses in consequence of a small error on their part or that of their bankers. So there is a printed provision of so-called anti-technicality clause appearing in NYPE 93. There is no printed provision of this kind in the NYPE 46 or Baltime forms, but the parties frequently add an antitechnicality clause in typescript. An anti-technicality clause is a clause designed to modify the rigor of the withdrawal clause. It usually provides for a 48 hour or 72 hour notice to be given by the shipowners to the charterers, after default has occurred, before withdrawal.

(4) NYPE form

Where there is failure to make punctual and regular payment of hire due to oversight, negligence, errors or omissions on the part of the Charterers or their bankers, the Charterers shall be given by the Owners---------clear banking days (as recognized at the agreed place of payment) written notice to rectify the failure, and when so rectified within those-------days following the Owners notice, the payment shall stands as regular and punctual. Failure by the Charterers to pay the hire within ------- days of their receiving the Owners notice as provided herein, shall entitled the Owners to withdraw as set forth in Sub-clause 11 (a) above.

Section 4 Off-hire clause

The off-hire clause operates as an exception to the charterers primary obligation to pay hire continuously throughout the charter period. Charterers are entitled to off-hire only if the ship is delayed for a reason which in accordance with the offhire clause in the charter.

1 The grounds for off-hire

In the event of loss of time from deficiency and/or default and/or strike of officers or crew, or deficiency of stores, fire, breakdown of, or damages to hull, machinery or equipment, grounding, detention by the arrest of the vessel (unless such arrest is caused by events for which the charterers, their servants, agents or subcontractors are responsible), or detention by average accidents to the vessel or cargo unless resulting from inherent vice, quality or defect of the cargo, drydocking for the purpose of examination or painting bottom, or by any other similar cause preventing the full working of the vessel, the payment of hire and overtime, if any, shall cease for the time thereby lost.

6.1 The grounds for off-hire

Should the vessel deviate or put back during a voyage, contrary to the orders or directions of her charterers, for any reason other than accident to the cargo or where permitted in lines 257 to 258 hereunder, the hire is to be suspended from the time of her deviating or putting back until she is again in the same or equidistant position from the destination and the voyage resumed therefrom. All bunkers used by the vessel while off hire shall be for the charterers account. In the event of the vessel being driven into port or to anchorage through stress of weather, trading to shallow harbors or to rivers or ports with bars, any detention of the vessel and/or expenses resulting from such detention shall be for charterers account. If upon the voyage the speed be reduced by defect in, or breakdown of, any part of hull, machinery or equipment, the time so lost, and the cost of any extra bunkers consumed in consequence thereof, and all extra proven expenses may be deducted from the hire.

2 Meaning of some terminology

The expression deficiency of men does not apply to the situation in which there is on board a full complement of officers and men able to work but some or all of them refuse to do so. Even if there is a numerical deficiency of men, the ship will not be off-hire if the numerical deficiency does not affect the efficiency of the ship and thus does not prevent the full working of the vessel.


The latest London Arbitration award relating to this issue is that vessel delayed at discharge port by mean of police investigation into collision and sinking of Korean fishing trawler by unidentified vessel. The question is whether vessel off-hire or not. Held, the vessel was off-hire during the dispute period that lasted for two days. The vessel could not sail without the master and chief engineer, so that there was deficiency of men under clause 15 of NYPE form. See London Arbitration 1/2003.

Detention by average accidents

Where loss of time results from machinery defects and the condition of the machinery becomes progressively worse, a breakdown occurs when it becomes reasonably necessary to make for a port of refuge for repairs. Detention by average accidents means more than mere delay as a result of average accidents. There must be some physical or geographical constraint upon the vessels movements in relation to her service under the charter.


A ship which was chartered on the NYPE form carried grain from the U.S. Gulf to Algiers. The cargo was wet damaged owing to leakage through defective hatch covers. Because of the damage, discharge at Algiers took 15 days longer than it otherwise would have done; but at all times the ship was fully capable of performing every service required of her and, in particular, fully capable of discharging cargo from all her holds. It was held that the ship was not detained by an average accident to her cargo and was not, therefore, off-hire. The Mareva A. S [1977] 1 Lloyds Rep. 368.

