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Asiri Group of Hospitals

Upul wijekoon

GH Food and Beverage

Why do you think there is a growing concern on food safety

Food safety more attention

Growing consumer awareness More food prepared away from home Globalization and less barriers to trade present new food safety challenges, unfamiliar hazards or new hazards Increase in scientific knowledge about hazards in foods and consequent effect on health Rising of incidence of food born illness in some countries.

Dimensions of concern
Consumer Safety Trade issues

More attention..

70% of the approximate 1.5 billion case of diarrhea that occur globally each year are direct caused by chemical or biological contamination of food

The Result

Long list of standards, Regulations, Guidelines

Importance of food safety management system

FSMS ensures the hygiene condition of food production and service FSMS ensures that hazards are identified and the risk connected with the such hazards are managed FSMS assists in controlling hazards as to reduce, and or eliminate risks, through meeting regulatory specifics FSMS based on ISO 22000 most likely will become a requirement for some imports in world region

What is ISO

ISO is international organization for Standardization ISO develops voluntary technical standards which add value to all type of business operations They contribute to making the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and cleaner.

Some of the international Standard for certification

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Certification ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Food Safety Certification

SA 8000

Good Manufacturing Practices Certification - Good agriculture practices

System Certification

OHSAS 18001- Occupational Health & Safety Management

Social Accountability Certification

ISO 22000 as a management system

GAP,GMP,GLP Pre Requisite programme Codex alimentarius General principle of food hygiene

Good Manufacturing Practices

ISO 22000 as a management system

Codex Alimentarious HACCP System and Guidelines for its application

HACCP principles (Codex Alimentarius)

Good Manufacturing Practices

ISO 22000 as a management system

Elements of ISO 9001

Management System elements

HACCP principles (Codex Alimentarius)

Good Manufacturing Practices

ISO 22000 key elements

Interactive communication (within the food chain) System management (compatible with ISO 9001) HACCP principle (as of codex) Prerequisite programms(2 type)

HACCP Seven Principles

1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7.

Conduct a hazard analysis Identify critical control points (CCPs) Establish critical limits Establish CCP monitoring requirements Establish corrective action Establish record keeping Establish procedures for verification determine the effectiveness of HACCP systems

Pre requisite programme

Must be place and fully operational before the HACCP is in place Alternatively referred to as Good Hygiene Practices (GMP) Be appropriate to the size & type of operation and nature of the product manufactured Approved by the HACCP team


Layout of premises Work place & employ facilities Control operation Preventive maintenance Cleaning & sanitation Personal hygiene Employ health Transportation Training Supplies of air, water, energy and other utilities Waste and swage disposal Pest control Management of purchased material Suitability of equipment

ISO 22000 requirements

1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8.

Scope Normative references Terms and Definitions Food safety management system Management responsibilities Resource management Planning and realization of safe product Validation, verification and improvement of the food safety management system

Asiri Group of Hospitals, ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System and HACCP Standard

Our vision
It is our vision to provide fresh, healthy hygienically safe delightful food to our voluble customers by eradicating all possible hazards through out our food processes With this in view we have been developing the product continuously. This process of continuous development with the objective of delighting our customers will continue into the future. One of our key missions in the financial year 2010/11 is to further improve the standard of hygiene. We have set ourselves the goal of achieving ISO 22000 which will ensure ultimate food safety to our customers.

Our Food Safety Policy

Asiri group of hospitals will strive to offer value to our discerning guests by providing hygienically safe delightful food, by eradicating Biological, Chemical and physical hazards throughout food sourcing, preparation and serving process conforming to the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System and other applicable regulatory requirements

Recognize Hygiene Areas in Food production & services

Personnel Hygiene Food Hygiene Kitchen Hygiene

All measures necessary to ensure the safety and wholesomeness of food during preparation, processing, manufacture, storage, transportation, distribution, handling and service to the customer.

Food safety is . making sure food is free from harm

Food hygiene is
More than just cleanliness Protecting food from risk of contamination, including harmful bacteria, poisons and physical contamination.

Preventing any bacteria present multiplying to an extent which would result in the illness of consumers or the early spoilage of food.
Destroying any harmful bacteria in the food by thorough cooking or processing. Discarding unfit or contaminated food. A HAZARD is some thing that may cause harm to the consumer. It could be microbiological, chemical or physical.

Food hygiene hazards include

The contamination of food by bacteria, poisonous chemicals or physical contamination such as glass, nails, insects.

Multiplication of bacteria to levels which could food poisoning because of storage at the wrong temperature.
The survival of food poisoning bacteria because of inadequate cooking/ processing.


Bacteria are microscopic organisms (germs) found everywhere.

Some are essential (cheese and yogurt making)

Spoilage bacteria cause food spoilage

Pathogenic bacteria cause illness.

Food poisoning bacteria produce toxins (poisons) either in the food or inside the human body. Some food poisoning bacteria produce spores which can survive high temperature.

