Foucault Presentation

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Truth and Power

Philosophy 157 G. J. Mattey 2002

The Holy Trinity

Three thinkers were most influential on European thought in the second part of the 20th century Marx advocated political and economic struggle to overcome the oppression of the proletariat Freud diagnosed deviant mental states as the result of repression of drives Nietzsche explained human reality historically, in terms of power relations

Foucault and the Marxists

Marxists dominated intellectual life in mid-20th century France and ignored Foucaults work They restricted their interest to central fields such as mathematics, physics, economics They were concerned with power only with respect to the apparatus of the state Therefore, they overlooked marginal sciences such as psychiatry and the way they involve power

Marxists and capitalists are polarized over ideology Marxists condemn class domination Capitalists condemn totalitarianism Both ideologies obscure the mechanics of power They focus on the large-scale aspects of power while overlooking the small-scale aspects, which are much more revealing Ideology itself grows out of more fundamental conditions (e.g., economic conditions)

Capitalist Libertarianism
The ideal of capitalist libertarianism is to free the individual to allow maximum self-development It is based on the self as an autonomous agent, whose existence Foucault denies It attempts to make these agents regulate themselves through institutions of discipline It understands power through the institutions of law, which Foucault says obscures small-scale institutions of power

Foucault and Freud

Freud investigated deviant mental states, which is one of Foucaults main subjects Freud postulated internal repression to account for these states Foucault noted that psychiatry employs external repression: institutionalizing or trying to normalize the deviant He held that repression is only the negative side of power, which has a positive role as well

Phenomenology emphasizes the constituent subject It was a prominent methodology during Foucaults education He rejected transcendental or ahistorical accounts of the constitution of the self The self is constituted through historical events and practices, based on power

Structuralists (especially in linguistics and anthropology) tried to find the underlying structure in all practices and discourse They ignored contingent, historical events Foucault thought that the model for explaining human practices is not symbolic structures such as language, but war The strategic nature of human practices cannot be captured by abstract structures

Foucault and Nietzsche

Nietzsche understood the relationship between power and truth, in the context of struggle Truth is not an essential structure to be uncovered Foucault saw truth as a production of power: power-relations produce discourse (e.g., science) which is their truth Truth is thus not opposed to error, illusion, or mere ideology The problem of truth is to free it from social, economic, and cultural hegemony

Power and Metapower

Traditional studies of power focus on its highest levels In modern society, power is concentrated in the state or the sovereign But for Foucault, this is metapower, which sits on a basis of a whole series of power networks These networks invest the body, sexuality, the family, kinship, knowledge, technology, and so forth

Positive and Negative Power

The juridical conception of power focuses on repression (the army, the police, the tax man) But power has a positive, productive side Modern societies organize power at the lower levels (e.g., through education, support for technology)

An Example: Sexuality
Bourgeois society attempts to repress young peoples interest in sex This has the opposite effect of sexualizing everything for them Sexuality is far more of a positive product of power than power was ever repression of sexuality

Problems of Power
The productive power of people is based on regimes of discipline, wherein they are manipulated and conditioned These regimes must be supported administratively This gives rise to problems of demography, public health, hygiene, housing conditions, longevity, and fertility Sexuality is a problem because it lies at the join between discipline of the body and population control

Coping with Power

The intellectual plays the leading role in coping with power relations The old model is that of a universal intellectual, based on the man of law, who invokes conceptions such as justice The writer has given way to the academic The new model is the that of the specific intellectual, who criticizes power networks from within them An example is a nuclear scientist who opposes nuclear weapons

Truth and Discourse

Societies have regimes of truth, which are embodied in discourse, including: Special status for certain types of discourse Criteria for establishing truth and falsehood Rewards and sanctions Favored techniques for gaining truth Establishment of authorities to establish truth

Truth and Power

Truth in societies like ours has five traits: A form of discourse, with its institutions Constant political and economic incitement Diffusion and consumption Control by a few large political and social apparati The object of ideological struggle

The Specific Intellectual

In the context of these truth-inducing powernetworks, the intellectual has three positions A class position A vocational position A position in the specific institutions of truth The intellectual can, within the specific, have an effect on the wider regime of truth

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