PETE 689 Underbalanced Drilling (UBD) : Well Engineering Read: UDM Chapter 5 Pages 5.1-5.41

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PETE 689 Underbalanced Drilling (UBD)

Lesson 13
Well Engineering Read: UDM Chapter 5 Pages 5.1-5.41
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Well Engineering

Circulation Programs Circulation Calculations (air, gas, mist). Circulation Calculations (gasified liquids).

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Well Engineering
Wellhead design.

Casing design.
Completion design.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Well Engineering
Bit selection.

Underbalanced perforating.
Drillstring design. Separator design.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Circulation Programs
Fundamentally no different than for balanced or underbalanced situations.
Basis for hydraulics design:
Guarantee adequate hole cleaning. Ensure vertical transport of cuttings in

annular zones where velocities are reduced because of change in annular area.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Circulation Programs
Maintain wellbore stability. Mitigate formation damage and

to operate within the pressure and rate constrains of the tubulars and the surface equipment.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Circulation Calculations
(air, gas, mist)
Angel's approximate method:
Collect the required information for the

calculations. This includes:

Drilled hole size (inches). OD of the drill pipe (inches). Drilling rate (ft/hr). Depth (thousands of feet).
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Circulation Calculations
(air, gas, mist)
In the table Appendix C, determine Qo

and N. Interpolate values as required. Calculate the required circulation rate using: Q= Qo +NH
Qo, N...parameters from Appendix C. H.........depth in thousands of feet. Q.........circulation rate (scfm).
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Circulation Calculations
(gasified liquids)

Approximate volumes and pressures, for gasified liquids, can be determined using the techniques described previously. More precise predictions require added levels of sophistication.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
Low Pressure
Gas, mist, and foam drilling are

normally utilized on low pressure wells. Low pressure wells require simple wellhead designs. Some operators opt for a simple annular preventer alone.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
Low Pressure
However, a principal manufacturer of

such equipment strongly cautions that such use exceeds the design criteria of this equipment. The minimum setup should consist of a rotating head mounted above a two ram set of manually-operated blowout preventers, consisting of a pipe ram and a blind ram.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
Low Pressure

higher pressure systems should also have an annular preventer between the rams and the rotating head. For added safety the BOP system should be hydraulically operated. Working pressure of these rotating heads is ~400-500 psi MWP.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
High Pressure

liquids, flowdrilling, mudcap drilling. Rotating heads on top of conventional hydraulically operated BOP usually suffice. In Canada, nitrified liquids are often used with an RBOP installed atop a conventional BOP stack.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
High Pressure
Blind rams should be installed in the

bottom set of rams (when a two ram system is used). Sometimes a third set of rams (pipe rams) is utilized. In this case the RBOP is installed atop an annular preventer. The blind ram is placed between the two sets of pipe rams.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
High Pressure
The lowermost set of rams should

be installed directly atop the wellhead (or an adapter spool if necessary). You should never place any choke or kill lines below the lowest set of rams. If one of these lines cuts out, there is no way to shut in the well.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
High Pressure

Care must be taken to utilize a rig

with a substructure high enough so that the wellhead is not below ground level, with space enough to put the entire desired BOP stack below the rig floor.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Wellhead Design
Snub Drilling
Snub drilling and CT drilling have BOP

stacks that allow tripping at much higher pressures than other forms of UBD (routinely up to 10,000 psi). Snubbing and CT units can be used for UBD at pressure that cannot be managed by conventional surface equipment.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Casing Design
Casing design for UBD is not

significantly different than conventional. With air drilling, the casing tension should always be design with no buoyancy considered. No difference in burst design usually
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Casing Design
Collapse design should always

be based on an empty casing string. A collapse design factor for UBD should be ~1.2 for UBD instead of 1.125 (API design factor).

