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Strateki management 1 - LANKI

Porter, Michael E.: What Is Strategy

Hamel, Gary: Stategy as Revolution

Kim, W. Chan and Mauborgne, Renee: Blue Ocean Strategy
Mojca Peri

Quest for productivity a number of management tools: TQM, partnering, reengineering. Companies must be flexible to respond benchmark, outsource, nurture core competencies. Inability to translate those gains into sustainable profitability rivals can soon copy any competitive advantage. Failure to distinguish between operational effectiveness and strategy Management tools are not strategy

OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS perform similar activities better, important for cost position and levels of differentiation. (Japanese low cost, high quality) Absolute improvement in OE, relative improvement to no one Benchmark look alike? Productivity gains are being captured by customers and suppliers, not retained in superior profitability Lack of vision STRATEGIC POSITIONING perform different activities or perform activities in different ways UNIQUE ACTIVITIES Goal is to deliver a unique mix of value (Southwest A.C., IKEA)

VARIETY-BASED POSITIONING company can best produce particular products/services using distinctive sets of activities. Only subset of customers needs (liffy Lube International automotive lubricants) NEEDS-BASED POSITIONING a segment of customers (IKEA young people home furnishing needs) ACCESS-BASED POSITIONING needs are similar, the configuration of activities to reach them is different (Carmike Cinemas in towns with population under 200.000)

TRADE-OFFS More of one thing necessitates less of another what to do and what not to. (Neutrogena hard to imitate) THREE BASES OF TRADE-OFFS: 1. inconsistencies in image or reputation 2. trade-offs from activities themselves different equipment, skills, employee behavior, management systems 3. Limits on internal coordination and control clearly choosing to compete in one way, management makes organizational priorities clear. THE ESSENCE OF STRATEGY IS CHOOSING WHAT NOT TO DO.

OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS achieving excellence in individual activities or functions STATEGY is about combining activities. System of activities competitive advantage comes from the way the activities FIT, combine and reinforce one another. Activities affect one another, competitive advantage is a whole system, fit locks out imitators. First order fit simple consistency between each activity and the overall strategy (all activities within low-cost strategy) Second order fit activities are reinforcing (Neutrogena medical and hotel marketing) Third order fit optimization of effort substantially reduces costs or increases differentiation STRATEGY IS CREATING FIT AMONG A COMPANYS ACTIVITIES

Why companies fail to have a strategy? Management fails to choose what to do and what not to do. The growth trap (Neutrogena shampoo) Competing in several ways at once creates confusion and undermine organizational motivation and focus many times resulting in a merger or downsizing to the original positioning Instead: Deepening strategic position globalization opening up larger markets for a focused strategy The role of leadership in important

Rule makers - industrial lords (IBM), rule takers (Fujitsu), rule breakers - industry revolutionaries (Dell Computer, IKEA) Strategy is revolution; everything else is tactics. Ten principles to help company liberate revolutionary spirit and increase chances to discover revolutionary strategy. 1.STATEGIC PLANING ISNT STRATEGIC Strategy making is easy? Is the goal inovation? Organizations fail to distinguish planning from strategizing. Planning programming, for technocrats; strategizing discovering, new ideas, dreamers. Strategy is not a procedure but a quest.

2. STRATEGY MAKING MUST BE SUBVERSIVE Subversiveness or enlightment? 3. THE BOTTLENECK IS AT THE TOP OF THE BOTTLE Senior management aktivna inercija In every industry the terrain is chainging fast how relevant are the experiences? (Trimo) 4. REVOLUTIONARIES EXIST IN EVERY COMPANY Revolutionaries must be let to challenge the company from within or they will eventually challenge the company from without the marketplace.

5. CHANGE IS NOT THE PROBLEM, ENGAGEMENT IS Assumption: People are against change comparison with a nonskier give him ability to influence speed and direction The objective is not to get people to support change, but to give them responsibility for engendering change, some control over their destiny. Engage the revolutionaries in a dialog about the future Change restructuring, reorganization or opening new opportunities 6. STRATEGY MAKING MUST BE DEMOCRATIC Ideas must be exchanged between young and senior management new voices Fiasco of a young manager in front of senior management (Trimo fasadni sistem)

7. ANYONE CAN BE A STRATEGY ACTIVIST Are the employees victims or activists? 8. PERSPECTIVE IS WORTH 50 IQ POINTS Look at the world through new lens 9. TOP-DOWN AND BOTTOM-UP ARE NOT THE ALTERNATIVES The revolution doesnt need to start at the top but must be understood and endorsed by the top. Strategy-making process must achieve diversity and unity. (HIT razlini predlogi in poenotenje) 10. YOU CANT SEE THE END FROM THE BEGINNING It can be predicted where the strategy-making process will lead.


Two ways to create blue ocean: 1. Give rise to completely new industry (eBay online auction industry), 2. from within red ocean, company alters the boundaries of an existing industry Blue oceans are not about technology innovation (link technology to what buyers value) Incumbents often create blue oceans-and usually within their core businesses (Ford model T in 1908) Company and industry are the wrong units of analysis strategic move Creating blue oceans builds brands CIRQUE DU SOLEIL


Red ocean strategy
Compete in existing market space

Blue ocean strategy

Create uncontested market space

Beat the competition

Exploit existing demand Make the value/cost trade-off Align the whole system of companys activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost

Make the competition irrevalant

Create and capture new demand Break the value/cost trade-off Align the whole system of a companys activities in pursuit of differentiation and low costs


Reconstruct Market Boundaries overcome believes.

Reach beyond existing Demand go for Non-Customers. Get the strategic sequence right value [innovation] first.




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