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By : Anupam Tiwari

If Ramayana can get over in one SHLOK..y cant I complete covering CLOUD FORENSICS in 40 Min


Background knowledge of Cloud Computing, Digital Forensics & Cloud Forensics.

Challenges in Cloud Forensics

Existing Proposed Solutions.

Amazon Simple Storage Service

Advantages of cloud forensics over traditional Computer Forensics

Provide an evaluation of existing digital forensics tools in a Cloud Environment


Background knowledge of Cloud Computing, Digital Forensics & Cloud Forensics.

SaaS PaaS IaaS

Service Models

Private Public Community Hybrid

Deployment Models

Essential Services

On-demand self service Broad network access Resource pooling Rapid elasticity Measured service

The CLOUD as Defined by NIST

Definition of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

The DF as Defined by NIST

Definition of Digital Forensics The use of scientifically derived and proven methods toward the preservation, collection, validation, identification, analysis, interprtation, documentation, and preservation of digital evidence derived from digital sources for the purpose of facilitating or furthering the reconstruction of events found to be criminal, or helping to anticipate unauthorized actions shown to be disruptive to planned operations. --- DFRWS 2001


Definition of Cloud Forensics
Cloud forensics is the application of digital forensics science in cloud computing environments. Technically, it consists of a hybrid forensic approach (e.g., remote, virtual, network, live, large-scale, thin-client, thick-client) towards the generation of digital evidence. Organizationally, it involves interactions among cloud actors (i.e.,cloud provider, cloud consumer, cloud broker, cloud carrier, cloud auditor) for the purpose of facilitating both internal and external investigations. Legally it often implies multi-jurisdictional and multitenant situations.

Challenges in Cloud Forensics

Storage system is no longer local.

Each cloud server contains files from many users.

Even if data belonging to a particular suspect is identified, separating it from other users data is difficult. Other than the CSP, there is usually no evidence that links a given data file to a particular suspect.

Healthcare, business, or national security related data!!!

Case Study of Child Pornography

To investigate this case, the forensics examiner needs a bit-for-bit duplication of the data to prove the existence of contraband images and video

But in a cloud, he cannot collect data by himself.

First, he needs to issue a search warrant to the cloud provider. However, there are some problems with the search warrant in respect of cloud environment.
For example, warrant must specify a location, but in cloud the data may not be located at a precise location or a particular storage server.

Furthermore, the data can not be seized by confiscating the storage server in a cloud, as the same disk can contain data from many unrelated users.

To identify the criminal, he needs to know whether the virtual machine has a static IP.

Almost in all aspects, it depends on the transparency and cooperation of the cloud provider.

Volatile data cannot sustain without power. When we turn off a Virtual Machine (VM), all the data will be lost if we do not have the image of the instance. If we restart or turn off a VM instance in IaaS (e.g., in Amazon EC2), we will lose all the data. Registry entries or temporary internet files, that reside or be stored within the virtual environment will be lost when the user exits the system.

Though with extra payment customers can get persistent storage, this is not common for small or medium scale business organizations. A malicious user can exploit this vulnerability.

Some owner of a cloud instance can fraudulently claim that her instance was compromised by someone else and had launched a malicious activity. Later, it will be difficult to prove her claim as false by a forensic investigation .

Persistence in computer science refers to the characteristic of state that outlives the process that created it. Without this capability, state would only exist in RAM, and would be lost when this RAM loses power, such as a computer shutdown

After issuing a search warrant, the examiner needs a technician of the cloud provider to collect data. However, the employee of the cloud provider who collects data is most likely not a licensed forensics investigator and it is not possible to guarantee his integrity in a court of law . The date and timestamps of the data are also questionable if it comes from multiple systems. One of the shortcomings they found is that it is not possible to verify the integrity of the forensic disk image in Amazons EC2 cloud because Amazon does not provide checksums of volumes, as they exist in EC2.

The on-demand characteristic of cloud computing will have vital role in increasing the digital evidence in near future. In traditional forensic investigation, we collect the evidence from the suspects computer hard disk.

Conversely, in Cloud, we do not have physical access to the data.