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Casing Design
Corrosion Control
For fluid filled wells, corrosion is usually

not considered when drilling. Corrosion is not a factor when drilling with dry air. Corrosion must be considered when drilling with mist, foam, or aerated fluids. Corrosion inhibitors should be added to the system.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Casing Design
Casing wear
Casing wear is accelerated with

gas drilling. This is due to less lubrication by the drilling fluid. Most air drilled holes are drilled faster and less time is spent rotating. Doglegs add to casing wear.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Completion Design
If a well is properly drilled under underbalanced conditions, but is completed using overbalanced methods, much if not all of the impairment-reducing benefits might be permanently lost.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

UB Completion Techniques
Running production casing, liners,

slotted liners and other tools underbalanced. Controlled cementing of production casing or liners. Running production tubing and downhole completion assemblies. Perforating underbalanced.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Running Casing and Liners UB

If the completion is not open hole,

casing or liners must be run. Surface pressures are usually reduced by bullheading a heavier fluid down the annulus. This fluid may be more dense than that with which the well was drilled, but still must be light enough to prevent overbalance.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Running Casing and Liners UB

For casing and un-slotted liners,

the well is usually allowed to flow while running the casing. This helps to prevent excessive surge pressures. A snubbing unit might be required to get the casing started in the hole.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Running Casing and Liners UB

Slotted liners do not allow the well

to be shut-in when the liner is across the BOP stack. It may be necessary to flood the backside with drilling fluid to allow the running of the slotted liner into the wellbore. Fluid is continuously pumped down the wellbore to reduce pressures.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Cementing Pipe UB

casing is run underbalanced, cementing should also be accomplished underbalanced. The hydrostatic head of the slurryHSP can be reduced by entraining gas, or by reduced density additives.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Running Tubing UB

matter the production casing/liner design, production will almost always be required. With cemented casing and liners, the tubing can be run conventionally.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Running Tubing UB
Tubing can be run underbalanced in a number of ways:
Snubbing. CT. Diverting flow. Setting a packer above the open

zone with a temporary plug.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Bit Selection
The bit selection process:
1. Assemble offset well data. 2. Develop a description of the well to be drilled. 3. Review offset well bit runs. 4. Develop candidate bit programs. 5. Confirm that the selected bits are consistent with the proposed BHAs. 6. Perform an economic evaluation, to identify the preferred bit program.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Assemble Offset Well Data

Identify the nearest, most similar

wells to the proposed location. Gather as much information as possible about drilling these wells. Include bit records, mud logs, wireline logs, daily drilling reports, mud reports, directional reports.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Develop A Description of The Well to Be Drilled

Characterize the proposed hole geometry:
Hole size. Casing points. Trajectory.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Develop A Description of The Well to Be Drilled

Outline the anticipated values of rock hardness and abrasivity at all depths.

travel time logs give qualitative indications of formation hardness.

Low travel times compressive strengths
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering



Develop A Description of The Well to Be Drilled

Abrasivity is more difficult to quantify

It is possible to form a qualitative assessment of the rocks potential for abrasive bit wear. Abrasiveness is related to:
Hardness of its constituent minerals. Bulk compressive strength. Grain size distribution. Shape.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Develop A Description of The Well to Be Drilled

Make note of any formations that

may have a special impact on bit performance. Divide the well into distinct zones Each zone corresponds to a significant change in formation properties or drilling condition.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Review Offset Well Bit Runs

Determine what bits were used to

drill through each formation likely to be penetrated. Identify which bit gave the best or worst performance. Look at the bit grading. Use the bit performance to infer formation hardness and abrasivity.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Identify Candidate Bits


which bits are candidates for each zone to be penetrated. Consider fixed cutter and roller cone bits.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Roller Cone Bits

Key design considerations for roller

cone bits are: Cutting structure. Bearing. Seal types. Gauge protection. Should be matched to a formations anticipated hardness and abrasivity.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Fixed Cutter Bits

