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Learning how to solve problems in mathematics is knowing what to look for. Math problems often require established procedures and knowing what and when to apply them.

According to Polya (1957):

"One of the first and foremost duties of the teacher is not to give his students the impression that mathematical problems have little connection with each other, and no connection at all with anything else....The teacher should encourage the students to imagine cases in which they could utilize again the procedure used, or apply the result obtained" .

George Plya (Hungarian: Plya Gyrgy; December 13, 1887 September 7, 1985) was a Hungarian Jewish mathematician.

How to Solve It (1957)


Problem Solving Plan in 4 Steps 1.Clues 2.Game Plan 3.Solve 4.Reflect

1. Clues:
Read the problem carefully. Underline clue words. Ask yourself if you've seen a problem similar to this one. If so, what is similar about it?

What did you need to do? What facts are you given? What do you need to find out?

Clue Words
For Addition sum total in all perimeter For Multiplication product total area times For Subtraction difference how much more exceed

For Division share distribute quotient average

2. Game Plan: Define your game plan. Have you seen a problem like this before? Identify what you did. Define your strategies to solve this problem.

Try out your strategies. (Using formulas, simplifying, use sketches, guess and check, look for a pattern, etc.) If your strategy doesn't work, it may lead you to an 'aha' moment and to a strategy that does work.

3. Solve: Use your strategies to solve the problem.

4. Reflect: This part is critical. Look over your solution. Does it seem probable? Did you answer the question? Are you sure? Did you answer using the language in the question? Same units?

1. A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem.

2. The art and science of planning and marshalling resources for their most efficient and effective use. The term is derived from the Greek word for generalship or leading an army.


A.Find a Pattern B.Make a Table C.Working Backwards D.Guess and Check E.Draw a Picture F.Make a List G.Write a Number Sentence

A.Find a Pattern Carol has written a number pattern that begins with 1, 3, 6, 10, 15. If she continues this pattern, what are the next four numbers in her pattern?

What do you need to find? You need to find 4 numbers after 15.

How can you solve the problem?

You can find a pattern. Look at the numbers. The new number depends upon the number before it.

Look at the numbers in the pattern.

3=1+2 (starting number is 1, add 2 to make 3) 6=3+3 (starting number is 3, add 3 to make 6) 10 = 6 + 4 (starting number is 6, add 4 to make 10)

15 = 10 + 5 (starting number is 10, add 5 to make 15)

New numbers will be

15 + 6 = 21 21 + 7 = 28 28 + 8 = 36 36 + 9 = 45

B. Make a Table
You save $3 on Monday.
Each day after that you save

twice as much as you saved the

day before. If this pattern continues, how much would

you save on Friday?

You need to find your savings on Friday.

You can make a table like the one below. List the amount of money you save each day. Remember to double the number each day.

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Amount of Money Saved $3 $6 $12 $24 $48

You save $48 on Friday.

C. Working Backwards
Jack walked from Santa Clara to Palo Alto. It took 1 hour 25 minutes to walk from Santa Clara to Los Altos. Then it took 25 minutes to walk from Los Altos to Palo Alto. He arrived in Palo Alto at 2:45 P.M. At what time did he leave Santa Clara?

You need to find what the time was when Jack left Santa Clara.

You can work backwards from the time Jack reached Palo Alto. Subtract the time it took to walk from Los Altos to Palo Alto. Then subtract the time it took to walk from Santa Clara to Los Altos.

Start at 2:45. This is the time Jack reached Palo Alto. Subtract 25 minutes. This is the time it took to get from Los Altos to Palo Alto. Time is: 2:20 P.M.
Subtract: 1 hour 25 minutes. This is the time it took to get from Santa Clara to Los Altos..

Jack left Santa Clara at 12:55 P.M.

D. Guess and Check Amy and Judy sold 12 show tickets altogether. Amy sold 2 more tickets than Judy. How many tickets did each girl sell?

You need to find how many tickets each of them had sold.

You can guess and check to find two numbers with a sum of 12 and a difference of 2. If your first guess does not work, try two different numbers.

First Guess: Amy = 8 tickets Judy = 4 tickets Check 8 + 4 = 12 8 - 4 = 4 ( Amy sold 4 more tickets) These numbers do not work!

Second Guess: Amy = 7 tickets Judy = 5 tickets

Check 7 + 5 = 12 7- 5 = 2 ( Amy sold 2 more tickets) These numbers do work!
Amy sold 7 tickets and Judy sold 5 tickets.

E. Draw a Picture
Laura has 3 green chips, 4 blue chips and 1 red chip in her bag. What fractional part of the bag of chips is green?

You need to find how many chips are in all. Then you need to find how many of the chips are green.

You can draw a picture to show the information. Then you can use the picture to find the answer.

3/8 of the chips are green.

F. Make a List
Judy is taking pictures of Jim, Karen and Mike. She asks them, " How many different ways could you three children stand in a line?"

You need to find how many ways 3 children can stand in a line.

You can make a list to help you find all the different ways. Choose one student to be first, and another to be second. The last one will be third.

When you make your list, you will notice that there are 2 ways for Jim to be first, 2 ways for Karen to be first and 2 ways for Mike to be first.

Jim Jim Karen

Karen Mike Jim

Mike Karen Mike







So, there are 6 ways that the children could stand in line.

G.Write a Number Sentence

Sam put 18 pencils in 3 equal groups. How many pencils are in each group?

You need to find the number of pencils in each group.

You can write a number sentence to solve the problem. Write a division sentence to divide the pencils in 3 equal groups.

18 3 = 6
There are 6 pencils in each group.

Prepared by: Caxandra Marbella Villamin

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