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Designed by The First Lady, Pacfica Fernndez Oreamuno in 1848, the flag was designed after the ideals

of the French Revolution using the colors of the French national flag representing freedom, equality, and brotherhood. Each color

represents important aspects of Costa Rica. Blue means the sky,

intellectual thinking, infinity, eternity, and ideals of religious and spiritual desires. White means clear thinking, happiness, wisdom,

power and beauty of the sky. Red means the warmth of Costa
Rican people, their love to live, their blood shed for freedom, and their generous attitude.

Match the sentences of the left column with the correct answer of the write column.
1. Who designed the CR national flag ( 2. Colors of the French national flag 3. Infinity, eternity 4. Clear thinking, happiness ( ( ( ) Blue, White and Red ) Color White ) Year of 1848 ) Color Blue

5. The year the flag was designed

6. Peoples blood shed for freedom


) Color Red
) Pacfica Fernndez Oreamuno

Red the following paragraph and answer the questions in the following slide.

The Guaria Morada is an orchid that was chosen as Costa Rica's national flower on June 15, 1939. Costa Rican prizes the flower and associates it with the beauty of Costa Rican ladies. According to traditions, the "Guaria Morada" brings fortune and good luck. Supposedly, it brings union and family, understanding, and evokes peace and love as well as hope for the future. The flower actually does not emit a fragrance. This type of orchid grows on trees, roofs, and buildings. It gets nutrients from the air, rain, dust, and residues stored on the trunk of trees.

Answer the following questions and share your answers with your partner.

1. What kind of flower is the Guaria Morada and when was chosen as the National Flower of Costa Rica. 2. According to the traditions, what positive elements bring to people.
3. Why do people compare this flower with the costarican ladies?

It was created in 1848 illustrates seven stars above the volcanoes. The seven stars represent the seven provinces. There is a blue ribbon at the top that has printed on it America Central. Below the blue ribbon is a white ribbon that has Republica de Costa Rica printed on it. There are two branches of myrtle closing the coat of arms which represent peace. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are depicted in the shield. A rising sun in the background shows prosperity. The merchant ship is meant to represent the exchange that Costa Rica does with the rest of the world.

It was created in _______ and illustrates seven stars above the volcanoes. The seven stars represent the______________. There is a ________________at the top that has printed on it America Central. Below __________is a white ribbon that has ________________printed on it. There are two branches of myrtle closing the coat of arms which represent peace. The _________and __________Oceans are depicted in the shield. A rising sun in the background shows___________. The merchant ship is meant to represent the _________________________.

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