The words preventing the full working of the vessel qualify not only any other similar cause but also all the mentioned causes in the charter. It takes effect if the full working of the vessel was thereby prevented and time was lost in consequence. The meaning of full working of the vessel has been considered in subsequent cases which follow. The Aquacharm was time chartered for a trip on the NYPE form. Having been ordered to load to maximum draft for a passage through the Panama Canal, the master negligently failed to take into account that in passing through a fresh water lake which forms part of the Canal the ships forward draft would increase. The ship was consequently refused entry to the Canal; after considerable delay part of the cargo had to be discharged, carried through the Canal on another ship and then reloaded. It was argued by the charterers that the ship was off-hire because she was prevented by her draft from performing the service immediately required. It was held that the ship was fit in herself to perform the service immediately required and was therefore not off-hire. This decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal. The Aquacharm [1980] 2 Lloyds Rep. 237.


The Roachbank was chartered on the NYPE form, Clause 15 being amended by the addition of the word whatsoever after any cause. In the South China Sea the ship sighted a boat in distress and took on board from it a large number of Vietnamese refugees. When the ship arrived at Kaohsiung the authorities refused to allow the refugees to land and required the ship to lie outside the port. The charterers claimed that the ship was off hire for the time so lost. It was held by the court that neither the presence of the refuge on board nor their number prevented the ship from performing the service immediately required of her, which was to enter the port and load cargo. Hence the full working of the vessel was not prevented and the ship remained on hire.

The Roachbank [1987] 2 Lloyds Rep. 498.

Any other cause

The weight of judicial opinion appears to be in favour of the view that the scope of the words any other cause should be restricted in accordance with the ejusdem generis rule, or at least that their meaning is limited by their context in the off-hire clause and in the charter party. If, however, the word whatsoever is inserted in the off-hire clause after any other cause, the ejusdem generis rule, is excluded.

3 The loss of time

Charterers are not always entitled to off-hire for all time actually lost. The happening of one of the listed incidents, such as a breakdown of machinery, does not result in an automatic interruption of hire. It must be shown also that time was lost to the charterers in consequence. Thus, a breakdown of the propulsion machinery will not usually put the ship off-hire if it happens and is cured during a period of loading or discharging cargo. Regard must be had to the particular work that required of the ship at the relevant time and only if that is affected does the possibility of off-hire arise. It follows that a ship may be off-hire by reason of a breakdown of propulsion machinery while she is, or is required to be, at sea but on hire again immediately that machinery is no longer relevant to the particular service the charterers next require. Under the off-hire clause in NYPE form hire should be deductible in case of partial inefficiency only if and to the extent that time is lost by reason of partial inefficiency.

4 The threshold rule

Many standard time charter party forms have thresholds where it is stated that the charterers are entitled to off-hire only if the vessel is hindered or prevented more than an agreed number of hours (usually 12 or 24 hours). The hindrance must continue for a certain number of consecutive hours. If the vessel has to stop for 35 hours due to engine breakdown, the off-hire deduction will be for 35 hours and not 35 less 24 hours. In NYPE form no such favor is given to the shipowners.


According to the provision of article 133 of Chinas Maritime Code , where the ship has not been operated normally for 24 consecutive hours due to its failure to maintain the seaworthiness or the other conditions as agreed upon, the charterer shall not pay the hire for the operating time so lost, unless such failure was caused by the charterer.

Hire payable

There is another question that from when full hire again becomes payable. That is whether the hire becomes payable again as soon as the ship becomes once more fully efficient or the ship in regaining the position she was in when the event occurred. It depends on the circumstances in cases. It seems therefore that under English law full hire becomes payable as soon as the ship again becomes efficient. In NYPE 93, regarding the vessels deviation, contrary to the orders or directions of the charterers, the hire is to be suspended from the time of her deviating until she is again in the same or equidistant position from the destination and the voyage resumed therefrom.

Section 5. Other clauses

1 Damage to the vessel 2 Liens clause 3 Bills of lading clause 4 Exception clause 5 Paramount clause 6 Stowaways clause 7 Charterer to provide clause 8 owners to provide clause

1 Damage to the vessel

1.1 Damage caused by bad weather, collision and grounding

Shipowners normally have little chance of obtaining compensation from the charterers for damage caused to the vessel by bad weather, collision, grounding, etc. Only if the shipowners can prove that the charterers breach of contract or negligence has caused the damage may they have a chance of obtaining compensation. The most practical example is where time charterers have directed the vessel to an unsafe place or port.

