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HR Divisional Business Drivers and KPI Development Workshop

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Program Agenda
Day One

Introduction of Balanced Scorecard Cascading of HR Performance Scorecard Strategy Map Human Resources Identifying Department Key Performance Indicators

Day Two

Writing SMART Key Performance Indicators HR Performance Appraisal Form Performance Appraisal Process (September till December 2009)

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

What is a Balanced Scorecard?

At the highest conceptual level, the Balanced Scorecard is a framework that helps organizations translate strategy into operational objectives that drive both behavior and performance.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

A Balanced Scorecard is
a management and measurement system whose purpose is to translate strategy into a limited set of measures that uniquely communicate your vision to the organization Kaplan and Norton ...its key management perspectives are ...

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

What is the Balanced Scorecard? It addresses four basic questions: Financial Perspective: How are we faring with shareholder returns? Customers Perspective: How do customers see us and value our services? Internal Process Perspective: What must we excel at to meet customer needs? Learning & Growth Perspective: How can we develop our people and their capabilities?

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Alignment & Cascading Business Agenda

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

The Balanced Scorecard concept..

Finance Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives

Customer Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Objectives

Internal Business Process Measures Targets Initiatives


Learning and Growth Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Translate Strategy: The BSC Translates Strategy into the Four Perspective Framework
The Strategy

The BSC represents the cause and effect relationships in your strategy.
Financial Perspective
If we succeed, how will we look to our shareholders?
Profitability Growth Shareholder Value


Customer Perspective
To achieve our vision, how must we look to our customers?
Price Service Quality

Internal Perspective
To satisfy our customers, what management processes must we excel at?
Infrastructure Productivity Cost Technology

The BSC is comprised of themes, objectives, measures, targets, and initiatives.

Learning & Growth Perspective

To achieve our vision, how must our organization learn and improve?
Capability enhancement Continuous Improvement Employee Engagement

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

The Importance of Alignment

Complete Framework for YOUR COMPANY KRAs



HRA Division

The Strategy Map Aligns Processes and Intangible Assets to Customer and Financial Outcomes
Sustained Shareholder Value

Financial Perspective

Productivity Strategy

Revenue Growth Strategy

Improve Cost Structure

Increase Asset Utilization

Enhance Customer Value

Expand Revenue Opportunities

Customer Value Proposition

Customer Perspective









Product/Service Attributes

Internal Perspective

Operations Management Processes Processes that produce and deliver products and services

Customer Management Processes Processes that enhance customer value

Innovation Processes Processes that create new products and services

Regulatory & Social Processes Processes that improve communities and the environment

Strategic Job Families
Human Capital
Skills Training Knowledge

Strategic IT portfolio Organization Change Agenda

Learning & Growth

Information Capital
Systems Databases Networks

Organization Capital
Culture Leadership Alignment Teamwork

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

The Premise Behind the Balanced Scorecard Is that Measurement Motivates Behavior

The Premise

Measurement Communicates Values, Priorities And Direction

The Conclusion

Measurement Must Be Linked To Strategy


Balanced Scorecard

Measurement To Communicate, Not To Control

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Balanced Scorecard Example

Strategy Map: Diagram of the cause-and-effect relationships between strategic objectives

Strategic Theme: Operating Efficiency

Financial Profitability Fewer planes Customer Flight Is on time Lowest prices More customers

Statement of what strategy must achieve and whats critical to its success

How success in achieving the strategy will be measured and tracked

The level of performance or rate of improvement needed

Key action programs required to achieve objectives

Internal Fast ground turnaround




Fast ground

On Ground Time On-Time


30 Minutes 90%

Cycle time

Learning Ground crew alignment

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Balanced Scorecard Example

Strategic Theme: Operating Efficiency
Financial Profitability More Customers





Fewer Planes

Market Value 30% CAGR Profitability 20% CAGR More Customers Seat Revenue Plane Lease Cost 5% CAGR Fewer planes Flight is on -time FAA On Time Arrival Rating Lowest prices Customer
Ranking (Market Survey)

Customer Flight Is on Time Lowest Prices

#1 #1

management Customer loyalty program

Internal Fast Ground Turnaround

Fast ground

On Ground Time On-Time


30 Minutes 90%

Cycle time
optimization program

Learning Ground Crew Alignment

Ground crew

% Ground crew

yr. 1

% Ground crew

70% yr. 3 90% yr. 5 100%

ESOP Ground crew


HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

1. Executive Involvement
Strategic decision makers must validate and own the strategy and related measures

2. Cause-and-Effect Relationships

A good Balanced Scorecard will tell the story of your strategy in actionable terms.

