8051-CH6-ArithLigic Instructns

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Chapter 6 Arithmetic, Logic Instructions, and Programs

6.1 Arithmetic instructions 6.2 Signed number concepts and arithmetic operations 6.3 Logic and compare instructions 6.4 Rotate instructions and data serialization 6.5 BCD, ASCII, and other application programs

Section 6.1 Arithmetic Instructions

Unsigned Numbers
Unsigned numbers are defined as data in which all the bits are used to represent data, and no bits are set aside for the positive or negative sign. For a 8-bit data, the operand can be between 00 and FFH.

Unsigned Addition and Subtraction

Addition of Unsigned Numbers

Add the source operand to register A and put the result in A. ADD A, source
A + source A

MOV A,#25H ;load 25H into A ADD A,#34H ;add 34H to A, now A=59H The destination operand is always in A. The instruction could change CY,AC,OV and P.

ADD A, #N ADD A, Rr ADD A, add ADD A, @Rp

Example 6-1
Show how the flag register is affected by the following instructions. MOV A,#0F5H ;A=F5 hex ADD A,#0BH ;A=F5+0B=00 Solution:
F5H +0BH 100H 1111 0101 +0000 1011 0000 0000

After the addition, register A (destination) contains 00 and the flags are as follows: CY = 1 since there is a carry out from D7. P = 0 because the number of 1s is 0 (an even number), P is set to 0. AC = 1 since there is a carry from D3 to D4.

Addition of Individual Bytes

To calculate the sum of any number of operands, the carry flag should be checked after the addition of each operation.
A + R0 CY=1 Add 1 to R7 Result : 0000 0001 R7 0110 1000 A

0111 1101 1110 1011 1 0110 1000

Example 6-2
Assume that RAM locations 40-44 have the following values. Write a program to find the sum of the values. At the end of the program, register A should contain the low byte and R7 the high byte. All values are in hex. 40=(7D) 41=(EB) 42=(C5) 43=(5B) 44=(30) Solution: MOV R0,#40H ;load pointer MOV R2,#5 ;load counter CLR A ;A=0 MOV R7,A ;clear R7 AGAIN:ADD A,@R0 ;add (R0) JNC NEXT ;jump to carry INC R7 ;keep track of carries NEXT: INC R0 ;increment pointer DJNZ R2,AGAIN ;repeat until R2 is zero

ADD with carry To add two 16-bit data operands, Add the source operand to register A and put the result in A. ADDC A, source
MOV ADD MOV MOV ADDC MOV A,#E7H A,#8DH R6,A A,#3CH A,#3BH R7,A E7 8D 74 CY=1 ; A=A+operand+CY ; R7=78H R6=74H 3C + 3B 78


ADDC A, #n ADDC A, add ADDC A, Rr ADDC A, @Rp


MOV A, #1Ch MOV R5, #0A1h ADD A, R5 ADD A,R5 ADDC A, #10h ADDC A, #10h


MOV A, #1Ch MOV R5, #0A1h ADD A, R5 ADD A,R5 ADDC A, #10h ADDC A, #10h A = 1Ch R5 = A1h A = BDh; C = 0, OV = 0 A = 5Eh; C=1, OV= 1 A = 6Fh; C = 0, OV=0 A = 7Fh; C=0; OV=0


MOV A, #1Ch MOV R5, #0A1h ADD A, R5 ADD A,R5 ADDC A, #10h ADDC A, #10h A = 1Ch R5 = A1h A = BDh; C = 0, OV = 0 A = 5Eh; C=1, OV= 1 A = 6Fh; C = 0, OV=0 A = 7Fh; C=0; OV=0


Example 6-3
Write a program to add two 16-bit numbers. The numbers are 3CE7H and 3B8DH. Place that sum in R7 and R6; R6 should have the lower byte. Solution: CLR C MOV A,#0E7H ADD A,#8DH MOV R6,A MOV A,#3CH ADDC A,#3BH MOV R7,A

;make CY=0 ;load the low byte now A=E7H ;add the low byte,A=74H and CY=1 ;save the low byte in R6 ;load the high byte ;add with the carry ;save the high byte of the sum

Subtraction with borrow SUBB A, source ; A = A source CY

3 F - 2 3 1 C

If CY=0, it is A=A-source. We discuss unsigned number here.