1.2 Damage caused by cargo

If the ship has been damaged by cargo, the shipowners can seek compensation from the charterers in two ways. Firstly, the charterers may be held responsible if they have shipped on the vessel a cargo which is not permitted under the charter party. As mentioned before, time charter parties usually have a clause which excludes a number of specified cargo types and all cargo likely to be injurious to the ship. Secondly, the shipowners may seek compensation from charterers when the cargo has been loaded, stowed or secured insufficiently and the vessel is damaged thereby. This situation is usually more complicated as the master and officers normally supervise loading and securing of the cargo. It is difficult to find the borderline between the charterers and shipowners liability in this respect. The tendency seems to be for charterers to be held liable unless there is obvious negligence on the part of the master or officers.

1.3 Damage caused by stevedore

The most common type of damage to the ship is damage caused by stevedores. The extent of the charterers liability should be defined in the charter party and the applicable law will supply additional rules. Time charter parties quite often contain special clauses stating under what circumstances the charterers are liable for damage caused by stevedores and these clauses are usually very harsh for owners. It is, for instance, not unusual to find clauses which say that the charterers are liable for stevedore damage only if the master informs the charterers immediately, when the damage occurs, and also obtains a statement in writing from the stevedores that they accept liability for the damage.

NYPE form

Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the charterers shall pay for any and all damage to the vessel caused by stevedores provided the master has noticed the charterers and/or their agents in writing as soon as practical but not later than 48 hours after any damage is discovered. Such notice to specify the damage in detail and to invite charterers to appoint a surveyor to assess the extent of such damage. (a) In case of any and all damages affecting the vessels seaworthiness and/or the safety of the crew and/or affecting the trading capabilities of the vessel, the charterers shall immediately arrange for repairs of such damages at their expenses and the vessel is to remain on hire until such repairs are completed and if required passed by the vessels classification society. (b) Any and all damages not described under point (a) above shall be repaired at the charterers option, before or after redelivery concurrently with the owners work. In such case no hire and/or expenses will be paid to the owners except and insofar as the time and/or expenses required for repairs for which the charterers are responsible, exceed the time and/or expenses necessary to carry out the owners work.

2 Liens clause

A lien is a right in one man to retain that which is in his possession belonging to another, till certain demands of him the person in possession are satisfied. This accurately describes the nature of the shipowners lien upon cargo or charterers lien upon ship, which is in their possession. Maritime liens play an important role in the chartering of the vessels, as the liens provide both the shipowners and charterers with a form of security by creating rights in the maritime property engaged in the venture. Maritime liens may arise by operation of the maritime law or by contract.

2.1 Shipowners liens upon cargoes

In NYPE form 93, it states that the shipowners shall have a lien upon all cargoes and all subfreights and/or sub-hire for any amounts due under this charter party including general average contributions.

The words in the NYPE 46 or 93 form do not expressly limit the cargoes that may be liened to those owned by the charterers. This raised the question whether the shipowners may detain on board their ship cargo not owned by the charterers. There are conflicting decisions on this point. It seems that where the bills of lading incorporate the charter lien clause, the shipowners then have the contractual right to lien the cargo, whether or not it is owned by the charterers. Sub-freights or sub-hires include any remuneration earned by the charterers from the employment of the ship, whether by way of voyages freight or time hire. According to the provision of article 141 of Chinas Maritime Code, the shipowners only have a right to lien on the charterers goods and other property on board the ship.

2.2 Charterers lien on the ship

In the NYPE 46 or 93 the charterers are given a lien on the ship for all monies paid in advance and not earned. Although the lien given to the charterers cannot be a true possessory lien, for the time charterers unlike the demise charterers do not obtain and so cannot retain possession of the ship, it seems that it confers a similar right, namely to prevent the shipowners at the end of the charter period from resuming control of the use of the ship for their own purposes.