One way of getting data from cloud VM is downloading the VM instances image. The size of this image will increase with the increase of data in the VM instance. We will require adequate bandwidth and incur expense to download this large image.

In cloud computing, multiple VM can share the same physical infrastructure, i.e., data for multiple customers may be co-located. This nature of clouds is different from the traditional single owner computer system.

issues can arise.

How to prove that data were not comingled with other users data ?
Secondly, How to preserve

the privacy of other tenants while performing an investigation ?

Both of these issues also brings the Side-Channel investigate.

Attacks that are difficult to

Using the Amazon EC2 service as a case study, we show that it is possible to map the internal cloud infrastructure, identify where a particular target VM is likely to reside, and then instantiate new VMs until one is placed co-resident with the target. We explore how such placement can then be used to mount cross-VM side-channel attacks to extract information from a target VM on the same machine.

Source :

Analyzing logs from different processes plays a vital role in digital forensic investigation. Process logs, network logs, and application logs are really useful to identify a malicious user. Not as simple as it is in privately owned computer system, Sometimes even impossible.

Challenges :
Decentralization. Volatility of Logs. Multiple Tiers and Layers. Accessibility of Logs. Dependence on the CSP. Absence of Critical Information in Logs.


- CROSS BORDER LAW - TRUSTWORTHY DATA RETENTION For example, who enforces the retention policy in the cloud, and how are exceptions, such as, litigation holds managed? Moreover, how can the CSPs assure us that they do not retain data after destruction of it .There are several laws in different countries, which mandate the trustworthy data retention. Just in United States, there are 10,000 laws at the federal and state levels that force the organizations to manage records securely. Some of the laws and regulations are stated below: Sarbanes-Oxley Act The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule Federal Information Security Management Act The Gramm-Leach-Bliley European Commission data protection legislation

Due to the distributed and elastic characteristic of cloud computing, the available forensic tools cannot cope up with this environment. Tools and procedures are yet to be developed for investigations in virtualized environment, especially on hypervisor level. Need of FORENSICAWARE tools for the CSP and the clients to collect forensic data.


Guest application / data Guest OS Virtualization Host OS

Proposed a trust model with six layers

Physical hardware

Generating a digital signature on the collected evidence and then checking the signature later is one way to validate the integrity. As data is distributed among multiple servers, this procedure is not simple, rather quite complicated.

A distributed SIGNATURE DETECTION FRAMEWORK that will facilitate the forensic investigation in Cloud environment.


Current model of file storage comprises of two components Meta data Servers (MDS) and Object Storage Devices (OSD). The hash value of each file is stored in the MDS as an e-tag and integrity is checked each time after uploading / downloading a file. In the proposed framework, First step is to send a list of target buckets to the Forensic Cluster Controller (FCC), along with a file containing the target MD5 hash values. The FCC then initializes and queries to Analysis Nodes (AN) for getting the number of files contained in targeted bucket. Upon receiving the round one signature file from FCC, each AN retrieves the e-tags of the bucket. Second Step, the signatures in the round one signature file are compared with the signatures generated from the etags by the AN. After getting feedback from all ANs, FCC terminates the ANs. They tested their framework by two ways using Amazon S3 and by emulating a cloud platform. They achieved zero false positive and false negative rate and found significant improvement in terms of data required.

Proposed is a log management solution, which can solve several challenges of logging. In the first step of the logging solution, logging must be enabled on all infrastructure components to collect logs. The next step is for establishing a synchronized, reliable, bandwidth efficient, and encrypted transport layer to transfer log from the source to a central log collector. The final step deals with ensuring the presence of the desired information in the logs.

The proposed guideline tells us to focus on three things:

When to log, What to log and How to log.


Data acquisition is a challenging step in cloud forensics. CSPs can play a vital role in this step by providing a web based management console like AWS management console. From the console panel, customers as well as investigators can collect VM image, network, process, database logs, and other digital evidence, which cannot be collected in other ways.

Only problem with this solution is that, it requires an extra level of trust trust in the management plane.


