Presentation of IS 15700 Standards

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IS 15700:2005


CHALLENGES AHEAD Stiff competition Transparency

Strong consumer movement

Pro-active Media with 24 x 7 Coverage

Manpower constraint
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Satisfy all stakeholders Single interface for all needs Growth in business/activity
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Customer Needs : Connection, bill payment, fault repair, add-on (broadband, mobile), fast service, minimum tariff, Wouldnt like to go from window to window.
Management Needs : Increase in customer base, No complaint, Follow-by-the-Rule-Book, Be answerable, Give me the authority & You be responsible. Employee Needs : Provide infrastructure, give all facilities, Dontshow-the-Rule-Book, Will be do overtime when I need it (and not when there is heavy workload/rush).





Provide good governance

Increase efficiency in service delivery

Provide quality services




IMPLEMENT IS 15700 : 2005

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IS 15700 : 2005
Enables an Organization to establish systems which to provide quality services consistently, effectively and efficiently

Provides for system to ensure Continual Improvement in Services and Processes



IS 15700 : 2005
A Generic Standard Certifiable standard Applicable to all organizations, irrespective of size or type of service Department specific requirements to be specified by the Department
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IS 15700 : 2005
All organizations, large or small, follow a system of doing business.

Guides an organization in managing its business activities, associated with quality of service.
Helps an organization to establish systems which enable it to provide quality service consistently. QMS standards are not substitute to service standards but are complementary to each other. Use of service standards with QMS standards enable an organization to maintain and continually improve quality of services, resulting thereby in enhancing customers' satisfaction & competitiveness.
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1.1 Specifies requirements for a QMS where a Public Service Organization:
needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide effective and efficient service that meets customers and legal/regulatory requirements, aims to enhance customer satisfaction, and

aims to continually improve its service and service delivery process.

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1.2 The requirements for complaints

handling process prescribed in the standard do not apply to employment related disputes and/or disputes referred for resolution outside the organization.

REFERENCE IS/ISO 9000:2005 Quality Management System - Fundamentals and Vocabulary (Third revision)



3.1 Citizens Charter

Document declaring the intentions and commitment of an organization for providing effective and efficient service, taking into account customers expectations and minimum acceptable levels of service, thereby, providing assurance that the organization complies with the service quality standards. 3.2 Complaint (Grievance)

Expression of dissatisfaction reported to an organization in relation to its services and/or processes, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected.
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Person, organization or its representative, making a complaint. 3.4 Complaints Handling Objective

Something sought, or aimed for, related to complaints handling. 3.5 Customer

Organization or person that receives a product or service. (examples: consumer, client, citizen, end-user, beneficiary & purchaser)
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Customer Satisfaction

Customers perception of the degree to which his/her requirements have been fulfilled.

1. Customer complaints are a common indicator of low customer satisfaction but their absence does not necessarily imply high customer satisfaction. 2. Even when customer requirements have been agreed and Fulfilled, this does not necessarily ensure high customer satisfaction. 3.7 Feedback

Opinions, comments, suggestions and expressions of satisfaction/ dissatisfaction.

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3.8 Non-conformity Non fulfillment of a requirement. 3.9 Public Service Organization An organization which provides services to public at large and/or whose activities influence public interest.
(examples: Government Ministries/ Departments/Regulatory Bodies/ Public Utility Service Providers, etc.) Note: Wherever the term `organization has been used, it means public service organization.
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3.10 Quality Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements.

NOTE: 1. The `requirements imply service requirements. 2. Inherent, as opposed to assigned, means existing in something, especially as a permanent characteristic.

3.11 Service

The results generated, by activities at the interface between the organization and the customer and by organizations internal activities, to meet customer requirements. 3.12 Service Delivery
The organizations activities, including those at the customer interface, necessary to provide the service.
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3.13 Service Quality Objectives

Something sought, or aimed for, related to service quality.

3.14 Service Quality Policy

The overall intentions and direction of an organization as regards service quality, as formally expressed by the top management.