Key design considerations for fixed

cutter bits are: Cutting structure. Body material and profile. Gauge. Stabilizing (anti-whirl) features. Should be matched to formations hardness and abrasivity.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Fixed Cutter Considerations

PCD cutters wear rapidly in hard

formations. Impregnated and natural diamond bits tolerate very hard and abrasive formations. Gauge protection is dependent on abrasiveness.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Develop Candidate Bit Programs

At this stage, develop several

alternative bit programs. Consists of type of bit, start and end depths, and anticipated penetration rates.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Confirm that the Selected Bits are Consistent with the Proposed BHAs
Do the operating parameters of

the proposed BHAs inhibit bit performance? Is WOB limited? Do the selected downhole motors exceed the rpm capabilities of the bits?
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Perform an Economic Evaluation, to Identify the Preferred Bit Program.

Use the estimated penetration rate and bit

life to predict the probable cost for each bit run:

Chi = CriTi + Cbi

Cri Ti Cbi the hourly cost of operating the rig during that bit run, including the rig rate, fuel, all special services and rental items. the duration of the run in hours. the cost of the bit.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Perform an Economic Evaluation, to Identify the Preferred Bit Program.

Predicted cost of the interval is

the sum of all the bit costs for the particular bit program. Rank all the alternative bit programs.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Bit Selection for Dry Gas, Must and Foam Drilling

Roller cone
Fixed cutter

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Roller Cone Bits


gas drilling produces a smoother hole bottom than with mud, and full coverage of the bottom of the hole with cutters is not as important. Larger teeth can be used for harder formations. Abrasive wear is normally higher for dry gas drilling.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Roller Cone Bits

Cone offset is not as important

with dry gas drilling. Good gauge protection is very important. Utilize sealed bearings.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Fixed Cutter Bits

PDC bits are usually a poor choice

for dry gas drilling. Not has heat tolerant. Diamond bits may be heat tolerant.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Bit selection for Gasified and Liquid Systems

Not much difference from conventional drilling

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Underbalanced Perforating
Can be performed with wireline or with tubing conveyed perforating guns.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Drillstring Design
Similar to conventional drilling. There will be less buoyancy.

BHA should be designed so that all

compression is in the BHA. An exception is in horizontal wellbores.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 6
Consider a planned well, where the maximum weight on a 8-inch bit will be 50,000 lbf, the drill collar size will be 6-inch OD, by 2 13/16inches ID, the drilling medium will be air and the excess collars should be ten percent to ensure that the drillpipe remains in tension. Determine the number of thirty-foot drill collars that will be required.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 6

The weight per foot of a drill collar can be determined from:

Wf = 2.67(Dp2 Di2) = 2.67(6.5 2 2.8125 2) Wf = 92 lb/ft
Di Dp Wf inside pipe diameter (inches) outside pipe diameter (inches) weight per foot in air (lb/ft)

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 6
The length of the drill collars can be

calculated using Equation(5.32). Since this well is to be drilled in air, the buoyancy factor is one. It will not be one in other circumstances.

Lc = [W(1+DF)] / Wf B
B DF Lc W buoyancy factor (air=1) design factor (decimal) length of the bottom hole assembly (feet) bit weight (lb)
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 6

For a bit weight of 50,000 lb

Lc = [50,000lb(1+0.10)] / (92lb/ft)(1) = 598 feet

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 6
The number of thirty-foot drill collars would be:

598 ft / (30) = 19.93 or 20 drill collars

The total weight, Wtc, of twenty drill collars

would be:

