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TO MGT-501 Group Presentation Program

Group Members
Mohammad Abdul Ahad Bin Seraj Tanjim-Ul-Islam Anindya Biswas Muntakir Islam Chowdhury Ifshit Saha

1330036 0921233 0921002 0921266 0810182

Company Overviews
ICRISAT is a non profitable organization which works in Asia & Africa for agricultural research. It has its operation more then 50 countries of the world. ICRISAT is headquartered in Hyderabad

Its mission was to improve the well being of the marginal farmers in the SAT region by increasing agricultural productivity, providing food security and reducing poverty through4 agricultural research.

The case focuses on an agricultural institute, ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics), a part of international agricultural research consortium, CGIAR.

Since its start in 1972, ICRISAT has been a premier agricultural research institute with enormous international and national funding.
Mismanagement and indifferent attitude of senior leadership at the top had resulted in multiple crises in organizational functioning and reduced funding by the donors The institute was facing daunting challenges when Dr. William Dar joined the institute as the director general. The case describes the various issues faced by Dar when he took over the reins of ICRISAT. The case also discusses his previous stints in various designations and the style of leadership displayed by him during those tenures.

Objectives of the Case

This case is aimed at helping students at post graduate level in understanding various issues related to leadership and change in an ailing organization. The first objective of the case is to get an understanding of the situation as it would be viewed from Dar's point of view. The case help students to understand the leadership dilemma faced at ICRISAT based on the set of problems provided in the case. Dar extensive orientation towards transformational leadership could help the students understand and discuss the issues involved in this type of leadership style. The case will help the students understand that, sometime a single style of leadership can not solve a problem, sometime a leader have to take various leadership style to solve a problem.

The problem that the company faced before joining WILLIAM DAR

Uncongenial work Environment. Uninspired employee. Misuse of the campus. Low involvement of the employee. Low Employee motivation. Unstable Leadership. Unimplemented research output. High employee turnover. Financial problem. Funding problem.

Personal Info: William Dar was born (in1953)In Danuman, in the province of Santa Maria, Philippines. From a poor and a farming background, who learned 1st about farming from his father. Educational Info: Dar Graduated from Benguet State University( BSU). Ms. of science in agronomy in 1973. He received his doctorate in Horticulture, in 1980 from the University Of the Philippines Lose Banso. Career Info: Dr. William D. Dar had a long and distinguished career as an educationist, agricultural scientist, administrator, and humanitarian in his native Philippines and abroad in the Asia Pacific region and sub-Saharan Africa. Dar had server as a professor and vice president at BSU. He worked as a director of Bureau Of Agricultural Research( BAR). After that he become the director of the Philippine Council of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources Research and Development( PCARRD) Dr. William D. Dar is the first Filipino and first Asian to become the Director General of the India-based International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) 8 since 2001

DR. William Dar


A leader is "a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal". A mnemonic for this definition would be 3P's - Person, People and Purpose as illustrated by the following diagram

What is leadership ?

Leadership is a vital role in any organization. It involves defining the direction of a team and communicating it to people, motivating, inspiring and empowering them to contribute to achieving organizational success. Leadership requires being strategically focused and applying behavioral techniques to build commitment and 10 attain the organization mission and vision

DR. William Dar leadership style

Decisive leadership style:
Encouraged decentralized management.
Increased involvement of all the subordinates in order to make decision and to take initiatives.
Increased employee self sustainability by influencing them to go beyond their work area. Discouraged employee from restricting themselves to their limited domain. Developed a free following communication for faster adaptation to change.


DR. William Dar leadership style

Dars own leadership style based on his experience:
Dars also from a poor family , so he observed without solving the poverty problem, no people can ignore hunger and malnourishment.
Distributed free seeds among the farmers in Hyderabad.

He had a vision for removing poverty by doing research on agriculture and by making farmers self-sustainable(such as watershed programs for reducing water pollution). He made the believe among both the farmers and the board (CIGARS) that poverty is the only thing 12 that make people sufferer.

DR. William Dar leadership style

Exemplary leadership style:
When Dar noticed the Hyderabad campus atmosphere was negative he used the exemplary leadership style. Dar convinced the ICRISAT by saying that he want to clean the campus for the purpose of business by setting a personal example. If he can clean the campus than the employee will be impressed. Soon the employee began to help out willingly and the image of the organization started looking up.

The Road Ahead

He change the motto of the company to Science with a Human Face

Developed public private farmer relationship.


The Road Ahead Contd.

Changed the Mission & Vision of the company.
He kept the HQ of ICRISAT in Hydarbad. Finally Dar convinced CGIAR to work together more closely with ICRISAT.



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