3.15 Stakeholder (Interested Party)

Person or group having an interest in the performance or success of an organization. Group can comprise an organization or its part or more than one organization.
(examples: customers, owners, people in an organization, suppliers, bankers, unions, partners or society)

3.16 Top Management

Person or group of people, who directs and controls an organization at the highest level.
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4.1 General
Organization shall document the following:
a) Service quality manual b) Citizens charter c) Any other document needed by the organization for effective planning, operation and control of its service and service delivery processes and d) Records required by the standard.
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4.2 Service Quality Manual Organization shall establish and maintain a Service Quality Manual which shall include: a) Scope of service quality management system; b) Service quality policy; c) Service quality objectives; d) Complaints handling objectives; e) Responsibility and authority of personnel at relevant levels within the scope of ;
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4.2 Service Quality Manual (contd.) f) Documented procedures required by the standard; g) Other documents needed by the organization for effective planning, operation and control of its service and service delivery processes, or reference to them; & h) Description of service processes including service delivery processes at the customer interface and those needed to directly support them (refer to 7.2).
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4.3 Control of Documents

4.3.1 All the documents required by the standard shall be: a) approved for adequacy prior to issue; b) reviewed periodically, updated as necessary and re-approved. The changes made shall be identified; and c) legible and identifiable indicating their current revision status.
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4.3 Control of Documents (contd.)

4.3.2 The organization shall: a) maintain a master list of all documents related to the scope of this standard which also identifies their current revision status; b) maintain distribution list of all such documents; c) ensure that the current versions of applicable documents are available at points of use; d) ensure that obsolete documents, if retained for any purpose, are suitably identified to prevent their unintended use; and e) ensure that the documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled. 4.3.3 A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed for the above.
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4.4 Control of Records Records (including files) shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements for the effective operation of the management system for service quality. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and easily retrievable. Method of identification, storage, protection, disposition of each record, their retention time and responsibility for each of these activities shall be established in a documented procedure.
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5.1 Management Commitment

Top management shall:
a) establish service quality policy and citizens charter, b) ensure that service quality objectives and complaints handling objectives are established, c) conduct management reviews, and d) ensure the availability of resources.
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5.2 Customer Focus

Top management shall ensure that customer requirements are determined and met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.




5.3 Service Quality Policy & Citizens Charter

5.3.1 Top management shall ensure that service quality policy and citizens charter:
a) are documented, b) are appropriate to the purpose of the organization, c) are made available to all personnel including customers and other stakeholders, d) are communicated & understood within organization, e) include a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve effectiveness of the quality management system, and f) are reviewed for continuing suitability.




5.3.2 The service quality policy shall provide a framework for establishing and reviewing service quality objectives and complaints handling objectives.
5.4 Objectives Service quality objectives and complaints handling objective shall be consistent with the service quality policy and shall be established at relevant functions and levels within the organization. All the objectives shall be measurable and documented.
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5.5 When establishing the service quality policy and objectives, following shall be considered:
a) Input of customers and other stakeholders
b) Any relevant legal/regulatory requirements c) Financial, operational & organizational requirements.





Responsibility, Authority and Communication

5.6.1 Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities are established at relevant functions and levels, related to the scope of this standard, and communicated within the organization. 5.6.2 Working Group for Citizens Charter Constitute a working group for formulation of the citizens charter. Nodal officer at the apex level shall act as member secretary of the working group. Working group shall include representatives from top and middle management, staff association/ unions, customers and other stakeholders. The selection of team members shall be done in a transparent manner, the details of which shall be accessible to the public.
9/16/2013 MSCD 30 Responsibilities of Working Group shall include:

a) identification of all stakeholders, b) identification of all key services provided c) preparing a draft citizens charter (in consultation with stakeholders), d) formally issuing/releasing citizens charter after approval by appropriate authority, and e) reviewing and updating, as required, based on the feedback & continuing suitability.
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5.6.3 Nodal Officer Nodal officer at apex level
Top management shall appoint a member of its management as `nodal officer at apex level who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have responsibility and authority to: a) Ensure that processes needed for service, service delivery, citizens charter and complaints handling are established, implemented and maintained; Act as member-secretary of Working Group for formulation of Citizens Charter; Act as PGO and report to top management of any complaints which may have a significant impact on the organization; Report to top management on performance of service quality, citizens charter and complaints handling with recommendations for improvement; and Devise mechanism for obtaining feedback and internal quality audit (see 8.3).