Wtc = 598 ft x 92 lb/ft = 55,016 lb To develop 50,000 lb of drilling weight, twenty drill collars are required. The total weight of the drill collars will be approximately 55,016 lb, including the ten percent design factor.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Drillstring Design
Drillpipe is usually designed


a design factor of 1.1 and an overpull from 50,000 -100,000 lbf.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 7
Using the data from example 6, determine the drillstring configuration for 12,000 foot deep well. The drillpipe available is 5-inch, 19.50 lb/ft, Grade E and 5-inch, 19.50 lb/ft , Grade G. The tensile capacity of the Grade E and G pipe are 311,000 lbf and 436,000 lbf respectively. All the drillpipe is API Premium Class and the tensile strengths can be found in the API RP7G, available from the American Petroleum Institute. Use design factor of 1.10 and an overpull of 100,000 lbf.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 7
From the example 6, the collar weight at the bottom of the Grade E pipe will be 55,000lb. The maximum pull on the Grade E, with the 1.10 design factor would be:

Pmax = Pmax / DF
DF Pmax Tst design factor (decimal). length of the bottom hole assembly (feet). bit weight (lb) .
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 7
Pmax = 311,000 lb / 1.10 = 283,000 lb
The maximum weight, Wmax, of grade E that can be used with 100,000 lb overpull remaining is:

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 7
The maximum length, Lmax, that can be used is:
Lmax = Wmax/Wf = 128,000lb/19.5 lb/ft

Lmax = 6,564 feet (Grade E)

The maximum pull, Pmax, on the Grade G, with the 1.10 design factor, would be: Pmax = 436,000 lb/ 1.10 = 396,000 lb
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 7
The maximum weight, Wmax, of Grade G that can be used with 100,000 lbf overpull remaining is: Wmax = 396,000-55,000-100,000-128,000 Wmax = 113,000 lb

The maximum length , Lmax, of Grade G drillpipe that can be used is:
Lmax= 113,000/19.50=5,795 feet
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 7
Since the length of the Grade G is greater than that necessary to reach the surface, Grade G is acceptable to the surface. The drillstring would consist of the following:
598 feet of drill collars (refer to Example 6). 6,564 feet of 5-inch, 19.50 lb/ft, Grade E

drillpipe. 4,838 feet of 5-inch, 19.50 lb/ft, Grade G drillpipe.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Example 7
In this example, the maximum force that can be pulled on the drillstring in the event it becomes stuck is 100,000 lbf over the string weight, once all of the Grade E drillpipe is in the hole. The weak point will be at the top of the Grade E drillpipe. If the drillstring is changed, the new maximum pull must be calculated.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Separator Design
Capacity is a function of:
Size. Design and arrangement. Number of stages. Operating P and T. Characteristics of fluids. Varying gas/liquid ratio. Size and distribution of particles.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Separator Design
Capacity is a function of:
Liquid level. Well-fluid pattern. Foreign material in fluids. Foaming tendency of fluids. Physical condition of separator. Others.

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Maximum Gas Velocity

The maximum gas velocity in an oil and gas separator that will allow separation of liquid mist from the gas can be calculated with the following form of Stokes, law:

Vg = Fco [(L g)/g]

Vg Fco L


maximum allowable gas velocity, ft/sec configuration and operating factor (empirical) (see Fig. 12.32 for values) density of liquid at operating conditions, lbm /cu ft

density of gas at operating conditions, lbm /cu ft

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Configuration and operation factor FCO for oil and gas separators and gas scrubbers (see Eqs. 1 and 4 through 6)
3.0 9.0














0. 67














Fco ( CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION FACTOR) see equations 1,4,5 and 6

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Gas Separating Capacity

The maximum allowable gas velocity Vg of Eq. 1 is the maximum velocity at which the gas can flow in the separator and still obtain the desired quality of gas/liquid separation. Only the open area of the separator available for gas flow is considered in calculating its capacity.
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

Gas Separating Capacity

The gas separation capacity of an oil and gas separator can be stated as:

qg = Ag Vg
Where qg Ag Vg


volume of gas flowing through separator, cu ft/sec cross-sectional area of separator for gas flow, sq ft gas velocity, ft/sec, from Eq. 1

The g of Eq. 1 is calculated from Eq. 3 as follows:

g = (P Mg) /(Zg RT)

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering




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Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering

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