3 Bills Of lading clause

The bills of lading clause In the NYPE form 93 has three paragraphs. First paragraph entitles the charterers to present bills of lading to the master for signature by him on behalf of the shipowners or charterers may sign bills of lading on behalf of the master. Second paragraph entitles the shipowners to get indemnity from the charterers against all consequences or liabilities arising from any inconsistency between the charter party and bills of lading. Third paragraph states that bills of lading covering deck cargo shall be claused: Shipped on deck at charterers, Shippers and Receivers risk, expense and responsibility, without liability on the part of the vessel, or her owners for any loss, damage, expense or delay however caused.

The master of a ship chartered on the NYPE form must normally sign bills of lading as presented to him by the charterers or their agents. Thus where bills of lading are signed by the master the bill of lading contracts will usually, although not invariably, be between the holders of the bill of lading and the shipowners. Bills of lading signed by the charterers or their agents for the master will usually be regarded as binding the shipowners. It may indicate so clearly that the charterers are the carriers under the contract of carriage evidenced by the bill that the charterers will be bound by the bill despite the manner in which it is signed.


The Nea Tyhi was chartered for a trip on the NYPE form. An additional clause gave the shipowners an express indemnify from the charterers in respect of liabilities arising from the charterers or their agents, including the master, signing bills of lading. The ship loaded on deck a consignment of plywood which there suffered damage by rainwater. The bills of lading were issued by the charterers agents and signed by them for the master; they contained the typewritten words shipped under deck. The shipowners contended that they had no liability to the receivers of the plywood under these bills as the charterers agents had no authority to issue or sign them in that form. Held that although the charterers agents had no actual authority to issue and sign under deck bills for cargo on deck, they did have ostensible authority and accordingly the shipowners were bound for the bills.

4 Exceptions clause

In the NYPE form 46 and 93 there is a exception clause which states that The act of God, enemies, fire, restraint of princes, rulers and people, and all dangers and accidents of the seas, rivers, machinery, boilers, and navigation, and errors of navigation throughout this Charter, always mutually excepted. The purpose of the mutual exceptions clause is to protect either shipowners or charterers from liability to the other for damages resulting from any of the specified excepted causes. But this clause is very limited. The shipowners are given wider protection by the Clause Paramount which means that the United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act is incorporated into the charter.

The definition of Act of God is merely expressing any accident due to natural causes directly and exclusively without human intervention, and that could not have been prevented by any amount of human foresight and pains and care reasonably to have been expected from him. Enemies probably covers the actions of enemies of the state whose flag the ship flies and of enemies of the states in which the charterers or shipowners, if companies, are registered. It certainly includes enemies of those states of which the parties, if individuals, are nationals. The shipowner or carrier will be not liable for cause of fire under the contract if the fire is not caused by negligence. The exception in respect of fire will be widened by virtue of laws such as the United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, Hague Rules or Hague-Visby Rules to Fire, unless caused by the actual fault or privity of the carrier.

Restraint of Princes, Rulers and People-----These words cover forcible interference by a government or state preventing or impeding the performance of the charter, such as the imposition of restrictions on trade, action taken pursuant to Customs or quarantine regulations, action to protect the governments own proprietary interests in the cargo or action taken for political reasons. Dangers and accidents of the seas, rivers-----This covers perils peculiar to seas or rivers, which cannot be avoided by exercise of reasonable care. Always mutually excepted. These words make the exceptions available to the charterers as well as the shipowners. And if an exception, such as fire, is not apt to protect the shipowners from liability in the event of negligence, then since the exceptions are mutual it will not protect the charterers in the event of their negligence or that of their servants.

5 Clause Paramount

By the express words of the NYPE form 46/93 the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of the United States or Hague Rules are incorporated into the charter party and into all bills of lading.

5.1 The effect of incorporation of the Rules

It is suggested that the effect of the incorporation of these rules will normally be as follows: The express obligation of seaworthiness at the beginning of the charter period is reduced from an absolute obligation that the ship will be seaworthy to an obligation to exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy; Before and at the beginning of each voyage under the charter the shipowners will be obliged to exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy, in accordance with the rules; All the provisions of the rules are to be given effect to so as to regulate the rights and obligations of the shipowners and the charterers, to the extent that the provisions are capable of that treatment when notionally written out in full in the charter; this is particularly important so far as concerns the excepted perils listed in the rules.

In the Saxon Star, the charterer claimed that owing to that unseaworthiness the number of voyages completed within the charter period was less than it should have been. The shipowners argued that the absolute warranty of seaworthiness in the charter was reduced to an undertaking to exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy by reason of the incorporation into the charter by the Paramount clause of the Hague Rules.