Subtraction of Unsigned Numbers (1/2)

The 8051 use adder circuitry to perform the subtraction command. In subtraction, the 8051 use the 2s complement method.
A-B = A+(100H-B)-100H = A+(2s complement of B)100H = A + (2s complement of B) + (toggle CY)

There are two cases for the SUBB:

1 byte subtraction (CLR C is used) Used for multi-byte numbers and will take care of the borrow of the lower operand. (Example 6-7)


Subtraction of Unsigned Numbers (2/2)

The steps of the hardware of the CPU in executing the SUBB instruction:
1. A minus the CY value. 2. Take the 2s complement of the subtrahend. 3. Add it to the minuend (A). 4. Invert the carry.

After the subtraction,

CY=0: positive result CY=1: negative result

3FH23H=1CH 1. A=A-CY=3FH 2. 23H -> DDH (2s complement) 3. 3FH+DDH=11CH, where CY=1,A=1CH. 4. Toggle & get 19 CY=0

Example 6-5
Show the steps involved in the following. CLR C ;make CY=0 MOV A,#3FH ;load 3FH into A (A=3FH) MOV R3,#23H ;load 23H into R3 (R3=23H) SUBB A,R3 ;A = A R3 Solution:

A = 3F 0011 1111 R3= 23 0010 0011 + 1C 1 CY=0

0011 1111 (A=A-CY) 1101 1101 (2s complement) 0001 1100 (after Toggle CY)

The flags would be set as follows: CY = 0, AC = 0 The programmer must look at the carry flag to determine if the result is positive or negative.


Example 6-6
Analyze the following program: CLR C MOV A,#4CH ;load A =4CH SUBB A,#6EH ;subtract 6E from A JNC NEXT ;jump not carry (CY=0) CPL A ;get 2s complement by INC A ; yourself NEXT:MOV R1,A ;save A in R1 Solution: 4C 0100 1100 0100 1100 - 6E 0110 1110 + 1001 0010 -22 0 1101 1110(A) CY=1, the result is negative. We borrow 100H and get positive result DEH. Get the 2s complement of A =0010 0010=22.


Example 6-7
Analyze the following program: CLR C MOV A,#62H 27 62 SUBB A,#96H - 12 96 MOV R7,A 14 CC MOV A,#27H SUBB A,#12H MOV R6,A Solution:

0110 0010 62H + 0110 1010 96Hs 2s 0 1100 1100 CY=1 after

0010 0110 + 1110 1110 1 0001 0100

12Hs 2s CY=0 after toggle

After the SUBB, A = 62H-96H = CCH and CY=1indicating there is a borrow. Since CY = 1, when SUBB is executed the second time A = 27H12H-1 =14H. Therefore, we have 2762H-1296H =14CCH.


Unsigned Multiplication and Division


The 8051 supports byte by byte multiplication only. Multiple A * B, result: B=high byte, A=low byte. MUL AB
MOV MOV MUL A,#25H B,#65H AB 25 65 0E 99 B=0EH: upper byte; A=99H: lower byte

Table 6-1: Unsigned Multiplication Summary (MUL AB)

Multiplication Operand 1 Operand 2 Result byte byte A B A = low byte B = high byte


The 8051 supports byte by byte division only. Divide A by B, result: B=remainder, A=quotient. DIV AB

;A=09H (quotient) ;B=05H (remainder) IF the numerator=B=0, then OV=1 indicates an error and CY=0.


Table 6-2: Unsigned Division Summary (DIV AB)


Numerator Denominator Quotient




An Application for DIV

There are times when an analog-to-digital converter is connected to a port. The ADC represents some quantity such as temperature or pressure. The 8-bit ADC provides data in hex. This hex data must be converted to decimal for display. We divide it by 10 repeatedly until the quotient is less than 10. See Example 6-8.

Example 6-8
Write a program to get hex data in the range of 00 FFH from port 1 and convert it to decimal. Save the digits in R7, R6 and R5, where the least significant digit is in R7. Solution of (a): MOV A,#0FFH MOV P1,A ;make P1 an input port MOV A,P1 ;read data from P1 MOV B,#10 ;B=0A hex (10 dec) DIV AB ;divide by 10 MOV R7,B ; MOV B,#10 ;P1 has max value 255 DIV AB ;3 bytes to save 3 decimals MOV R6,B ;Twice DIV are used MOV R5,A ;


Example 6-9
Analyze the program, assuming that P1 has a value of FDH for data. Solution of (b): In the case of an 8-bit binary = FDH = 253 in decimal. Q(A) R(B) FD / 0A= 19 3 (low digit R7=3) 19 / 0A= 2 5 (middle digit R6=5) (high digit R5=2)
Therefore, we have FDH = 253. In order to display this data it must be converted to ASCII, which is described in the next chapter.


