Bord & Pillar Method

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Bord and pillar mining method comprises of two phases:


Development or whole working: Pillars are formed.

Depillaring or broken working: Extraction of pillars

Sometimes, both the phases proceed simultaneously. DEVELOPMENT WORK In development, pillars are formed by driving a series of narrow roads (headings) or galleries in the seam separated by block of solid coal parallel to one another and connecting then by another set of narrow parallel roadways driven nearly at right angles to the first set. One set of gallery is generally parallel to the dip and the other set is parallel to the strike cutting the former at right angles. The stage of formation of a network of roadways is known as development or first working.

Ideally, the pillars should be square but they are sometimes rectangular or rhombus shaped. The galleries surrounding the pillars are invariably of square cross-section.


After the headings reach a certain line or boundary or after complete development of the mine leasehold, coal pillars formed are extracted for complete removal of coal. This stage of extraction of coal from the pillars or reduction of coal pillars is known as depillaring.

Basic parameters of bord and pillar mining system 1. Gallery (bord) 2. Pillar

3. Junction

Calculation of percentage of extraction during development If coal from the full seam thickness is extracted, the percentage of extraction during development is nearly 20% in deep mines and 35% in shallow mines.

Applicability of bord and pillar mining method Following points should be considered for b/p mining Gradient of the seam: Flat seams are more suitable. Thickness of the seam: Seam thicker than 1.5 m and preferably 1.8-3 m thick are suitable for b/p mining method. Presence of stone and dirt bands: Seam should be free from stone and dirt bands. Gassiness of seam: Seams which are not highly gassy are suitable for b/p method.

Proneness of coal to spontaneous heating: For suitable working by b/p method the coal should not be highly prone to spontaneous heating. Roof and floor rocks: Seams with strong roof and floor can stand for a long period after development stage is over. Strength of coal: coal of adequate crushing srength are more suitable for b/p mining.

Advantages of bord and pillar mining method

The major advantages of b/p mining are

The area to be immediately worked is proved. Therefore, initial planning may be modified to deal with geological disturbances like faults and intrusions without serious loss of output. Roads and airways are in solid coal and their maintenance cost is low throughout the life of the mine.

Coal output is obtained while roadways are being made during the development stage, and naturally during depillaring stage, thus providing a continuous flow of coal after the seam is touched.
Unlike in L/W mining, no unproductive work of dinting, strip packing etc. is involved. Hence a high OMS is achieved.

The working team at the working faces is usually small. This helps in simpler methods of calculation of work performance, smoother and more coordinated work. Surface features like railways, important buildings, rivers etc. which should not be disturbed by u/g method of mining can be well supported during the development stage by the solid pillars and later by only partially extracting the pillars if stowing is not practicable. Due to simpler mining operations, b/p workings attract more labour. Disadvantages of bord and pillar mining method Ventilation is sluggish at the working places as compared to L/W method because of multiple connections and large no. of ventilation stoppings which provides sources of leakage. The extraction losses are generally higher than in other methods of mining. Work is carried on at a no. of working places creating problems of supervision.

Constant fleeting of machinery from place to place is needed. Working by this method becomes difficult at greater depths, as effects of roof pressure are not easily controllable. Heaving of floor and creeping of roof due to heavy roof pressure may result in loss of roadways.

Effect of subsidence and interaction on other seams are not even and not easily predictable or controllable.
Risk of spontaneous heating is more due to higher coal loss in the goaf.

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