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Grade 1

At the end of the discussion, 85% of the pupils are expected to: a. Identify addends b. Familiarize the process in adding numbers c. solve one digit number in addition

II. Subject Matter

Topic : addition Reference : Mathematics for Everyday Life 1 Materials : computer projector paper pen chalkboard Skills : operating numbers

III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities a.1 Prayer a.2 Greetings a.3 Seating Arrangement a.4 Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation
The teacher presents a video clip of ten little Indians. Afterwards, the teacher initiates the actions first, then the students will follow.

C. Presentation
The teacher shows a power point presentation about the song they have presented earlier. The teacher introduces the discussion which is all about addition to the pupils.

D. Discussion
The teacher presents a power point presentation that contains all the discussion and examples. Pupils should ask to participate actively to the discussion.

E. Application
The teacher presents colorful objects and let the pupils count and perform the operation in a sheet of paper. The teacher asks the pupils to pass their papers after 15 minutes.

F. Generalization
The teacher asks the pupils to identify the addends by their own and define addition I their own words. The teacher provides supplemental discussions and feedbacks.

IV. Evaluation
In a whole sheet of paper, add the following pictures and numbers. 1.


= +



++ =


6. 3 + 0 =

7. 5 + 1 =

8. 2 + 7 =

9. 4 + 2 =

10. 8 + 1 =

V. Assignment
Add the following numbers :
1. 5 +2 =

2. 7 +2 =
3. 8 +1 =

4. 7 +3 =
5. 3 + 4 =

6. 2 + 3 = 7. 7 + 1 = 8. 7 + 2 = 9. 6 + 2 = 10. 5 + 3 =

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