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In India 65% of total power is generated by the Thermal Power Stations. Yamunanagar Thermal Power Project i.e D.C.R.T..P.P(Deen Bandhu ChotuRam Thermal Power Plant) is a project of hariyana. Harduaganj Thermal Power Station is located at Kasimpur Power House Colony which is 1KM distance from Harduaganj Railway Station at Harduaganj in Aligarh district in the Indian state of Uttar pradesh.

Harduaganj Thermal Power Station has a installed capacity of 665 MW. 1 Unit of 60 MW capacity (it is unit number fifth). 1 Unit of 250 MW capacity (it is unit number eighth). 1 Unit of 250 MW capacity (it is unit number ninth)..

Its last unit (ninth unit) of 250 MW became operational in June 2012.


A thermal power station is a power plant in which the main requirement for making electricity is steam.

Thermal power station are the stations in which energy of coal is converted into electrical energy. It is use to produce heat in the boiler and water is converted into steam. This steam is used to drive the steam turbine which is connected to the generator and generation of electricity starts. In which coal is used as a fuel and steam turbine is used to start generator.
Thermal power plant converts the heat energy of coal into electrical energy. Coal is burnt in a boiler which converts the water into steam. The expansion of steam in turbine produces mechanical power which drives the alternator.

Main and Auxiliary Equipments:

Coal handling plant Pulverizing plant Drafts fans Boiler Ash handling plant Turbine Condenser Cooling towers and ponds Feed water and heater Economizer Super heater Air pre-heater

Coal Handling Plant:

A coal preparation plant (CPP) is a facility that washes coal of soil and rock, preparing it for transport to market. A CPP may also be called a coal handling and preparation plant (CHPP), prep plant, tipple, or wash plant.

Pulverizing Plant:
A pulverizer or grinder is a mechanical device for the grinding of many different types of materials. For example, they are used to pulverize coal for combustion in the steam-generating furnaces of fossil fuel power plants. The pulverizing plant is a ball-mill type.

Ball Mill:
A ball mill is a type of grinder used to grind materials into extremely fine powder for use in mineral dressing processes, paints, pyrotechnics, and ceramics. Ball mills rotate around a horizontal axis.

Draft System:
The combustion in boiler requires supply of sufficient quantity of air and removal of exhaust gases. The circulation of air is caused by a difference in pressure, known as draft. The drafts used are both Natural draft & Mechanical draft.

Ash Handling Plant:

The percentage of coal varies from 5% to 40%. In this ash 25% is furnace bottom ash and 75% is pulverized fuel ash.

Super Heater:
Wet steam from the boiler is passed through super heater where it is dried and superheated by the flue gases on their way to chimney to increase overall efficiency of plant. The ash handling plants are steam jet system as well as electrostatic precipitator.

Water cycle is completed in three cycles: Condensate water cycle Feed water cycle Steam cycle

Condensate Water Cycle: Condensate water cycle starts from condenser and end at section of BFP (boiler feed pump).

Feed Water Cycle: Feed water cycle starts from boiler feed pump (BFP) and at the boiler drum.

Steam Cycle: It starts from boiler drum upto condenser.

Boiler Feed Pump


A boiler is a closed vessel in which water is converted into steam.

The boiler used in this plant is water tube boiler in which water flows inside the tubes and hot gases flows outside the tubes.
The circulation of water in the boiler may be natural (due to different in density of cold and hot water) or forced through the action of pumps.

Turbine is a high speed rotating machine that converts the kinetic energy and pressure energy of the steam in to useful work. A turbine generally has three stages namely as high pressure, intermediate pressure and low pressure. The main steam enters in to H.P. turbine and after expansion in the turbine the pressure and temperature fall down. The main steam is returned to the boiler for the reheating in the Re-heater.

TURBINE: It is the device which converts the heat energy of steam into mechanical energy
(potential rotational kinetic energy).

HP TURBINE: It is a 12 stage turbine (High Pressure Turbine). The super heated steam without any moisture content falls at the blades of HP turbine and pass out from it. It starts rotating.

IP TURBINE: The steam of 5350c temp and 22kg/cm2 IP turbine blades and tries to move it.







A generator is an electro-mechanical device that converts mechanical energy to ac current electrical energy. Turbine is coupled with the turbo generator that normally spins at 3000 rpm in countries with 50 Hz supply frequency. It is an electro mechanical device that converts mechanical energy in to electrical energy.

Such plants are located at a place where supply of water and coal is available and transportation facilities are adequate. Cost of fuel transportation maximum because huge amount of coal is transported to the plant site. Initial cost is lower and running cost is high. Overall efficiency is less. Requires a lot of time for starting. Maintenance cost quite high. Stand by losses maximum as the boiler remains in operation even when the turbine is not working.

Main and Auxiliary equipments, principal of power system by V.K.Mehta. www.wekipedia .com


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