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Individual psychology was used by Adler to stress his belief that each person is an integrated whole, striving to attain future goals and attempting to find meaning in life while working harmoniously with others.

Humans are motivated primarily by social urges. A person has an inherent nature that shapes his or her own personality.

ALFRED ADLER (1870-1937)


was born on Feb 7, 1870 of a middle class in Vienna, Austria. He finished his doctorate in medicine in 1895 from the University of Vienna. He wrote the book The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology.

Major Theories

ORGAN INFERIORITY - people are more vulnerable to disease in organs that are less developed on inferior than other organs. FEELING OF INFERIORITY all children start life with feelings of inferiority since they are completely upon adults for survival. This feeling of being weak inferior and impotent stimulate in the child an intense desire to seek power, thereby overcoming the feeling of inferiority. For Adler, to become more powerful meant to become more masculine and less feminine.

Masculine protest drive to become more masculine inferiority complex - If the child failed to meet certain life challenges during his act of compensation.

STRIVING FOR SUPERIORITY - is a fundamental fact of life. Striving for superiority is an innate need; built in in all human beings at birth. It is the master motive which leads people in the pursuits of a superior or perfect society.

Superiority complex - a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.

STYLE OF LIFE means by which an individual attempts to gain superiority. Lifestyle determines which aspects of life are focused on and how it gives a person individual identity. FICTIONAL FINALISM is the fictional future goal which a person aspires. Adler later calls it a guiding self ideal. This gave Adlers theory a strong teleological (future oriented) component although it did not ignore the past altogether. CREATIVE SELF - human beings are not simple passive recipients of environmental or genetic influences. He is free to act upon these influences according to how he or she sees fit.

ORDER OF BIRTH AND PERSONALITY one of the factors that affect our personality.

only child -is more likely than others to be pampered. The parents of the only child have put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak, and are more likely to take special care sometimes anxiety-filled care of their pride and joy. first child begins life as an only child, with all the attention to him- or herself. Sadly, just as things are getting comfortable, the second child arrives and "dethrones" the first. At first, the child may battle for his or her lost position. He or she might try acting like the ,only to be rebuffed and told to grow up. Some become disobedient and rebellious, others sullen and withdrawn. Adler believes that first children are more likely than any other to become problem children. More positively, first children are often precocious. They tend to be relatively solitary and more conservative than the other children in the family.

second child is in a very different situation: He or she has the first child as a sort of "pace-setter," and tends to become quite competitive, constantly trying to surpass the older child. They often succeed, but many feel as if the race is never done, and they tend to dream of constant running without getting anywhere. Other "middle" children will tend to be similar to the second child, although each may focus on a different "competitor." youngest child -is likely to be the most pampered in a family with more than one child. After all, he or she is the only one who is never dethroned! And so youngest children are the second most likely source of problem children, just behind first children. On the other hand, the youngest may also feel incredible inferiority, with everyone older and "therefore" superior. But, with all those "pacesetters" ahead, the youngest can also be driven to exceed all of them.

VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE Adler's view of human nature was direct conflict with that of Freud's. While Adler acknowledge the presence of unconscious forces, he minimized its significance by calling unconscious as simply temporary awareness. He opposed Freud's rigidity by enumerating the extent to which a person can achieve conscious control over his or her behavior.

In a sense I have been referring to the creative self all along. It is the self in its creative aspects that interprets and makes meaningful the experiences of the organisms and that searches foe experience that will aid in fulfilling the persons unique style of life. - Adlers concept of creative self theory

Summary of the differences Between Adler and Freud

ADLER -Emphasized conscious mind - Future goals are important source of motivation - Social motives primary - Optimistic about human existence - Dreams are tools in solving problems - Personality is determined partly by the heredity individual themselves - Minimized importance of sex - Goal of therapy : to encourage lifestyle. FREUD -Emphasized unconscious mind - Future goals are unimportant - Biological motives primary - Pessimistic about human existence - Dreams are used to detect contents of unconscious mind - Personality is completely determined by environmental factors - Maximized importance of sex - Goal of therapy: to discover repressed early memories incorporating social interest

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