Binary Coded Decimal


BCD Number System

Binary Coded Decimal : use binary to represent 09 only. See Table 6.1 BCD Code Two terms for BCD number:
Unpacked BCD Packed BCD Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BCD 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001


Unpacked / Packed BCD Numbers

In Unpacked BCD, a byte is used to contain a BCD number.
0000 0101 is unpacked BCD for 5 0000 1001 is unpacked BCD for 9

In Packed BCD, a byte has two BCD numbers.

0101 1001 is unpacked BCD for 59. It is twice as efficient in storing data.


Addition of BCD Numbers

ADD and ADDC are just for hexadecimal! To calculate 17+18=35.
MOV ADD A,#17H A,#28H 1 + 1 2
2 + 0 3

7 8 F
F 6 5

The programmer must add 6 to the low digital such that a carry occurs.

If lower nibble>9 or AC=1, add 6 to lower nibble. If higher nibble>9 or CY=1, add 6 to higher nibble.

Decimal adjust for addition DA instruction will add 6 to the lower nibble or higher nibble if needed. DA A
MOV MOV ADD DA A,#47H B,#55H A,B A 4 + 5 9 A CY=1 0 7 5 C 1. Lower nibble 2 2. Upper nibble 2

Section 6.2 Signed Number Concepts and Arithmetic Operations


Signed Numbers
In everyday life, numbers are used that could be positive or negative. Usually, 2s complement is used for signed numbers.


Figure 6-2. 8-Bit Signed Operand

For 2s complement representation D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0



The most significant bit (MSB) is used for the sign.

The rest is used for the magnitude which is represented in its 2s complement.


The Range of Sign Number for a Single Byte

-128 -127 -2 -1 0 +1 +2

1000 0000 1000 0001 : 1111 1110 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0010 : 0111 1111

80H = 100H-80H 81H = 100H-7FH FEH = 100H 2H FFH = 100H 1H 00H 2s complement 01H 02H



Example 6-10
Show how the 8051 would represent -5.
Solution: Observe the following steps: 1. 0000 0101 5 in 8-bit binary 2. 1111 1010 invert each bit 3. 1111 1011 add 1 (which becomes FB in hex) Therefore -5 = FBH, the signed number representation in 2s complement for -5. We can get FBH=100H-05H=FBH, too.

Example 6-11
Show how the 8051 would represent -34H.

Observe the following steps. 1. 0011 0100 128 in 8-bit binary 2. 1100 1011 invert each bit 3. 1100 1100 add 1 (which becomes CC in hex) Therefore -34 = CCH, the signed number representation in 2s complement for -34H. We can get FBH=100H-34H=CCH, too.

Example 6-12
Show how the 8051 would represent 128.

Observe the following steps. 1. 1000 0000 128 in 8-bit binary 80H 2. 0111 1111 invert each bit 3. 1000 0000 add 1 (which becomes 80 in hex) Therefore -128 = 80H, the signed number representation in 2s complement for -128. We can get FBH=100H-80H=FBH, too.

Overflow Problem
The CPU understands only 0s and 1s and ignores the human convention of positive and negative numbers. The overflow flag (OV) is designed to indicate an overflow of the operations for the signed numbers. When is an overflow?
If the result of an operation on signed numbers is too large for the 8-bit register, an overflow has occurred and the programmer must be notified. The range 128 to 127 in decimal.


Example 6-13
Examine the following code and analyze the result. MOV A,#+96 MOV R1,#+70 ADD A,R1 Solution: 96 + 70 + 166 0110 0000 0100 0110 1010 0110 ;A=0110 0000(A=60H) ;R1=0100 0110(R1=46H) ;A=1010 0110 ;A=A6H=-90, INVALID!!

The signed value in the register A=A6H=-90 is wrong. Programmer must check it by themselves. Note: There is a carry from D6 to D7 but no carry out of D7


When is an Overflow?
In 8-bit signed number operations, OV is set to 1 if either of the following two conditions occurs:
1. There is a carry from D6 to D7 but no carry out of D7. 2. There is a carry from D7 out but no carry from D6 to D7.

In both above cases, the overflow flag is set to 1.


