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P Political E Economic S Social / Cultural T Technological L Legal / Regulatory E Ecological / Environmental

Presented By, Amit Desai, Pradyut Roy & Jeol

Political Analysis Economic Analysis Social Analysis Technological Analysis Legal Analysis Environmental Analysis

Political Analysis
German Empire was created in 1871 by Chancellor Otto von Bismark. History dates back to Holy German Empire (962 1806 AD).The Reichstag, or elected parliament, had only a limited role in the imperial government. Post 1945: WW II Divided Germany in 2 parts : West Germany (Rich Germany) and East Germany (Poor Germany). Berlin: Capital of Germany was also divided in 2 parts by way of Berlin Wall. Location: Central EuropeArea: 357,104 Km Inhabitants 2008: 82,2 Million Capital City: BerlinState System: Democratic- Parliamentary Federal State Administration: 16 States

Political Analysis
Time Zone: Central European Time (CET) Currency: 1 Euro = 100 Cents Gross National Income: EUR 2,529.78 Billion Telephone Country Code:+49 Power Voltage: 230 V, 50 Hz

Political Analysis
Federal Republic Of Germany (Constituted Of The United Germany On 3 October 1990) 3 Levels Of Government:
Federal: Bicameral With The Bundestag (Federal Assembly) And The Bundesrat (Federal Council)Both Responsible For National Laws, e.g.: Taxation States (Laender): Own Constitutions, Governments And Parliaments - Running Of Own Facilities, e.g.: Education And Hospital Local: Relatively Large Power, eg. Levy Business Tax

Political Analysis
LegislationBicameral System: In Addition To The Bundestag, The Bundesrat (Consisting Of Delegates Of The State Governments To Uphold The States Interests) Participates In Legislation. State Structure : Germany Is A Federation Consisting Of 16 Federal States, Each With Its Own Constitution, Parliament And Government. The Highest State Authority Is Exercised By The Federal Government. Through The Agency Of The Bundesrat, The States Are Represented At The Federal Level And Participate In Federal Legislation. Suffrage : Universal, Equal And Secret Suffrage As Of 18 Years Of Age (In The Case Of Municipal Elections In Part As Of 16), Elections To The Bundestag Are Held Every Four Years.

Economic Analysis
Largest Economy in Europe, Fourth Largest by Nominal GDP in the World. Gross GDP = $ 3.673 Trillion, ~30% share to Industry. Nearly 40 Fortune 500 Companies are headquartered in Germany.

Economic Analysis

Economic Analysis

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