c) d) e)


1. 2. Responsibility of nodal officer at apex level may also include liaison with the certifying body. While nodal officer at apex level shall be responsible for the above, he may take help of other officers in the organization, if required, owing to administrative exigencies or in the public interest. Nodal officer at unit level

Where an organization is providing services through its different units, top management shall ensure appointment of a nodal officer at unit level, who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall:


b) c)

ensure that processes needed for the service, service delivery, citizens charter and complaints handling are implemented and maintained; act as public grievance officer; and report regularly to the nodal officer at the apex level, on the performance of the service quality, citizens charter and complaints handling with recommendations for improvement.



Internal Communication

Top management shall ensure that appropriate communication processes are established within the organization so that effective communication takes place for various processes related to services, citizens charter and complaints handling.




5.7 Management Review

5.7.1 Top management shall review the SQMS, Citizens Charter Complaints handling Review at planned intervals

Review to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness.

Review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes, including the service quality policy and objectives. Records of management reviews shall be maintained
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5.7.2 The input to management review shall include information on:

a) follow-up actions from previous reviews, b) results of audit, c) customer feedback including results of customer satisfaction surveys, d) changing customer requirements, e) feedback from other stakeholders, f) extent to which objectives are achieved, g) status of preventive/corrective actions, h) review of processes performance, and i) recommendations for improvement.
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5.7.3 Review output shall include any decisions and actions related to:
a) improvement in service quality standards; b) improvement in customer satisfaction; c) improvement in the management systems for service quality, citizens charter, and complaints handling;

d) Resource needs.





6.1 Organization shall determine and provide resources for effective implementation of management systems for service quality, citizens charter and complaints handling. Resources shall include human resources, infrastructure and work environment.
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6.2 The organization shall ensure that personnel are:

a) selected on the basis of capability to satisfy defined job specifications, b) trained to ensure that they understand the tasks to be performed and the objectives to be achieved including how they contribute to the achievement of objectives, c) aware of their responsibilities including promptly reporting on complaints/feedback which have a significant impact on the organization, and d) aware of procedures to be followed and information to be given to the customers.
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6.2.1Training records shall be maintained. 6.2.2 Organization shall ensure that personnel, who are in direct contact with the customers: a) are available and accessible, as specified; b) are sensitized to treat customers in a courteous manner; c) respond promptly to customers enquiry/ complaint; d) provide accurate, updated and complete information; and e) possess good interpersonal and communication skills.
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6.3 Infrastructure and Work Environment

The organization shall determine, provide and maintain the infrastructure and work environment necessary for achieving service quality and complaints handling.





7.1 Citizens Charter 7.1.1 The citizens charter shall contain:

a) vision and mission statement of organization, b) list of key services being offered, and c) measurable service standards for the services provided and remedies available to customers for non-compliance to the standards.
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7.1.2 The citizens charter shall: a) represent a systematic effort of the organization to focus on its commitment towards its customers; b) be simple and easily understandable and also printed in local languages, as required; c) be non discriminatory; d) describe or refer to complaints handling process; e) include the name, address, telephone number and other contact details of the PGO; f) be periodically reviewed for updation and continual improvement; g) highlight expectations of the organization from its customers, wherever required; and h) provide information on the date of issue of the citizens charter and who all were consulted in its preparation.
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7.2Service Provision
The organization shall:
a) ensure that services provided by the organization take into account expectations of the customer and applicable regulatory requirements; b) ensure that the service delivery processes are in line with the objectives defined by the organization; c) assure the quality of products and services purchased and/or outsourced, which affects its service quality; d) ensure availability of procedures/work instructions, information, wherever necessary, and their implementation so that service delivery processes are carried out as specified;




7.2 Service Provision


The organization shall: e) ensure the availability and use of suitable equipment, monitoring and measuring devices; f) ensure calibration or verification of measuring equipment at specified intervals, or prior to use, wherever necessary; g) identify the verification status of the service or service delivery process at relevant stages; h) identify, verify, protect and safeguard the customer property, whenever provided by the customer for its use in service; and j) ensure implementation of monitoring and measurement including time norms as specified in the citizens charter.
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7.3 Complaints Handling

Establish a documented procedure for complaint handling process.

