Introduction of OB

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Organizational Behaviour.

Whats an organization? Who creates an organization? What is organizational effectiveness?

Group of people who work together independently towards same goal & they have structured pattern of interactions Individual or group of people. It depends upon i) Quality goods & services produce @ reasonable rate without affecting the profit margin ii) satisfying all the stakeholders


the actions or reactions of an individual, usually in relation to the environment. Behavior can be conscious or unconscious, overt or covert Motivated by desire to attain a goal

Organizational Behavior

1. 2. 3.

It is the study & application of knowledge about how people act within the organization Three main features emphasis in any definition are: Study of human behavior Study of behavior in organization Knowledge about human behavior would be useful in in improving organizations effectiveness

Organisational Behaviour

is the systematic study and careful application of knowledge about how people - as individuals and as groups - act within organizations. Field of study that investigates the impact that individual groups & structure have on behavior within the organisation for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organisations effectiveness.

Intrapersonal 1. Personality 2. Attitude 3. Perception 4. Motivation 5. Learnings 6. Stress
Organization 1. Culture 2. Policy 3. Structure 4. Reward & Feedback

Interpersonal 1. Group behaviour 2. Team 3. Conflict 4. Leadership


Human Tool Three level of analysis Studies cause and effect relationship Actions & Goal Oriented discipline Science as well as Arts Multidisciplinary in nature Holistic Approach

Elements /Forces of Organisational Behaviour

People Group Structure Technology Social System Environment

An interdisciplinary focus
Psychology Personality, Perception ,Attitudes, learning's, Training, Work stress Individual


Group Dynamics,Comm, Leadership

Culture,Org-Structure: Formal/Informal Behavioral Changes, Attitude change,Group Orga-culture & Environment, individual culture Organizational power, Conflict, Politics Organization Group

Study of OB

SocioPsychology Anthropology

Political Science

Fundamental assumptions of OB / Foundations of OB

1. Individual difference Each individual differ from each other Difference arises from birth due the various experience that individual goes through

A whole person
Individual is not hired alone but his likes & dislikes are also hired.

Caused behavior

There is always cause behind a person behavior Human behavior is caused because of needs. Behavior is directed towards fulfillment of this need.

Human Dignity

The concept rejects the old idea of using employee as economic tools. Treated differently as they are of higher order in the universe, should be treated with respect & dignity

Organisation are Social System

Individual is govern by social & psychological law. Individual has social needs to satisfy. Existence of social system reflects that organisation is subject to change, as all the parts of the system are interdependent & influence each other.

Mutuality of Interest

Organisation need people & people need organisation. Lack of common interest brings no cooperation.

Holistic Concept

Take all the possible views to people in an effort to understand as many as possible factors that influence behaviour.

Types of models

Autocratic Custodial Supportive Collegial SOBC


The basis of this model is power with a managerial orientation of authority. The employees in turn are oriented towards obedience and dependence on the boss. The employee need that is met is subsistence. The performance result is minimal.


The basis of this model is economic resources with a managerial orientation of money. The employees in turn are oriented towards security and benefits & dependence on the organization. The employee need that is met is security. The performance result is passive cooperation.


The basis of this model is leadership with a managerial orientation of support. The employees in turn are oriented towards job performance and participation. The employee need met is status & recognition. The performance result is awakened drives.


The basis of this model is partnership with a managerial orientation of teamwork. The employees in turn are oriented towards responsible behavior and self-discipline. The employee need that is met is self-actualization. The performance result is moderate enthusiasm.

Interpretation of models




Models bound to change. no one model is best for all times. Models are related to hierarchy of human needs. Today's tendency of towards more democratic models of organizational behavior continue for a long run. Different models will remain in use.

Autocratic Basis of Model Power

Custodial Economic Money

Supportive Leadership Support

Collegial Partnership Teamwork Responsible Behavior

Managerial Authority orientation Employee obligation Emp.psych results Obedience

Security & Job perbenefits formance

Dependenc On org e boss

Participation Self discipline

Emp needs met

Subsistence security

Status & recognition

Awakened drives

Moderate enthusiasm

Performanc minimum e result


S- Stimulus, O- Organism, B- Behaviour, C- Consequences. Based on social learning. Says that internal cognition leads to behavior. Expanded model includes interactive nature of environment (S and C), intrapersonal cognition in determining its behavior. Serve as conceptual framework. Gives a bare bone of sketch rather than explanation

Composed of indication that determines behavior. Overt indication: external & observable Covert indication: internal & non observable. the above is a part of internal environment. External envt consist of technological & social factors provides stimulus for behviour.


Is a physical being or human being. Physical factors are influence by stimulus. They alter psychological structure. Response is emerge as an result of the interaction between stimulus & structure.


The way in which an individual reacts to stimuli is behavior. Individual show patterns of behavior t stimuli. Behavior can be predicted by understanding their patterns. Covert behavior difficult to understand.


Behavior leads in determining the consequences. Positive consequences: leads to reinforcement. Negative consequences: force to change the behavior. Consequences dependent on situations.

Significance of SOBC

Simple & useful model. It helps to understand ,predict & control the behavior of individual. Important in organizing the further study & Development of models of OB.




Achieve Organisational effectiveness. Maximum utilization of Organisational effectiveness. Input to decision making. Effective management Understanding self & others. Develops cordial relation.

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