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The thing that strikes me the most about this picture was her make-up and the pulling

of the face; as if its some sort of illusion. Its a sort of visual metaphor like her face is adaptable to the different roles she plays as an actress. If this picture was to be in a media product the story could be The Real Meryl Streep . The camera shot would be a close-up and by this being a C-u S, it emphases more on the face making it more personal. The white shirt doesnt distract the face as the main focus is her eyes (direct address), also the dark circles under her eyes emphasises them more. The picture has a broad depth of field; the background is a dark colour, simple which makes Meryl stand out. The lightning is subtle and creates warm colours around her.

The most striking thing about this picture for me was the swan Leonardo Dicaprio is holding which is wrapped around his neck and the fact that hes just sitting in a field. The colour of the swan clearly stands out from the blackness of Leos jumper creating a vivid contrast. Its clear that the Rule of Thirds is being used in this as Leos eye line is at the intersection giving it a direct address; it draws attention to the face and as the swan is around his neck it frames his face. The background doesnt distract the viewer as it has a narrow depth of field; the left side of the image is blurred where as the right side is focused where Leo is. The bright lighting creates contrast that then softens the whole image.

A striking this about this image is the excessive facial expressions that Cate Blanchett is pulling, (just like the comedy and tragedy masks). The 2 faces of Cate show the different roles an actor/actress can play (different personalities). Even though they are two separate images they follow the rule of thirds however the left image is more clear as our direct address is focused on her eyes, where as the right side, her eye focus is not towards the camera lens. The lighting is much more brighter on the left side to emphasise the madness of that role, where as on the right side there is more shadows to show the gloomy-ness of the role; tragedy. It has a broad depth of field because the whole picture is in focus so as a viewer we can concentrate more on her face along with her expressions.

What strikes me a lot with this picture is the fact that its Daniel Radcliffe, on a horse, naked, and the fact Richard Griffiths is standing there casually. It is a very unusual photograph as it would baffle the viewer what is going on. The colours and the lighting in the stable are very dark and sinister (the caption dark horse). We only get direct address from Daniel but not Richard, however Richard seems to look as if hes planning something or exposing Daniel. The image has a broad depth of field as everything you see in the image is in focus. The caption dark horse could be the name of an article that could be trying to investigate a different side to either Daniel or Richard.

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