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Advanced Techniques for Repair & Rehabilitation in Construction

Anurag Sharma (UC0306) Karan Deshmukh (UC1106) Saravanan Panneervel (UC3606) Dhruv Bhavsar (UC 3706)

Rehabilitation Strategies & Measures

Recover Original Performance Repair Damage & deterioration Stiffen existing structure

Strengthen existing structure

Rehabilitation Upgrade original performance Reduce irregularity Using Supplemental damping device Reduce Masses Reduce Seismic response Isolate existing structure

Repair Methods
Cosmetic repairs only improve the visual appearance of component damage and may restore non-structural properties (weather protection) but any structural benefit is negligible. Structural repairs intends to restore structural properties.

Strengthening Chemically Deteriorated Concrete Structures

What the method is

The structural integrity of chemically-deteriorated reinforced concrete beams was restored by repairing one set of beams by epoxide resin latex and another by polymer-based latex system. The beams were exposed to Sodium Sulphate solution for 3.5 months under alternate wetting and drying cycles to simulate severe corrosive conditions. Protection of concrete from the corrosive action of chemicals, wet gases etc. is receiving considerable attention today.

How the Beams were Strengthened

The impregnator used for strengthening the original concrete matrix is a vital element in the rehabilitation method. It provides additional binder into the deteriorated concrete and acts as a composite filler to fill up voids, honeycombs, deteriorated cement paste binder etc. The impregnator penetrates into concrete merely by virtue of its low viscosity (2 to 4 Cps) and strengthens the cement matrix. This type of strengthening is adopted in most of the European countries and the USA for strengthening bridge decks, RC structural elements, hydraulic structures etc.

Modifications due to the System of Treatment

The most redeeming feature of polymer modification is the significant improvement in toughness. Addition of both epoxy as well as polymer latex increases the toughness by as much as 5 times as reflected by the area under stress-strain curves of Figs 2 and 3.

Chemical Deterioration
One of the main reasons for the detrimental sulphate action is crystallised gypsum which is formed in the pores of concrete as a result of the reaction between the sulphate ions and the Ca(OH)2 of cement. This chemical and crystallisation process is accompanied by an increase in volume and induces the pores of the concrete, particularly in the surface layer to expand and burst. This eventually leads to deterioration of concrete.

Effectiveness of Repairs
The repairs carried out using two different systems proved very effective in restoring the strength and rigidity.

This can be entirely attributed to repair procedure and materials used.

Polymer modified cementitious systems have, by and large, proved to be effective in repairs of RC structures.

They are cost effective too.

Polymer modification improves flexural and tensile strengths of cement mortar considerably whereas increase in compressive strength is marginal.

Effectiveness of Repairs
Most redeeming feature of these systems is the significant increase in toughness values over cement-based systems.

This property alone renders the system most useful for repairs since the repaired areas would not deteriorate under dynamic loadings and energy distribution would be far form throughout the section.
Due to this, microcracking was conspicuously absent and hence higher durability could be achieved.

Source: IIT-Rourkees Paper on Advanced Repair Techniques.

How it worked
A very low viscosity monomer was used to spray on the concrete substrate. This allowed it to penetrate the concrete matrix, strengthening the existing substrate. The two systems of polymer modified cement mortar used for sectional reconstruction have excellent adhesion with the concrete substrate, apart from having superior mechanical strength characteristics. These two important properties, coupled with their higher toughness, must have contributed to the higher load-carrying capacity and rigidity of RC beams.

The epoxy based system gave 33% higher M.R. compared to equal M.R. for the latex system. For lesser deterioration, the epoxy system gave 42% higher M.R. and 4% for the latex system. In both cases of repairs, top coating of IPN polymer was provided throughout the section to protect it further from chemical attack.

The repair process and materials used for rehabilitation of deteriorated RC beams have proved to be effective. Rigidity and ultimate load capacity of the beam is not only restored but an increase of 13 to 15 percent in ultimate load carrying capacity is recorded. The structural integrity of the chemically deteriorated beam was restored by the repair process as seen by the similar behaviour of the repaired beam under loading. The sectional reconstruction materials used in repairs are polymermodified systems and among the two, epoxy based system has exhibited better performance.

Fiber Reinforced Composite Material

Composite Materials : Combination of more than two types of materials that combines the best features of each constituent so as to maximize certain properties A wide range of properties are possibly obtained. Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC): Fiber reinforced composites are composed of fibers and a matrix. Fibers are the reinforcement and the main source of strength while the matrix 'glues' all the fibers together in shape and transfers stresses between the reinforcing fibers. Fibers include glass fiber, Carbon Fiber, Polypropylene fiber, natural fiber, synthetic fiber.

Applications Of FRC
FRCs can be used in the concrete structures in the following forms: Plates -at a face to improve the tension capacity. Bars -as reinforcement in beams and slabs replacing the steel bars. Cables -as tendons and post tension members in suspension and bridge girders. Wraps -around concrete members to confine concrete and improve the compressive strength.

The nonmetallic fibers have strengths that are 10 times more than that of steel The ultimate strain of these fibers is also very high. In addition, density of these materials is approximately one-third that of steel. Due to its corrosion resistance FRCs can be applied on the surface of the structure without worrying about its deterioration due to environmental attack. They in turn protect the concrete core from environmental attack

Use of Carbon Fiber Composite

The load deflection graph of a post strengthened beam has been compared with that of an unstrengthened beam It was observed that a 0.3 mm thick CFC laminate has doubled the ultimate load of a 15O x 200 beam of 2m span It is observed that the tensile failure of the laminate occurred suddenly with a sharp explosive snap. However, it was announced in advance by cracking sound.