It was held by the House of Lords unanimously that: (1) It was plainly the intention of the parties to incorporate the Hague Rules into the charter and this intention should be given effect to; (2)Section 5 of the United States Acts, which provides that the Act is not to apply to charter parties, was to be ignored. And by a majority that: (3) The charter being of worldwide scope, the limitation in the United States Act to voyages to and from the United States should be disregarded and voyages should be subject to the Act regardless of where they started or finished. (4) The standards of obligation introduced by the United States ActThe Hague Ruleswere applicable to all voyages whether these were in ballast or with cargo. (5) The immunity given to the owners by Section 4(1) of the United States Act in respect of loss or damage extended beyond physical loss or damage to cargo and covered the loss here claimed, namely the loss to the charterers from the reduction in the number of voyages under the charter.

5.2 Conflict with other clauses

Where there is a conflict between the provisions of the rules which are incorporated by clause paramount of the NYPE form and the other printed terms of the contract, the provisions of the rules will override. Where there is no conflict, the provisions of the rules will supplement those other terms. This was the case in The Satya Kailash [1984] 1 Lloyds Rep. 588, where there were typed additional clauses imposing certain absolute warranties of seaworthiness. In giving the judgment of the Court of Appeal, the judge said in our judgment, these clauses cannot affect the construction to be placed on clause paramount as such. We cannot see that the fact that the parties can otherwise affect the incorporation of the United States Act into the charter by clause paramount.

6.Stowaways Clause

The charterers warrant to exercise due care and diligence in preventing stowaways in gaining access to the Vessel by means of secreting away in the goods and/or containers shipped by the charterers. If, despite the exercise of due care and diligence by the Charterers, stowaways have gained access to the Vessel by means of secreting away in the goods and/or containers shipped by the Charterers, this shall amount to breach of charter for the consequences of which the Charterers shall be liable and shall hold the Owners harmless and shall keep them indemnified against all claims whatsoever which may arise and be made against them. Furthermore, all time lost and all expenses whatsoever and however incurred, including fines, shall be for the Charterers account and the Vessel shall remain on hire.

6.Stowaways Clause

Should the vessel be arrested as a result of the Charterers breach of charter according to sub-clause above, the Charterers shall take all reasonable steps to secure that, within a reasonable time, the vessel is released and at their expenses put up bail to secure release of the Vessel. If, despite the exercise of due care and diligence by the Owners, stowaways have gained access to the Vessel by means other than secreting away in the goods and/or containers shipped by the Charterers, all time lost and all expenses whatsoever and howsoever incurred, including fines, shall be for the Owners account and the Vessel shall be off hire. Should the Vessel be arrested as a result of stowaways having gained access to the Vessel by means other than secreting away in the goods and/or containers shipped by the Charterers, the Owners shall take all reasonable steps to secure that, within a reasonable time, the vessel is released and at their expenses put up bail to secure release of the Vessel.

7. Charterers to Provide Clause

The charterers while the vessel is on hire, shall provide and pay for all the bunkers except as otherwise agreed; shall pay for port charges (including compulsory watchmen and cargo watchmen and compulsory garbage disposal), all communication expenses pertaining to the charterers business at cost, pilotages, towages, agencies, commissions, consular charges (except those pertaining to individual crew members or flag of the vessel), and all other usual expenses except those stated in clause 6, but when the vessel put into a port for causes for which the vessel is responsible (other than by stress of weather), then all such charges incurred shall be paid by the owners. Fumigations ordered because of illness of the crew shall be for the owners account. Fumigations ordered because of cargoes carried or ports visited while the vessel is employed under this charter party shall be for the charterers account. All other fumigations shall be for the charterers account after the vessel has been on charter for a continuous period of six months or more.

8. Owners to Provide Clause

The owners shall provide and pay for the insurance of the vessel, except as otherwise provided, and for all provisions, cabin, deck, engine-room and other necessary stores, including boiler water; shall pay for wages, consular shipping and discharging fees of the crew and charges for port services pertaining to the crew; shall maintain the vessels class and keep her in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery and equipment for and during the service, and have a full complement of officers and crew.

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