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Web based Project Management using

Peter Wieland [email protected] PW_Tools

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What is PW_Tools?
Number of scripts to support
Project management via the WWW Automated creation and maintenance of
project web sites

Support for:
Keeping address lists (profiles)
up to date

Maintaining action lists in

various granularities

Sharing bookmarks (links) Publishing Web site Publishing exploitations information

(conferences and publications)

Sending to-do lists via email

to specific project members

Web statistics

Archiving and extracting documents


Use all functionality or parts of it.

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Motivation & Background Basic objectives Overview & Concepts
PWA (Action lists & Profiles) PWD (Document archive) PWU (Update sites (mirror)) PWB (Bookmarks) PWE (Exploitation) PWL (Log of access) PWR (Root generator) PWC (Clean up links) PWS (Send emails automatically)

Benefits and problems Current state & availability Directory structure

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Motivation and Background

Committed to the coordination of a Available recommended tools global project

failed (e.g. Frontpage)

One part of this role was web site

maintenance for
Internal information Public information

Web information used for reporting


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Project constellation

10 partners with various background About 30 project members 4 countries
Portugal (3) Germany (2) Greece (2) Norway (3)

8 work entities
5 Work packages Project Steering Group (PSG) Technical Committee (TC) Telephone Conferences

Provide 30+ updated detailed and
dynamic information views on Project members (30) Work entities (8+) Partners (10)

Provide mailing lists for those views

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PWA: Web pages to visualise profiles

Single csv-file as information source for members with fields for:

Personal abbreviation key (PWi) Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email, etc. Personal partner key

Script generates
Profiles (html)
One per project member (28) One per project partner (10) One per work entity (8) Table of contents for those 46 pages

Work entity membership text files

Free definable Individual members All members of a partner

Overall partner page Gallery

Partner list text file

Partner key Partner information

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PWA: Profile view examples

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PWA: Profile related views

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PWA: Work entity memberships

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Project work load

8 work entities
5 Work packages Project Steering Group (PSG) Technical Committee (TC)

Collect actions during various meetings Make actions visible to individuals Make actions visible to responsible
managers (WP, Site, PM, etc.)

Support project managers action followup

Meeting with various frequencies

WP: quarterly (total: ca. 12) PSG: yearly (total: 3) TC: twice a year (total: 6) Phone: twice a month (total: ca. 50)
In total: ~ 70 meetings

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PWA: Web pages to visualise actions

Single ASCII text file with a specific format


Script generates
Action information pages
One per action (currently 251 after 12 month project duration)

Active-Flag: Closed or Active

Resp.List: Pairs of ID,State

ID references a project memeber State: done or not done

Action lists
One per project member (28) One per project partner (10)

Same format as in the Minutes of Meeting

Information identical to MoM (documentation and reference)

Overview table
All open actions All closed actions All overdue actions All to-do actions

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PWA: Action information overview

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PWA: Member and Partner Lists

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PWD: Document archive

Quality Assurance Programme
PM has responsibility for filing documentation Document reference

Solution: Web based archive

Directory name = Document reference Directory contains all available formats Different views
Sorted by Reference No Sorted by Author, Type, Title, Date Sorted by Meetings, etc. New views definable

Various document types

Deliverables Minutes Progress reports Cost statements, etc. Word-files Zip-files PDF-files Presentations (PPT) others

Various document formats

Integrated fetch mechanism (ftp) Search engine

Project members need approved versions

with easy access
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PWD: Document archive views

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PWB: Bookmark information

Microsoft Favorites input format Generates single bookmark file (share Favorites)

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PWE: Exploitation information


Location & date Different options

Paper Presentation Exhibition

Different states and responsibles for each option Input: single text file with information Generates short- and long-format html-page

Links to profiles and document archive (no redundancy)

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PWE: Exploitation information


Different items
books papers proceedings etc

Input: Standard reference database format

Bibtex (ASCII based, free) Usable as reference database for
input in papers etc.

Output: Publication html-page


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Directory structure

One root directory (e.g. Web) PW_Tools as subdir of the root Bin, Input (global) One subdir for each script (PWA, PWB, etc.) All overview html-pages under this subdir One Input subdir under each script-subdir Non-overview information located in subdirs
under script-subdir (for PWA & PWD)
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PWR: Root generator

Few pages are not generated automatically Same header at each level Solution:
Put all hand-made pages in a directory Consistent header to all of those pages is
attached automatically

Each other page generating script uses same

header information

All generated files are stored under root


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PWU: Site mirror (update site)

One master web
Generated locally (e.g. project directory) Usable as master Usable for back-up


Text files with mirror information on

Where to publish to (copy) Single files (optional rename) Directories (recursive with subdirectories) Check timestamp information before

Different information required on different mirror web sites

All information on internal internet site
(password protected)

All reviewers specific info on reviewers

internet site (password protected)

All public information on public

accessible internet site

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PWU:Site mirror (example)

(after mapping wwwroot on to i:)

i:/marvin_int ############################### FILES PWD_search.html; actions.htm; archive.html; default.htm; deliverables.html; dissemination.html; docref.html; links.html; news.html; summary.html; partners.html; meeting_gallery.html; ################################# DIRS PW_Tools/PWA PW_Tools/PWB PW_Tools/PWD PW_Tools/PWE PW_Tools/PWR PW_Tools/PWU PW_Tools/BIN PW_Tools/Input PW_Tools/Doc Pictures

Other destinations

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Benefits and Problems

+ Technical:
Single (non-redundant) data source Automated generation of html-pages
using Perl (free and platform independent)

+ Project related:
Save time
MoM (action) follow-up easy No paper archive required (pure Web) Information source for reporting to CEC Automatically send to-do lists to members

Only relative links (transferable, pickand-go e.g. for meetings)

Project independent
(except PWD which depends on the reference system)

Increase quality by providing reliable information

Good state overview for responsible persons People can view others states (recognise locks) All members have updated and identical archives Helps avoiding Didnt know situations

Not (!) mouse-oriented (drag-and-drop) Generates standard W3C HTML (4.0) Different web sites share consistent

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People have to use the information Not COTS Some html-knowledge (for root pages) recommended PW_Tools

Current state & Availability

State (April 2001): Available at:

Published with copyleft:

PW_Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PW_Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Documentation & How-to-getstarted

Other requirements:

Any machine running Perl



Perl, which is free ( (Use ActivePerl on NT)

Any ASCII text editor

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