Example 6-14
Observe the following, noting the role of the OV flag. MOV A,#-128 MOV R4,#-2 ADD A,R4 Solution: ;A=1000 0000(A=80H) ;R1=1111 1110(R4=FEH) ;A=0111 1110(A=7EH=126)

-128 1000 0000 + -2 1111 1110 - 130 0111 1110 (CY=1,AC=0,OV=1) There is a carry from D7 out but no carry from D6 to D7. According to the CPU, there is an overflow (OV = 1). The sign number is wrong.


Example 6-15
Observe the following, noting the OV flag. MOV A,#-2 MOV R1,#-5 ADD A,R1 Solution: -2 + -5 - 7 1111 1110 1111 1011 1111 1001 ;A=1111 1110 (A=FEH) ;R1=1111 1011(R1=FBH) ;A=1111 1001 (A=F9H=-7,correct)


There are carries from D7 out and from D6 to D7. According to the CPU, the result is -7, which is correct (OV = 0).

Programming Actions
C 0 0 1 1 OV 0 1 0 1 None Complement the sign None Complement the sign



XRL destination-byte,source-byte
MOV XRL A,#35H A,#0FH ;0011 0101 ;0000 1111 unchanged toggled

=> A=0011 1010

No effect on any of the flags. XRL is often used (1) to clear a register, (2) to see if two registers have the same value or (3) to toggle bits of an X Y X XOR Y operands. 0 0 0 0 1 1 XOR 2 bits X and Y 1 0 1 1 1 0


ANL destination-byte,source-byte
MOV ANL A,#35H A,#0FH ;0011 0101 ;0000 1111 => A=0000 0101

No effect on any of the flags. ANL is often used to mask (set to 0) certain bits of an operands. X Y X AND Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 AND 2 bits X and Y 1 0 0 1 1 1


Example 6-17
Show the results of the following.
MOV ANL Solution: A,#35H A,#0FH ;A = 35H ;A = A AND 0FH (now A = 05)

35H 0FH 05H

0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

35H AND 0FH = 05H


ORL destination-byte,source-byte
MOV ORL A,#35H A,#0FH ;0011 0101 ;0000 1111 => A=0011 1111

No effect on any of the flags. ORL is often used to set certain bits of an operands to 1.
X OR 2 bits X and Y Y X OR Y

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 1


Example 6-19
Show the results of the following. MOV XRL Solution: A,#54H A,#78H

54H 78H 2CH

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

54H XOR 78H = 2CH


Example 6-20
The XRL instruction can be used to clear the contents of a register by XORing it with itself. Show how XRL A,A clears A, assuming that A = 45H. Solution:

45H 45H 00

01000101 01000101 00000000 XOR a number with itself = 0


Example 6-21
Read and test P1 to see whether it has the value 45H. If it does, send 99H to P2; otherwise, it stays cleared. Solution: MOV P1,#0FFH MOV P2,#00 MOV R3,#45H MOV A,P1 XRL A,R3 JNZ EXIT MOV P2,#99H EXIT: ... ;make P1 an input port ;clear P2 ;R3 = 45H ;read p1
;jump if A 0


CPL (Complement Accumulator)

MOV CPL A,#55H A ;0101 0101 ;1010 1010

No effect on any of the flags. This is also called 1s complement.


Example 6-16
Examine the following, noting the role of OV.
MOV A,#+7 MOV R1,#+18 ADD A,R1 Solution: 7 0000 0111 + 18 0001 0010 25 0001 1001 No carry occurs. ;A=0000 0111 (A=07H) ;R1=0001 0010(R1=12H) ;A=0001 1001 (A=19H=+25,correct)

CY=0,AC=0 and 0V = 0

According to the CPU, the result is +25, which is correct (OV = 0).

Instructions to Create 2s Complement

There is no special instruction to make the 2s complement of a number. However, we can do it
CPL ADD A A,#1 ;1s complement ;add 1 to make 2s complement


Section 6.3 Logic and Compare Instructions


Example 6-18
Show the results of the following. MOV A,#04 ORL A,#30H Solution: ;A = 04 ;A = 34H

04H 30H 34H

0000 0100 0011 0000 0011 0100

04 OR 30 = 34H

Example 6-22
Find the 2s complement of the value 85H. Solution: MOV A,#85H 85H = 1000 0101 CPL A ;1s comp. 1s = 0111 1010 ADD A,#1 ;2s comp. + 1 0111 1011 = 7BH


CJNE (1/2)
Compare and Jump if Not Equal CJNE destination, source, relative address
MOV A,#55H CJNE A,#99H,NEXT ... ;do here if A=99H NEXT: ... ;jump here if A99H The compare instructions really a subtraction, except that the operands themselves remain unchanged. Flags are changed according to the execution of the SUBB instruction.