At present, there is a massive gap in the existing Service Level Agreement (SLA), which neither defines the responsibility of CSPs at the time of some malicious incident, nor their role in forensic investigation. Researches have given emphasis on sound and robust SLA between cloud service providers and customers. A robust SLA should state how the providers deal with the cyber crimes, i.e., how and to which extent they help in forensic investigation procedure. In this context, another question can come how we can be sure of the robustness of a SLA.

To overcome the cross border legislation challenges, It is proposed that an international unity for introducing an international legislation for cloud forensics investigation


Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) is the process of externally monitoring the runtime state of VM from either the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), or from some virtual machine other than the one being examined. By runtime state, we are referring to processor registers, memory, disk, network, and other hardware-level events. Through this process, we can execute a live forensic analysis of the system, while keeping the target system unchanged.

To overcome the problem of volatile data, explore possibility of continuous synchronization of the volatile data with a persistent storage Two possible ways of continuous synchronization. CSPs can provide a continuous synchronization API to customers. Using this API, customers can preserve the synchronized data to any cloud storage e.g., Amazon S3, or to their local storage. However, if the adversary is the owner of a VM!!!!then what?


By using TPM, we can get machine authentication, hardware encryption, signing, secure key storage, and attestation. It can provide the integrity of the running virtual instance, trusted log files, and trusted deletion of data to customers. Moreover, at present, CSPs have heterogeneous hardware and few of them have TPM. Hence, CSPs cannot ensure a homogeneous hardware environment with TPM in near future.


A cloud instance must be isolated if any incident take place on that instance. Isolation is necessary because it helps to protect evidence from contamination. However, as multiple instances can be located in one node, this task becomes challenging.

Moving a suspicious instance from one node to another node may result in possible loss of evidence.

To protect evidence, we can move other instances reside in the same node.

Provenance in Clouds
Cloud provenance can be
Data provenance: Who created, modified, deleted data stored in a cloud (external entities change data) Process provenance: What happened to data once it was inside the cloud (internal entities change data)

Cloud provenance should give a record of who accessed the data at different times Auditors should be able to trace an entry (and associated modification) back to the creator

Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics: Applications for Investigation Processes, IGI Global, 2013 (edited book) Cloud Forensic Reference Architecture (CFRA) Cloud Forensic Maturity Model (CFMM) UCD CCI: Cloud Forensic Capability and Requirement Study for EU Law Enforcement NIST Cloud Computing Forensic Science Working Group CSA Cloud Forensics and Incident Management Working Group


The key to avoiding much of this pain is being prepared before an incident occurs. Once you become a customer, you have lost much of your leverage..

Some of the things you should consider negotiating:

The provider will notify you immediately if there is any type of breach on the providers system since it may impact your data.

The provider will allow you to access to the servers or system so you can self-collect.

Determine what type of data the provider collects, how long the provider holds it, and if the provider will store this data for you for a longer period of time.

Determine if the provider actually owns and controls the servers.

Write a business continuity/disaster recovery plan.

Determine wherein what state, states, or countryyour data will be stored so you can determine which laws may apply.


Proven digital forensics tools used by forensic investigators :

Encase Accessdata FTK Fast Dump from HBGary Memorysze from Mandiant


Three experiments and data collected from three different layers and got success in all the experiments. In the first experiment, they collected forensic data remotely from the guest OS layer of cloud. Encase Servlets and FTK Agents are the remote programs, which were used to communicate and collect data. For the second experiment, they prepared an Eucalyptus cloud platform and collected data from the virtualization layer. In the third experiment, they tested the acquisition at the host operating system layer by Amazons export feature.

Source : Acquiring Forensic Evidence from Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud Computing: Exploring and Evaluating Tools, Trust, and Techniques


- Cloud computing can reduce the time for data acquisition, data copying, transferring and data cryptanalysis. - Forensic image verification time reduced if cloud application generates cryptographic hash. - Cost effectiveness - Data abundance - Overall robustness - Scalability - Flexibility - Standards and Policies

- Forensics-as-a Service - Customers do not need to implement any forensic schemes.

Polly is back again!!!!

