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October 1, 331 BC
Strategic Context
In his quest to conquer the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great has already defeated Darius III twice: at the River Granicus and Issus in 334 and 333 BC respectively. Alexander has finally forced Darius to another battle on the plain of Gaugamela, specifically flattened by Darius for effective use of his scythed chariots. The night before battle, Darius keeps his army awake in expectation of a surprise night attack while Alexander gives his army much-needed rest. Not surprisingly, Alexander is able to march his army to the Persian left wing at dawn before Darius can respond.

+ A Macedonian victory would send Darius fleeing and further destabilize the Persian Empire. + A Persian victory would check the Macedonian advance and tarnish Alexanders unbeatable reputation.

By Jonathan Webb, 2009

Gaugamela, 331 BC
Macedonians Alexander the Great Persians Darius III

30,000 heavy infantry 10,000 light infantry 7,000 cavalry

4,000 heavy infantry 52,000 light infantry 35,000 cavalry 200 scythed chariots 15 war elephants
By Jonathan Webb, 2009


Darius Mazeus uses renews his his archers the attack to soften against up the the Macedonian left phalanx wing which with a appears rain of danger arrows to be crumbling and then while sends the his right scythed wing chariots holds its forward ground. to As break this occurs, it.n and Alexander deploys army in a hollow box to prevent it from being encircled. He places his infantry phalanx indelays the center, screened byand light infantry and flanked by cavalry Only Alexanders With now does Alexander attention receive diverted word toMacedonian his that right, his Darius left wing sends is in his serious cavalry wings soin he two massive the pursuit sweeps against turns both the Companions Macedonia light infantry at strike a 45-degree angle; this is backed byscythed a second infantry line. Alexanders right wing edges forward and is stren gthened by archers and his elite Companion cavalry Alexanders light infantry force at screen his center allow exploits the the wedge chariots between through the to Persian be destroyed center by and the left phalanx wing and which smashes also opens the forces its disc arr iplined ayed directly ranks to in letto flanks. around Alexander to hit left the Persian must commit right wing infantry in its reserves flank. Word to prevent offorces Darius his left flight wing rapidly from spreads breaking through while his the right ranks, wing causing actually the pushes Pers ian the forces while his weaker wing is refused. Darius deploys his massive cavalry in a line which overlaps the Macedonian line. Darius places his heavy infantry, archers and someof front through Darius be destroyed panics, takes in the the rear. reigns At the from same histime, fatally Darius wounded sends chariot somedriver cavalry and from flees his the leftbattlefield, wing to hitfollowed the Macedonian by many right; of hisAlexander troops at Persian flee. Darius cavalry Indian back. cavalry Both fail wings free break his down family into and stalemate arelevy destroyed as the by Macedonian Macedonian infantry advances, reserves. ledthe by Alexander scythed chariots at his center, hiding his to relatively untrained light infantry and war elephants behind thecenter main line. The stars show position of eachhimself. commander. responds his center by who committing witness this. infantry His last units order fromis his to reserve his Indian to cavalry stiffen this to break front. into the Macedonian camp and rescue his family.

Persians (Darius)



Persians (Darius III) 4,000 heavy infantry 52,000 light infantry 35,000 cavalry 200 scythed chariots 15 war elephants

Macedonians (Alexander the Great) 30,000 heavy infantry 10,000 light infantry 7,000 cavalry


Macedonians (Alexander)

Gaugamela, 331 BC
Casualties & Aftermath
Macedonians: Persians:


40,000 or 44%


Alexanders pursuit of the Persians was so aggressive that he reportedly lost over 1,000 horses to exhaustion doing so. Darius vanished, Alexander marched to Babylon to accept Mazaeus surrender and then reopened the pursuit of Darius. As it turns out, Darius was murdered by his own generals and so Alexander merely captured Darius murderers, executed them and consequently stood at the head of the entire Persian Empire.
By Jonathan Webb, 2009

The Art of Battle: Animated Battle Maps
By Jonathan Webb, 2009

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