Introduction in Healthcare Quality

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Introduction to Healthcare Quality

By Doctor Mazen Mohamed Abd Al Azeem

Health Care Quality Specialist MB BCh Cairo University TQM American University in Cairo

The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
Albert Einstein

Quality is Defined as Dictionary :Noun : Degree or grade of excellence. Adjective : Having a high degree of excellence.
Websters new World College and American Heritage Dictionaries

Quality is:Doing the right thing right first time and every time. With Standers Standers are created when experts are able to understand what the right things are an how the right things are best achieved based on Research and Clinical Evidence. Standers serve as guidelines for excellence .

Other definitions

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid service (CMS) defines healthcare quality as The right care for every person every time

The Juran institute :Free from Deficiencies: Nosocomial infection, excessive waiting time, lost lab results etc. Service features : Pleasant waiting room, computerized health records, follow-up care etc.

The Institute Of Medicine collected and analyzed over 100 definitions of quality of care and came for this definition :The quality of care is the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.

Aspects of Quality


Measurable Appreciative Perceptive

Measurable quality :Defined objectively as compliance or adherence to standers .

Clinical as Protocols and clinical guidelines. Performance measures or indicators.

Appreciative quality :Is a comprehensive and appraisal of excellence beyond minimal standers and criteria .

None articulate judgment of skilled ,experienced practitioners and sensitive ,caring persons .

Perceptive quality :Is the degree of excellence that is perceived and judged by the recipient or the observer of care rather than the provider .

The ideal organizational wide healthcare quality strategy is effective in tracking Measurable quality .

Key Dimensions:Provide the Framework for the quality management activities in all healthcare setting.

1 ) Appropriate :Relevant to individual clinical needs. Doing the right thing in accordance to purpose. 2) Available : Accessible and obtainable to meet individual needs .

3) Competence :The practitioners ability to produce both the health and satisfaction of customers. 4)Continuous : Delivery of needed healthcare unbroken succession.

5)Effectiveness : -The degree to which desired outcome is reached . Positive results of care delivery Performance that equivalent to stated requirements . 6)Efficacy :- Potential capacity or capability to produce the desired effect or outcome The power of procedure .

7)Efficiency : The relationship between Outcomes and resources used to deliver care. Relationship between inputs and outputs . 8)Prevention and early detection :Identification of risk factors to promote health and prevent diseases .

9)Respect and caring:The degree to which those providing services do so with sensitivity for the individuals needs, expectations and individuals differences. 10)Safety :The degree to which the healthcare intervention minimizes risks of adverse outcome for both patient and provider .

11) Timeliness: The degree to which care is provided to individual at the most beneficial or necessary time.

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