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Grid computing is based on the concept of coordinated shared use of computers Grid computing is a way to create a virtual supercomputer by connecting large numbers of PCs in different locations over a shared network Grid computing is applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time


Enabling Formation of Virtual Organizations Fault Tolerance and Reliability Balancing and Sharing Varied Resources Parallel Processing Quality of Service (QoS)


Security Resource management Data management Information discovery and monitoring

Grids are categorized by the type of solutions that they best address. The three primary types of grids are summarized below

Computational grid Scavenging grid Data grid

Computational Grid:

A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities.

Scavenging Grid:

A scavenging grid is most commonly used with large numbers of desktop machines. Machines are scavenged for available CPU cycles and other resources. Owners of the desktop machines are usually given control over when their resources are available to participate in the grid.

Data Grid:
A data grid can be defined as a grid for managing and sharing a large amount of distributed data. Data grids serve multiple purposes. They can be used to increase the file transfer speed.


Bioinformatics grid server receives the computational requests from the client, it locates a suitable node in the grid to perform the mathematical computation according to the users requirement and task allocation rule, or integrates a virtual supercomputer to perform the larger computational requests from users.

A simple Hello world Example

A network dispatcher (or) Front end server waits for client requests. When connected the client is given back a ticket and an application service IP address of where to connect. The application answers HELLO WORLD when the client connects to it . The application is started on the application servers by the front end server. The Executable for the client is Hello client and takes the front end server host name as parameter.

Business benefits

Improve efficiency by improving computational capabilities Bring together not only IT resources but also people. Allow widely dispersed departments and businesses to create virtual organizations to share data and resources Create flexible, resilient operational infrastructures Address rapid fluctuations in customer demands.

Technology benefits

Can solve larger, more complex problems in a shorter time. Easier to collaborate with other organizations. Make better use of existing hardware. Provide capacity for high-demand applications. Enable recovery and failure.


The CPUs and local storage areas dont have high-speed connections. Computers which actually perform calculations might not be trustworthy Grid software and standards are still evolving Learning curve to get started Non-interactive job submission

Grid computing is gaining widespread adoption in various areas including customer relations, computational mechanics, biology and risk management in financial institutions. What we are seeing now is really a trend of increasing presence of grid computing comparable to that of electricity nowadays. As the technology matures, we believe that grid computing will follow the footsteps of the Internet to become more robust and accessible to the mass public in the near future.


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