Every objective selected should be part of a chain of cause and effect linkages that represent the strategy

3. Balance between outcome and leading measures There should be a balance of outcome
measures and leading measures to facilitate anticipatory management

4. Financial Linkage
Every objective can ultimately be related to financial results

5. Linkage of Initiatives and Measures: Each

initiative should be based on a gap between baseline and target.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Group Activity
Work in Groups of 4
Identify what are the HR objectives complements: 1) Finance

2) Customer
3) Internal Processes 4) Learning & Growth

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

The process of cascading creates synergy. It must be based on a clear understanding of the corporate role.
Scorecard Cascade

STAR Corporate Role

Department Derived Value (Synergy)

Perspective F1

Strategic Objectives Monitoring HR operating expenses

Strategic Measures Variance of actual against departmental budget Employment cost per employee Recruitment cost per employee Employee cost over/budget/revenue/profit/operating cost Admin cost per employee Admin cost over budget/revenue/profit/operating cost Rating vs. internal satisfaction (survey)



Finance Perspective


Monitoring Employee Costing

F3 Customer Perspective C1 I1

Monitoring the administrative costing activities Improve on internal customer satisfaction Review and improve the effectiveness of HR internal control systems

Internal Perspective

Percentage of reviews within specified timeframe Fulfillment of specified number of training hours per employee Improvement in performance evidence in annual appraisal Variance of actual against organizational and departmental training budget

Learning and Growth


Develop skilled workforce

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop The Balanced Scorecard for Human Resource Division
Perspective Strategic Objectives

Strategic Measures
Variance of actual against departmental budget



Monitoring HR operating expenses

Finance Perspective


Monitoring Employee Costing

Employment cost per employee Recruitment cost per employee Employee cost over/budget/revenue/profit/operating cost Admin cost per employee Admin cost over budget/revenue/profit/operating cost


Monitoring the administrative costing activities

Customer Perspective


Improve on internal customer satisfaction

Rating vs. internal satisfaction (survey)

Internal Perspective


Review and improve the effectiveness of HR internal control systems

Percentage of reviews within specified timeframe

Learning and Growth L1 Develop skilled workforce

Fulfillment of specified number of training hours per employee Improvement in performance evidence in annual appraisal Variance of actual against organizational and departmental training budget

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Use the HR Performance Scorecard to Select and Manage Individual Initiatives

Perspective Strategic Objectives Strategic Measures Targets F1 Monitoring HR operating expenses Variance of actual against departmental budget Employment cost per employee Recruitment cost per employee Employee cost over/budget/revenue/profit/operating cost Admin cost per employee Admin cost over budget/revenue/profit/operating cost Rating vs. internal satisfaction (survey)

HR Performance Scorecard

Finance Perspective


Monitoring Employee Costing

F3 Customer Perspective C1 I1

Monitoring the administrative costing activities Improve on internal customer satisfaction Review and improve the effectiveness of HR internal control systems

Internal Perspective

Percentage of reviews within specified timeframe Fulfillment of specified number of training hours per employee Improvement in performance evidence in annual appraisal Variance of actual against organizational and departmental training budget

Learning and Growth


Develop skilled workforce

Select and Determine relevant HRA KPIs

Head of Human Resources & Administrations

Organizational Development & Training

Compensation & Benefits


Industrial & Employee Relations


The Balanced Scorecard aligns priorities throughout the enterprise.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Human Resources & Administration Department Structure

Head of Human Resources & Administrations

Organizational Development & Training

Compensation & Benefits


Industrial & Employee Relations


HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Human Resources & Administration Department KPIs

