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To learn about Planning for Quality

Planning for Quality

ED 703

Quality =


Doing right Things

What is Planning for Quality

A Quality

Plan is a compilation of documents specifying procedures and associated resources to a specific project, product, process or contract. It addresses issues of; where the procedures are applicable, and who will be applying them, explaining how things would be done to achieve a quality product

A Quality

Plan helps you schedule all of the tasks needed to make sure that your project meets the needs of your client. Creating a Quality Plan is essential if you want to provide the clients with confidence that you will produce a solution that meets their needs.

Quality Planning - UNESCO


to pupil performance or the standards of attainment in different schools/college subjects Extent to which educational system meet economic and other needs of the society. Effectiveness with which the educational system promotes or reinforce among children and young people the culture and values, mores and attitudes particular in given society

There can be no

keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.

Form. S.A president - Mandela

The school as a supplier of economic needs

A number

of curricular reforms have been instituted to raise quality of education to meet the demands of the society: Enriching curriculum through integration in all levels, of contents that reflects economic and social reforms Adopt work-oriented teaching approaches and programs


single track general program for secondary schools with emphasis on work activities, prevocational training, and youth training & citizen army training. Include youth civic action work in all levels and making civic action work a requirement for graduation.

Indicators of Quality Teacher Education


Quality Learners II. Quality Learning Environments III. Quality Content IV. Quality Processes V. Quality Outcomes

Quality Learners

health and nutrition. Early childhood psychosocial development experiences. Regular attendance for learning. Family support for learning.

Quality Learning Quality Learners Environments


elements Quality of school facilities. Interaction between school infrastructure and other quality dimensions. Class size. Service delivery Provision of health services.


elements Peaceful, safe environments, especially for girls. Teachers behaviours that affect safety. Effective school discipline policies. Non-violence.

III. Quality Content


non-discriminatory, standards-based curriculum structures. Uniqueness of local and national content. Literacy and Numeracy. Life skills. Peace education. Challenges in reaching large numbers of children with quality content.

IV. Quality Processes


learning for teachers. Teacher competence and school efficiency. Ongoing professional development. Continuing support for studentcentred learning. Teacher feedback mechanisms


beliefs that all students can

learn. Teachers working conditions. Administrative support and leadership. Student access to languages used at school. Using technologies to decrease rather than increase disparities

V. Quality Outcomes

in literacy and numeracy. Using formative assessment to improve achievement outcomes. Outcomes sought by parents. Outcomes related to community participation, learner confidence and lifelong learning. Health outcomes. Lifeskills and outcomes

Nice story, po!, but where do we improve?

I waznt done, just clearing my throat

Five areas for improving quality in education

1. Sufficiency of competent teacher inputs

is vacancy for good quality teacher everywhere Lack of attractive salaries and benefits for teachers affects the quality of education Need to upgrade professional growth and quality in all school staff.


In-service training became insufficient: Need for teacher to renew knowledge base and skill continuously since knowledge base is increasing. Though education is becoming expensive, teachers can develop professionally through these structures.


decline in verbal and mathematical skills calls for reverting to basics There is therefore need for more effective integration of research findings on what works in classrooms Need to revitalize enthusiasm in teaching to motivate them.

2. Sufficient building accommodation,

furniture and equipment inputs They are teaching aid on their own, so planner must: Anticipate structural needs of the additional schools required and provide for them in the plan


it to that the plan makes real effort to respond to physical needs of existing schools in systematic based manner. Maximize utilization of existing facilities of well housed and well equipped schools

3. Curricular

assessment and redesigning including e use of suitable textbooks and other instructional materials: improved and tested teaching methods; adequate evaluation techniques

4. Effective management and supervision Education service should be administered by a staff of considerable size. Should recruited from ranks of teachers Must employ supervisory staff capable of of giving help and advice and organizing, conducting and following up in-service training courses. Welfare of school should be a matter of concern and a pride to adult community in which it is situated

5. Adequate provision for research and

development Teachers must continuously investigate and research to make progress and show a lead. Research into teaching methods necessary Teacher training canter was established to develop teachers personally, professionally and organisationally


Planning for college library. A library must the heart of every institution; should be given space, provided with all materials (books, electronics, computers, internet, audio etc.) for the institution to develop in research and improve the quality of education


be convenient to all users; open and close times, space and quality of service offered. Some universities in developed countries has comprehensive libraries with subjects/course librarian.

How do I begin to plan?


I; environmental scanning and data collection- both within and outside school. Examine school resources in order to determine a profile of school strength and weaknesses.


school inventory should include the following: Curriculum and instructional materials Non-academic services Teaching and non-teaching personnel Pupil characteristics and achievement levels Physical plant and equipment Organizational setup


II; setting objectives good objectives must be SMART. S specific M measurable A attainable R relevant/realistic T time bound

Name the results we want to achieve. Must be action oriented you cannot go to where you dont know Measurable to be evaluated to whether or not they are achieved Achievable must be practical and realistic Present a challenge too easy objectives fail to general enthusiasm and too ideal ones can cause undue frustration if not achieved Dates/timed when we expect them to be realized.

The planning process:


gabs determine where you are, where you want to go and the distance i.e. what the school has, what it need and what it plan to achieve. Generate and select alternative strategies explore all possible alternatives assess their advantages and disadvantages. Considering all risks, costs and benefits; we must be ready to make a decision.


strategies into operational plan lay out a detailed road map for each strategy which include: Specific activities arranged in sequence Time frame Specifying check points Identify available and needed resources Provide evaluation mechanism


the plan provide a summary record of everything done: opportunity, competence areas, and objectives, description of categories, inventory and operational plan/plan of activities. Implement the plan - now put than into practice. And regularly review the plan and monitor activities at given points in time.


and modify the plan - this means positive effort to identify causes of success and failure to determine: Which objectives were achieved and the degree Which plan were effective and why Which plans failed or were not carried out and why.


Internal characteristics

identification and vision Assessment of issues, trends, needs, and opportunities. Vision of what the community wants to be. Goals Reflections of public values and desired conditions. Fact base Analysis of current and future conditions and explanation of reasoning. Maps and tables that enhance relevance and comprehensibility.

STEP 2: Sample Selection Cont


Specification of principles to guide public and private decisions. Sufficiently specific to be tied to definite actions Implementation Commitments to carry out policy-driven actions with timelines, responsible parties, and financing.

STEP 2: Sample Selection Cont


and evaluation Measurable objectives and trackable indicators. Assignments made for monitoring. Internal consistency Issues, vision, goals, policies, and implementation are mutually reinforcing

External characteristics

and presentation Plan is understandable for a wide range of readers. Executive summary; glossary; cross-referencing of issues, goals, and policies; clear maps, charts, and images; supporting video, CD, web page.


coordination Integration with other plans of public and private parties. Vertical and horizontal coordination. Compliance Consistent with plan mandates from enabling legislation, other

How to sustain the plan


through the planning process annually so that 1. Members of school community have a clearer picture of the directions the school is taking and 2. The school survives because we are able to forecast changes and opportunities and avoid dangers.

Questions !!

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