CSS Classes and GIMP Tutorial: Sunpreet Jassal

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CSS Classes and GIMP Tutorial

Sunpreet Jassal
[email protected] (prefix subject with [hist481])

Feb 25, 2008

HIST 481


Styling a class of page elements Assigning classes to content Using CSS editor to associate styles Removing classes from content Exercise Introduction to GIMP Concepts: images, layers, selections Creating a simple image Saving images for web sites GIMP Resources

Styling a class of page elements

A class attribute allows us to associate style information to different elements An element can be assigned one or more class names A class name can be shared by several elements in a web page What would we use class attributes for?

Styling date, time, image labels Styling image captions, navigation elements, etc.

Assigning classes to content

We are now going to style internal and external web site links, that is two classes or categories of information. 1) Create a blank page, and add some text as shown.
2) Select internal web site and insert link with http://www.uvic.ca as location, and select external web site and insert link with http://www.google.com as location.

Assigning classes to content

3) Right-click a link and open Link Properties.
4) Open the Advanced Property Editor. Choose class attribute and assign internal-site as value if href is uvic.ca, or external-site if href is google.com.

To open Advanced Property Editor for other elements, switch to HTML Tags mode and right-click the tag of the element to see it as a menu option.

Using CSS editor to associate styles

1) Open CSS editor and create a new rule using the named style option. Enter internal-site in the text field to style internal web site (uvic.ca).

Using CSS editor to associate styles

2) Add styles to internal-site class selector and see the elements associated to internal-site class updated.

3) Now add styles to external-site class selector.

Removing classes from content

1) Remove the class from text using Advanced Property Editor. 2) Remove the class from CSS using CSS editor.

Exercise (non-link elements)

Add a few dates (such as Feb 25, 2008) as text to your web page and style them using date-label as class name.

Create CSS class first to see menu option Assign class to date label using menu option To remove class assignment, open Advanced Property Editor from the HTML Tags mode (rightclick tag associated to the date)

Introduction to GIMP

GIMP is a tool for performing image tasks: construction, editing, retouching, composition. Supports a large variety of image formats including GIF, JPEG, PNG Free and runs on multiple platforms Native format is XCF, which preserves layers and your work in progress


Concepts: images, layers, selections

An image is the basic entity in GIMP. A single image, such as GIF, JPEG file, is shown in a single display window. Think of an image as a book whose pages are layers. A layer is a page in the book. An image may contain one or more layers. Layers can be transparent, translucent or opaque. Selections allow you to change some parts of an image and not others. They are shown by a moving dashed line (aka marching ants).


Creating a simple image

1) Launch GIMP. 2) Create a new image from the File menu.


Creating a simple image

Get acquainted with the main toolbox. Rearrange windows, if desired.
3) Use the Blend Tool to draw a gradient background. 4) Use the Text Tool to add text.



Saving images for web sites

Three popular formats:

GIF: supports max. 256 colors, 1 transparent color; used for small icons; offers loss-less compression JPEG: supports millions of colors; offers lossy compression but no transparency PNG: supports millions of colors and transparency; offers loss-less compression


Saving images for web sites

Use the File menu to save your image as JPEG.


Saving images for web sites

As mentioned, JPEG does not support transparent. If our image uses transparency, well see this dialog. Click Export to continue. 100% offers no compression. 85% quality offers good compromise between compression and image quality.


GIMP Resources

GIMP documentation: http://docs.gimp.org/en/ GIMP Tutorials: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/


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