Head of Human Resources & Administrations
Departmental Cost Efficiency Employee Cost Admin Cost Process Improvement (HR policies, procedures, processes) Customer Satisfaction Skilled Workforce

Organizational Development & Training

Training cost Skill Workforce Training Process improvement

Compensation & Benefits

HR cost Process improvement


Industrial & Employee Relations

Employee relation Process improvement


Recruitment cost Process improvement

Admin cost Process improvement

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop Balanced Scorecard Cascading Process
By Whom Cascading Process OUTCOME
Corporate Role

Mission Values Business Strategy Performance Outcome

Organizational Development & Training Compensation & Benefits

Head of Human Resources & Administrations

Finance Perspective


Strategic Objectives

Strategic Measures



Monitoring HR operating expenses

Variance of actual against departmental budget


Monitoring Employee Costing

Employment cost per employee Recruitment cost per employee Employee cost over/budget/revenue/profit/oper ating cost


Monitoring the administrative costing activities

Admin cost per employee Admin cost over budget/revenue/profit/operating cost

Customer Perspective


Improve on internal customer satisfaction

Rating vs. internal satisfaction (survey)


Industrial & Employee Relations

Internal Perspective


Review and improve the effectiveness of HR internal control systems

Percentage of reviews within specified timeframe

Learning and Growth L1 Develop skilled workforce

Fulfillment of specified number of training hours per employee Improvement in performance evidence in annual appraisal Variance of actual against organizational and departmental training budget

Individual Prioritized List of KPIs and Initiatives

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

The Value Drivers provide the glue between the four perspectives of the Balanced Scored by outlining the cause and effect: relationships
Value drives provide the cause and effect: between the four perspectives

Example: Identify the intermediate drivers that link training and development programs and behaviours to business priorities and financial performance
Training Total Return

Leads to, .

Responsiveness to Clients Employee Morale Customer Satisfaction Increased Sales Total Return

Cause Correlation


HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Some Goals of the Balanced Scorecard

The Balanced Scorecard is a framework that helps organizations translate strategy into operational objectives that drive both behavior and performance

Create a systems approach to form an integrated Strategic Management Process

Provide a clear line of sight to the vision and strategy of the company Provide a tool for cascading the communication processes:

strategy, and
processes and systems required for implementing the strategy Draw a cause and effect roadmap to stakeholder value shareholder, customer, and employee.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

What gets measured gets done. If you do not measure results, you cannot tell success from failure. If you cannot see success, you cannot reward it. If you cannot reward success, you are probably rewarding failure. If you cannot see success, you cannot learn from it.

If you cannot recognize failure, you cannot correct it.

If you cannot demonstrate results, you cannot win stakeholders support is used here.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Personal Action Work

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Program Agenda
Day One

Introduction of Balanced Scorecard Cascading of HR Performance Scorecard Strategy Map Human Resources Identifying Department Key Performance Indicators

Day Two

Writing SMART Key Performance Indicators HR Performance Appraisal Form Performance Appraisal Process (September till December 2009)

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

What is Performance Management?

It is a communication process that enables the employee and his/her manager to foster a partnership to improve performance throughout the year

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Purpose of Performance Managemet

The Performance Management Process is a continous cycle that supports a cultural of excellence in service delivery and productivity. It enables us to link business objectives to individual objectives and focus on priorities. It is a major part of the on-going process of managing people and not merely the completion of forms. Formal process to measure performance, give feedback and document performance. Identify training and development needs. Identify special talent and provide support for advancement.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Purpose - continued
Identify weaknesses in work processes

Recognise strengths and motivates employees


assessments about salary increases based on performance Direct work and behaviour of a unit or team towards achieving business targets Clarify expectations performance and others between the manager and the individual

Performance Definition
WHAT an Individual achieves
(Results/Individual Key Performance Indicators)

+ HOW the Individual achieves it



HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Writing SMART Key Performance Indicators

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Key Performance Indicators Defined

Key Only a subset of all possible viewpoints,

those which best reflect the state of an asset, organization or financial entity ones job, or adhering to a agreed standards