If a concrete element is confined using a wrapping the failure due to tensile cracks can be prevented The compressive strength of the wrapped concrete element is several times higher than the unwrapped concrete element

Wrapping is suggested around damaged concrete elements to improve the strength of the members. Wrapping can be applied to strengthen concrete beams in compression and shear.


What is Shotcrete?
Shotcrete is the generic name for cement, sand and fine aggregate concretes which are applied pneumatically and compacted dynamically under high velocity.

Shotcrete : A Brief History

Shotcrete was invented in the early 1900s by American taxidermist Carl Akeley, used to fill plaster models of animals. He used the method of blowing dry material out of a hose with compressed air, wetting it as it was released. This was later used to patch weak parts in old buildings. In 1911, he was granted a patent for his inventions, the "cement gun", the equipment used, and "gunite", the material that was produced. Until the 1950s when the wet-mix process was devised, only the dry-mix process was used. In the 1960s, the alternative method for gunning by the dry method was devised with the development of the rotary gun, with an open hopper that could be fed continuously

Dry Mix

The dry mix method involves placing the dry ingredients into a hopper and then conveying them pneumatically through a hose to the nozzle. The nozzleman controls the addition of water at the nozzle. The water and the dry mixture is not completely mixed, but is completed as the mixture hits the receiving surface. This requires a skilled nozzleman, especially in the case of thick or heavily reinforced sections.

Wet Mix

Wet-mix shotcrete involves pumping of a previously prepared concrete, typically ready-mixed concrete, to the nozzle. Compressed air is introduced at the nozzle to impel the mixture onto the receiving surface.

Dry Mix v/s Wet Mix

Advantages of the dry mix process are that the water content can be adjusted instantaneously by the nozzleman, allowing more effective placement in overhead and vertical applications without using accelerators. The dry mix process is useful in repair applications when it is necessary to stop frequently, as the dry material is easily discharged from the hose. In the wet mix, the wet-gun procedure generally produces less rebound, waste (when material falls to the floor), and dust compared to the dry-mix procedure. The greatest advantage of the wet-mix process is that larger volumes can be placed in less time.

Steel fibre reinforced micro silica shotcrete

Silica fume or micro silica is a by-product of the ferro silicon metal industry and is an extremely fine pozzolan. Silica fume, added in quantities of 8 to 13% by weight of cement, can allow shotcrete to achieve compressive strengths which are double or triple the value of plain shotcrete mixes. The result is an extremely strong, impermeable and durable shotcrete. Other benefits include reduced rebound, improved flexural strength, improved bond with the existing structure and the ability to place layers of up to 200 mm thick in a single pass because of the shotcrete's 'stickiness'. However, when using wet mix shotcrete, this stickiness decreases the workability of the material and superplaticizers are required to restore this workability.

Steel fibre reinforced micro silica shotcrete

Steel fibre reinforced shotcrete was introduced in the 1970s and has since gained world-wide acceptance as a replacement for traditional wire mesh reinforced plain shotcrete. The main role that reinforcement plays in shotcrete is to impart ductility to an otherwise brittle material.

Mesh reinforced shotcrete


Foundation Repair


The Pro-Lift System is a proven, powerful, and permanent solution for foundation repairs. The Pro-Lift System uses the latest technology and the best method at every step of the foundation repair process. Different foundation problems also require different solutions. If your foundation is only suffering from minor seasonal movement, it has the equivalent of a cold and might only need watering. If your foundation has suffered from permanent settlement, you might need foundation repairs. It serves 2 purposes: 1. The piling serves as a platform upon which we set a jack to raise the settled portion of the foundation. 2. the piling transfers the weight of the building from the unstable surface soils to deeper more stable layers.

Pro-Lift Pressed Pilings with rigid steel connectors

Advantages All the advantages of other pressed pilings. Custom-fitted for your home with all the advantages of the Pro-Lift System. The rigid steel connectors help prevent horizontal movementduring and after installation. The performance of Pro-Lift pilings is gauranteed for the life of your home. Guarantee is backed by the Texas Foundation Warranty Trust

Disadvantages Depth can only be verified by checking contractor records (cylinder counts, initial and final length of connector, etc.)

Normal Pile.

Pro-lift System

Pro-Lift Concrete Piers

to twice the shaft diameter
Advantages A permanent solution when properly designed and installed. A bell at the bottom greatly increases load bearing capacity. Depth can be visually verified. Alignment can be verticle or angled. Disadvantages Proper installation requires expensive soil sampling and lab work. Installation requires a minimum of 10 days. Can require the use of heavy equipment. Can be very destructive to landscaping. Extremely difficult to install inside of buildings.

8 to 20 feet deep and belled


Multi-wall Steel Pilings.

Advantages All the advantages of single-walled steel pilings, plus: Double-walled pipe provides extra stiffness, ensuring a straight shaft. The load of the structure bears straight down on the piling, ensuring a straight and vertical shaft. The entire piling is buried and out of sight. The concrete top assembly will not rust. The performance of Pro-Lift pilings is guaranteed for the life of your home. Guarantee is backed by the Texas Foundation Warranty Trust.

Mahar, J.W., Parker, H.W. and Wuellner, W.W. 1975. Shotcrete practice in underground construction. State-of-the-Art in Techniques for Rehabilitation of Buildings, 11 WCEE, Acapulco, Mexico, Paper no. 2179, Elsevier BIS (1993). IS:13935-1993 Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings Guidelines, Bureau of Inidan Standards, New Delhi. Termpaper of IIT Bombay Recent Advances in technology of repair of concrete structures available at Termpaper of IIT-Rourkee - Advanced Repair Techniques available at Shotcrete Repair in Paper Mill by Marc Ferland, Jean Froncois & Alan Chaisse.


What are the various advanced techniques of repair & rehabilitation of structures? Give a brief note with their salient features, methods of application & areas of application.

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