The conditions required for bacteria to multiply are warmth, food, moisture & time.

1.warmth: Bacteria multiply rapidly between 20 C and 50 C . The ideal temperature is 37 C (body temperature) 2.Food: Bacteria thrive on high protein foods. 3.moisture: Bacteria require moisture. Dried foods restrict bacterial growth. However once milk or water is added any bacteria present will start multiplying. 4. Time: Given the right conditions of food, moisture and warmth, some bacteria can divide into two every 10-20 minutes

High risk foods;

Cooked meat & cooked poultry. Cooked meat products (pates, gravy, stews, meat pies, stock). Dairy products, custards,. Eggs & raw egg products (mayonnaise). Shellfish, oysters, prawns, crabs. Cooked rice.

Bacteria multiply by division if they have all 4 conditions.

Room temperature = 27 Body temperature = 37 Refrigeratoter temp.= 1 to 4 Deep freezer temp. = -18 Danger Zone = 5 to 63

1 hr 40 minutes= 1,000 bacteria can become 1,000,000+

Danger Zone (5 TO 63)

Food poisoning & Food Borne Diseases

Food poisoning is an unpleasant illness, which occurs within 1 36 hours of eating contaminated or poisonous food. Symptoms last from 1 7 days and include: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, fever. 6 Causes of food poisoning Bacteria or their toxins (most common) Moulds (mycotoxins) Chemicals (insecticides, cleaning agents etc) Metals (lead, copper, mercury) Poisonous plants and toadstools Poisonous fish or shellfish

Major food poisoning bacteria


(raw foods,

meat, poultry, milk, eggs, pets, rodents, birds, flies, swage)

Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium botullinum
processed meat or fish)

(Animal & human excreta, soil, vegetables, dust, raw meat/poultry, flies, cockroaches (home made products, smoked fish,

Staphylococcus aureus
cuts, raw milk from cows or goat)

(human nose, moth, skin, boils and

Bacillus cereus. (cooked rice stored in warm condition) E. coli (undercooked meat products, contaminated cooked meat,

person to person)

Food Contamination

Bacterial contamination which usually occurs

writhing food premises because of ignorance, inadequate space, poor design or because of food handlers taking short cuts, contamination of this way is most serious and may results in food spoilage, food poisoning or even death.

Physical contamination by foreign bodies which may

be dangerous, for example glass or nails, but is unpleasant and a nuisance.


Chemical contamination from pesticides, waste or

cleaning chemicals. foods should never be stored near poisonous chemicals ,and such chemicals should never be stored in empty food containers .

Preventing food poisoning

Protect food contamination by:

Purchasing food from reputable suppliers. Effective instruction, supervision and training of food handling High standards of personal hygiene and good hygiene practices. Well-designed and constructed food premises. Pest control. Separate raw and high-risk food at all stages. Effective storage and disposal of waste and unfit food. Well-designed and proper use of suitable equipment / utensils. Effective cleaning and disinfection (particular care needed with wiping cloths) staff.

Prevent bacteria multiplying by:

Store food out of the danger zone. Preparation at room temperature is kept at minimum High risk food not to left at room temperature Cool food as rapidly as possible (Within 90minutes) Use suitable preservatives (salt, sugar, vinegar) Keep food items wrapped time.

Ten main reason for food poisoning





6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Food prepared too far in advanced and stored at room temperature Cooling food too slowly prior to refrigeration Not reheating food too high enough temperatures to destroy food poisoning bacteria The use of cooked food contaminated with food poisoning bacteria Undercooking Not thawing frozen poultry for sufficient time Cross contamination from raw food to cooked food Storing hot food below 63c Infected food handlers Use of leftovers

Destroy Bacteria within food by

Sources of food poisoning bacteria

Thorough cooking Heat processing Pasteurization Canning

People: Raw food: Insects: Rodents: Animals & birds: Dust: Refuse and waste food

Physical contamination

Raw ingredients: stones, glass, pests, dirt, flaking paint Buildings / equipment: wood, rust, grease, oil, screws

Notice boards: paper, drawing pins

Packing materials: staples, string, plastic Food handlers: jewelry, buttons, fibers, hair Cleaning activities: bristles, paper, chemicals Pests: bodies, droppings, feathers, eggs Pesticide: spraying on equipment. Bait Industrial chemicals veterinary drugs, fertilizers Sabotage, needles, razorblades, tooth picks, glass

The Purchasing, Storage, Temperature control, Preparation ,Cooking and Preservation of food Purchase & storage of foods Choose a reputable supplier. Specified the standard & quality of food when ordering. Food should be checked on delivery. Temperature of food should be checked. Deliveries should be dealt with promptly. Food should be stored at the correct temperature. Dry food store should be clean & tidy. Damaged can food must not be used. Excess packaging should be removed on delivery. Stock must be rotated. Spillages should be cleaned promptly. Fruit should be check for spoilage regularly. Chemical should be stored away from food.