Performance Metrics related to performing Indicator Not a closed-loop function, KPIs

are to be used by people to help them take correct action

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Benefits of Performance Management

Opportunity to receive feedback on performance Enhanced working relationships between Manager and Employees Helps Employee focus on meeting needs of business Helps Employee grow and develop skills => training needs identified Employee can highlight career ambitions/aspirations Explore and resolve problems/differences Reduce Employee turnover

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Setting Targets - Performance Objectives

What makes an Objective Effective? SPECIFIC (both parties know exactly what needs to be achieved) MEASURABLE (it will be possible to say if the number has reached 100) ACHIEVABLE (presumably this is within the realms of possibility from the current base) RESULTS-ORIENTED (targeted towards achieving the desired outcome) TIME-BOUND (the goal has to be achieved by end of Quarter 2)

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Specific A specific objectives is one that is understandable, clear, concise and explicit. For example: Recruitment of management trainees.

To be clearer, the objective can be rewritten as: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Specific A specific objectives is one that is understandable, clear, concise and explicit. For example: Recruitment of management trainees. To be clearer, the objective can be rewritten as: Develop an action plan for the recruitment of management trainees by shortlisting and assessing the candidates within 75 days time (from date of advertisment in the newspaper.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Measurable A measureable objective defines how it will be measured. This can be in terms of quantity, cost, timeliness, and/or quality. Example: Deploy HRIS as the main database of employee records. Well written objective ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Measurable A measureable objective defines how it will be measured. This can be in terms of quantity, cost, timeliness, and/or quality. Example: Deploy HRIS as the main database of employee records. Well written objective Deploy HRIS as the main database of employees data (personnel, history, career training and etc) been updated to current month by October 2009 according to blue print of the master document plan. (evidence: all filing of paperwork cleared / no back log & ease to access personnel data of any employee) without any error.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Achievable An achievable objective defines how realistic it will be achieved and not beyond your reach. Achieve a higher rating in Customer Satisfaction Survey Example: Well written objective: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Achievable An achievable objective defines how realistic it will be achieved and not beyond your reach. Achieve a higher rating in Customer Satisfaction Survey Example: Well written objective: To achieve rating of 4 or higher on a 5 point in Customer Satisfaction Survey conducted by an outside agency by 31st December 2009.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Result Oriented

The objectives set must be able to reflect the results of the objectives.
A less SMART objective might be: Continuous performance awareness briefing for all employees. Example: Well written objective _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Result Oriented

The objectives set must be able to reflect the results of the objectives.
A less SMART objective might be: Continuous performance awareness briefing for all employees. Example: Well written objective Conduct at least 3 briefing sessions by November 2009 with a minimum of 80% results reflected in the assessment form.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Time Bound The results of your efforts need to be evident to the people who provide you with feedback. Need to be done within a certain time frame. Example: Support team members development plans

Alternative way to state the objective: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Criteria for WellWritten Objectives

Time Bound The results of your efforts need to be evident to the people who provide you with feedback. Need to be done within a certain time frame. Example: Support team members development plans Alternative way to state the objective: Identify and complete a specific number of staff development actions to support each team members development yearly plan by end of December 2009 with a minimum of 48 hours of trainings.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop

Performance Ratings
Rating 1 : Performance significantly below expectation => Not achieved Objectives are not met and the person is not responding to Training, Development or Coaching. A decision on future employment is required.

Rating 2 : Opportunities for further improvement exist => Partially achieved Objectives are met but does not use the competencies to the required standard. Does not meet all objectives but works hard to use the competencies.
Rating 3 : A well rounded and solid performance => Fully achieved All objectives are met and the competencies are used to the required standard. Rating 4 : An excellent performance => Partially exceeded All objectives are met and some are exceeded as the competencies are used to a high standard. Rating 5 : An exceptional performance => Significantly exceeded All objectives are significantly exceeded and the competencies used to a very high standard on a regular basis. The person takes on initiates / new objectives during the year which are also met.

HR Divisional Business Drivers & KPI Development Workshop


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