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Lang Lang

Date of Birth: June 14, 1982 Birthplace: Shenyang, Yaoling, China Place Lang Lang is now staying: New York Meaning of his name: briliance of the sky His father is also a musician who plays erhu. The cartoon Tom and Jerry motivates him to play piano

His Early life

At the age of 3: learn piano lesson with Professor Zhu Ya-Fen At the age of five: Won the 1st place at the Shenyang Piano Competition and performed his first public recital In 1993: won the Xing hai Cup Competition in Beijing In 1994: awarded the 1st place at the fourth International Competition for Young Pianists

In 1995: won the first place in International Tchaikovsky competition for Young Musicians in Japan At age of 14: was a featured soloist at the China National Symphonys inaugural concert

Studio albums 9

Live albums
Compilation albums Soundtracks Contributions

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Newest release
Liszt - My Piano Hero Released: September 5, 2011 Lang pays a very personal tribute to Franz Liszt, to who he has had a special relationship following his very first encounter with the composer at age two. Lang Lang has gone on to share his passion for classical music in this album choosing a few of his favourite songs.

"Hungarian Rhapsody" No. 2 Piano Concerto No. 1 = accompanied by the Vienna Philharmonic and Valery Geegiev

He has gain many compliments from different musicians. His hard work has been accepted by the globe. Chicago Tribune music critic called him "the biggest, most exciting young keyboard talent I have encountered in many a year of attending piano recitals". Jahja Ling remarked, "Lang Lang is special because of his total mastery of the piano.

National Public Radio's Morning Edition remarked that "Lang Lang has conquered the classical world with dazzling technique and charisma." The Times journalist Emma Pomfret, who wrote, "I can think of no other classical artist who has achieved Lang Lang's broad appeal without dumbing down."

In 2009, selected as the 100 most influential people by the Times magazine. In December 2008, Lang partnered with Google and YouTube in the project YouTube Symphony Orchestra

Well Known celebrities

Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, President Hu Jintao of China, President Horst Khler of Germany, Prince Charles Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

Lang has received numerous awards and has been seen by millions of television viewers throughout the world. He appeared in Time magazine's 2009 list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2008, the Recording Academy named him their Cultural Ambassador to China. official worldwide ambassador to the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

Lang Lang was recognized for his efforts by the United Nations' Children's Fund (UNICEF) who appointed him an International Goodwill Ambassador in 2004 The Chinese government also recognized his achievement by selecting him as a vicepresidents of the All-China Youth Federation where, in connection with the EU-China Year of Youth, his message was "Let us build a rainbow of goodwill with music!".

In June 2011, Lang Lang became a global ambassador for Telefnica. Lang will be participating in activities with the company in fields such as culture, technology, education and social commitment.

Recent News
World Renowned Classical Pianist Lang Lang to Perform Live Concert with Oxford Philomusica (20 Feb 2012) Lang Lang tells inspiring life story in Oxford (19 Feb 2012)

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