Temperature should be checked & recorded


High risk & low risk food must be separated. Suitable storage containers must be used. Staff must be trained in the correct use of refrigerators. Operating temperature between 1 C & 4 C. A thermometer must be positioned in the warmest part & the temperature must be checked & recorded regularly.


Unit must be serviced regularly. Must be sited in well-ventilated areas away from ovens. Should not be overloaded. Must be cleaned regularly. Stock should be checked & rotated. Food must be covered & in suitable containers. (never cans) Hot food items must never put in to a refrigerator, allow to cool first.

Freezers & Frozen Food

Should operate at-18c or below. Suitable food packaging must be used to avoid freezer burn

Frozen food temperature must be checked on delivery and stored as quickly as possible.
Deliveries above- 15c should be rejected.

Stock rotation.
Do not store above the freezer load line. Do not keep longer than recommended by the manufacturer.

General Guide lines for food keppt at -18c to -23

Vegetables, fruits, most meat -up to 12 months Pork, sausages fish, butter-up to 6 month

Thawing of frozen food

Poultry and large joints of meat MUST be completely defrosted before cooking. Follow manufacturers instructions. Thaw meats in a separate area from other foods. Allow sufficient time for defrosting. Cold running water below 15c may be used. Refrigerate or cook de-frosted foods. Thawing room temperature - 10to 15c In thawing room 1.1 kg birds take, 70hrs 1c, 40hrs 5c, 13hrs 10c to reach 0c

Stock Rotation

Use food in date order. Prevent food spoilage. Ensure food is good quality and safe. Correct stock levels are maintained. Encourages pest control measures are enforced. Use by date = short shelf life. Best before dates = longer shelf life and are manufacturers recommendations.

Food spoilage and preservation Spoilage begins as soon food is harvested. Spoilage includes bacteria, moulds and yeasts.

Signs of spoilage

Off odors Discoloration Slime Mould growth Sour taste Dry or spongy Preservation is the treatment of food to prevent or delay spoilage. Packaging is important to extend the life of preserved foods. e.g. cans, bottles, vacuum packs. Once opened the food should be treated as fresh and refrigerated.

Methods of Preserving Food

High temperatures - pasteurization, canning, bottling, cooking. Low temperature- refrigeration, freezing. Drying and de-hydration- fruits, fish, vegetables, chemicals, sugar, salt, vinegar. Vacuum Packing-meat, fish. Acid fermentation- Yogurt, cheese, salami. meats,

Irradiation- spices.
Smoking- fish, meat

Personal Hygiene

Hands & Skin

Food handlers must wash their hands regularly throughout the working day

After visiting the w.c. On entering the food preparation area and before handling any food or equipment In-between handling raw and cooked food After combing or touching the hair After eating ,smoking, coughing, or blowing the nose

After handling waste food or refuse After handling cleaning chemicals

The Norse, Mouth and Ears

Up to 40% adults carry staphylococci in the Norse & mouth Cough and sneeze can carry droplet infection Persons with bad colds should not handle open food Disposable single use paper tissues are preferable to handkerchiefs Food handlers should not eat sweets, chew gum, taste food with the finger. Spitting to garbage bins are prohibited, it can obviously result in food contamination.

Cuts, boils, septic pots and skin infection

Cuts ,spots and sores provide an ideal place for bacterial multiplication. These lesions should be completely covered by waterproof dressings, preferably colored blue. Cuts on fingers may need the extra protection of waterproof fingerstalls.

Jewellery and perfume

Food handlers should not wear earrings, watches, jewelled rings or brooches Strong smelling perfume or aftershave should not be worn by food handlers

The Hair

Hair is constantly falling out and ,along with dandruff, can result in contamination of food. Should wear suitable head covering which completely encloses the hair Combing of hair and adjustment only take place in locker rooms

Smoking, Protective Clothing and General health

It is illegal to use tobacco ,cigarettes ,pipes or cigars in food preparation areas or whilst handling open food. People touch their lips whilst smoking and they may transfer harmful bacteria to food Smoking encourages coughing and droplet infection To prevent from cigarettes ends and ash contaminating with food An unpleasant environment may created for non smokers

Protective clothing

Staff must be aware that protective clothing is worn to protect the food from risk of contamination and not to keep their own clothes clean Protective clothing should not be worn outside the food premises Not worn for any sports activities suitable foot wear should be worn to prevent slipping and to protect the feet Uniforms preferably white colored without external pockets Protective garments should be appropriate for the work being carried out and should completely cover ordinary clothing

General Health

Food handlers should be in good health in all aspects from oral hygiene to general fitness Any food handlers suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, or a food born infection must not handle food. Food handlers who excrete food poisoning organisms must not resume food handling duties without medical clearance Person with skin infection, sores, heavy colds and ear or eye discharge should be excluded until medical clearance has been obtain .

Hygiene Training

All food handlers must receive the appropriate supervision ,instruction and/or hygiene training to ensure that they are aware of the hygiene hazards associated with their job and the safety of food produced.

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