Various steps in the complaints handling process shall include:

a) Identification of complaint-prone areas in a systematic manner and determine time norms for their redressal; b) Providing information concerning complaints handling process in clear language and formats accessible to all. Such information shall include:

where and how complaints can be lodged, minimum information to be provided by the complainant, and time limits within which complaint will be closed.



Complaints Handling (contd.)

c) Widely publicizing the information about complaints handling process through print, web & other media. Name, address, telephone number and other contact details of the PGO shall also be displayed prominently at the reception and other convenient places in the organization; d) Unique identification of the complaint and recording necessary information including relevant details of complaint, remedy requested, due date of redressal, relevant data related to the complaint and immediate action to be taken (if any); e) Scrutiny of the complaint and its categorization as critical, major or minor depending upon its seriousness and severity;

f) Prompt acknowledgement of each complaint giving the complaint number along with an indication of redressal time and name, designation & telephone number of the employee to be contacted for all future correspondence;
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Complaints Handling (contd.)

g) Investigation of relevant circumstances and information relating to the complaint. The level of investigation shall be commensurate with the seriousness and severity of the complaint. If the complaint cannot be immediately resolved, it shall be dealt in a manner which would lead to its effective redressal as soon as possible and the complainant be intimated; h) Communication of the decision to the complainant regarding his complaint immediately after a decision is taken and getting his feedback. In case the decision is not in conformity with the remedy requested by the complainant, the justification for the decision taken along with alternative internal and external recourse available for appeal shall also be intimated and the complaint shall be closed; & j) Nominating `Ombudsman who could be approached if normal service delivery mechanism does not respond.




8 IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING, MEASUREMENT AND IMPROVEMENT 8.1 Implementation - The organization shall:

a) establish single-window system at points of public contact to facilitate disposal of applications; b) set up information and facilitation centers and help-lines for information on procedures, application status, etc. ; c) widely publicize citizens charter through organizations website, media and send copies to all stakeholders; d) prominently display citizens charter in the organization; e) publish annually the data relating to performance, viz.a-viz., commitment relating to citizens charter in the annual report or by some other suitable means.
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Monitoring and Measurement

8.2.1 The organization shall monitor and measure: a) characteristics of service and service delivery processes to verify that service quality objectives and service standards have been met. This shall be carried out at all locations/ stages where organization has an interface with customer; b) performance, viz.-a-viz., commitment made in citizens charter and complaints handling procedure on a regular basis and report to top management with recommendations for improvement; and c) working of complaints handling machinery through random checks. In addition, editors/grievance column of local newspapers shall be regularly examined for picking up cases, as may be appropriate. Records of evidence of conformity shall also be maintained
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Customer Satisfaction

Organization shall establish & implement a system for measuring customer satisfaction through suitably designed methodology. This information shall be used for continual improvement.





Internal Quality Audit

Conduct internal audits at planned intervals to determine whether the SQMS conforms to requirements of the standard and to the documents established by the organization. An audit plan shall be documented indicating scope, frequency of audit, auditors, auditee and audit dates/time. Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall be objective and impartial. Auditors shall not audit their own work. Auditee shall ensure that actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected non-conformities and their causes. Follow-up activities shall include verification of the actions taken and reporting of the verification results. Records of the audits shall be maintained.
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8.4 Analysis of Data

The organization shall analyze the data collected during monitoring and measurement (see 8.2.1) and customer satisfaction (see 8.2.2) to determine current level of performance and opportunities for continual improvement, particularly where nonconformities are recurring.




8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Corrective and Preventive Actions
The organization shall take action to eliminate the causes of non-conformities and potential causes in order to prevent recurrence and occurrence, respectively. These shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered and potential problems. Records of the action taken and improvements effected shall be maintained as well.
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