Polly is a criminal who traffics in child pornography. He has set up a service in the cloud to store a large collection of contraband images and video. The website allows users to upload and download this content anonymously.

He pays for his cloud services with a pre-paid credit card purchased with cash. Polly encrypts his data in cloud storage, and he reverts his virtual webserver to a clean state daily. Law enforcement is tipped off to the website and wishes both to terminate the service and prosecute the criminal.

- IaaS assumed - In this service model, the provider has responsibility and access to only the physical hardware, storage, servers and network components. - In the public interest, law enforcement first contacts the cloud provider with a temporary restraining order to suspend the offending service and account, and a preservation letter to preserve evidence pending a warrant. - Tracking down the user is the more difficult task. The onus in this case is on the forensic examiner to piece together a circumstantial case based on the data available.

- The examiner has no way to image the virtual machine remotely since the cloud provider does not expose that functionality - and in doing so would alter the state of the machine anyway. - Deploying a remote forensic agent, such as EnCase Enterprise, would require the suspect's credentials, and functionality of this remote technique within the cloud is unknown. -Simply viewing the target website is enough to confirm that the content is illegal, but it tells us nothing about who put it there.

Consider other possible sources of digital evidence in this case: Credit card payment information Cloud subscriber information Cloud provider access logs Cloud provider NetFlow logs, Virtual machine Cloud storage data.

Law enforcement can issue a search warrant to the cloud provider, which is adequate to compel the provider to provide any of this information that they possess. The warrant specifies that the data returned be an exact duplicate, ie bit by bit!!!!!(But How?) A technician at the provider executes the search order from his or her workstation, copying data from the provider's infrastructure and verifying data integrity with hashes of the files. Though the prosecution may call the technician to testify, we have no implicit guarantees of trust in the technician to collect the complete data, in the cloud infrastructure to produce the true data, nor in the technician's computer or tools used to collect the information correctly. Nonetheless, the provider completes the request, and delivers the data to law enforcement.

Let us say that Polly had two terabytes of stored data. To transfer that quantity of data, the provider saves it to an external hard drive and delivers it to law enforcement by mail. In addition, the provider is able to produce - Account information - 10MB of access logs - 100MB of NetFlow records - 20GB virtual machine snapshot. After validating the integrity of the data, the forensic examiner is now charged with Analysis. We would expect the forensic expert to identify the following that would aid in prosecution: - Understand how the web service works, especially how it encrypts/decrypts data from storage - Find keys to decrypt storage data, and use them to decrypt the data - Confirm the presence of child pornography

This activity may take many man hours to analyze.

AccessData found that their Forensic Toolkit (FTK) product took 5.5 hours to process a 120GB hard drive fully on a top-of-the-line workstationand as long as 38.25 hours on a low-end workstation .
At that rate, 2TB of data could take 85 hours of processing time. The provider may have returned individual files or large files containing blobs of binary data. In either case, it will become quickly evident that the data are encrypted. Tools like EnCase and Forensic Toolkit can analyze VMware data files but not snapshots which include suspended memory. We were already aware of illegal content, but not aware of the data owner. Timestamps or file metadata may prove useful, provided they are available and accurate. Evidence of the owner may be gleaned from NetFlow, timestamp, and potentially in the coding style of the website. We can safely assume that an IP can be found that points to Polly. All of the forensic analysis is documented and presented to counsel.

- Since raw bit-for-bit copies of hard drives were not provided, how do we know that the cloud provider provided a complete and authentic forensic copy of the data? - Can the authenticity and integrity of the data be trusted? - Can the cloud technician, his/her workstation and tools be verifiably trusted? - Were the data located on one drive, or distributed over many? Where were the drives containing the data physically located? -Who had access to the data, and how was access control enforced? -Were the data co-mingled with other users' data? - If data came from multiple systems, are the timestamps of these systems internally consistent? Can the date and time stamps be trusted, and compared with confidence?

Microsoft and Amazon declined to comment about their compliance abilities in this situation

REFERENCE MATERIAL Whites reference : Josiah Dykstra & Alan T Sherman At [email protected] [email protected]

I am at

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