CJNE (2/2)
This instruction affects the carry flag only.
CJNE R5,#80,NEXT ... ;do here if R5=80 NEXT: JNC LAR ... ;do here if R5<80 LAR: ... ;do here if R5>80 Compare destination > source Table 7-1 destination < source Carry Flag CY = 0 CY = 1

Example 6-23
Examine the following code, then answer the following questions. (a) Will it jump to NEXT? (b) What is in A after the CJNE instruction is executed? MOV A,#55H CJNE A,#99H,NEXT ... NEXT: ...
Solution: (a) Yes, it jumps because 55H and 99H are not equal. (b) A = 55H, its original value before the comparison.

Example 6-24
Write code to determine if register A contains the value 99H. If so, make R1 = FFH; otherwise, make R1 = 0. Solution: MOV R1,#0 CJNE A,#99H,NEXT MOV R1,#0FFH NEXT:... OVER:... ;clear R1 ;if A99, then jump ;if A99, R1=FFH ;if A99, R1=0


Example 6-25
Assume that P1 is an input port connected to a temperature sensor. Write a program to read the temperature and test it for the value 75. According to the test results, place the temperature value into the registers indicated by the following. If T = 75 If T < 75 If T > 75 Solution: MOV MOV CJNE SJMP OVER: JNC MOV SJMP NEXT: MOV EXIT: ... then A = 75 then R1 = T then R2 = T
;make P1 an input port ;read P1 port ;jump if A75 ;A=75 ; ;A<75, save A R1 ; ;A>75, save A in R2



Example 6-26
Write a program to monitor P1 continuously for the value 63H. It should get out of the monitoring only if P1 = 63H.
Solution: MOV P1,#0FFH ;make P1 an input port HERE:MOV A,P1 ;get P1 CJNE A,#63,HERE ;keep monitoring unless ; P1=63H


Example 6-27
Assume internal RAM memory locations 40H 44H contain the daily temperature for five days, as shown below. Search to see if any of the values equals 65. If value 65 does exist in the table, give its location to R4; otherwise, make R4 = 0. 40H=7641H=7942H=6943H=6544H=62 Solution: MOV R4,#0 ;R4=0 MOV R0,#40H ;load pointer MOV R2,#05 ;load counter MOV A,#65 ;A=65, value searched for BACK:CJNE A,@R0,NEXT;compare RAM data with 65 MOV R4,R0 ;if 65, save address SJMP EXIT ;and exit NEXT:INC R0 ;increment pointer DJNZ R2,BACK ;keep check until count=0 68 EXIT: ...

Section 6.4 Rotate Instructions and Data Serialization


RR (Rotate A Right)
A,#36H A A A A ;A=0011 ;A=0001 ;A=1000 ;A=1100 ;A=0110 0110 1011 1101 0110 0011




RL (Rotate A Left)
MOV RL RL RL RL A,#36H A A A A ;A=0011 ;A=0110 ;A=1101 ;A=1011 ;A=0110 0110 1100 1000 0001 0011



RRC (Rotate A Right Through Carry)


A,#36H A A A A ;A=0011 ;A=0001 ;A=0000 ;A=1000 ;A=1100 0110, 1011, 1101, 0110, 0011, CY=0 CY=0 CY=1 CY=1 CY=0




RLC (Rotate A Left Through Carry)


A,#36H A A A A ;A=0011 ;A=0110 ;A=1101 ;A=1011 ;A=1001 0110, 1101, 1010, 0100, 1001, CY=1 CY=0 CY=0 CY=1 CY=1




Serializing Data
One application of rotate operations is serializing data. Serializing data is a way of sending a byte of data one bit at a time through a single pin of microcontroller.
Way 1: using the serial port
The programmers have very limited control over the sequence of data transfer. See Chapter 10.

Way 2: serializing data

Transfer data one bit at a time and control the sequence of data and spaces in between them Take less space on printed circuit

Figure 10-1. Serial versus Parallel Data Transfer

Serial Transfer
Sender Receiver

Parallel Transfer
Sender D0 Receiver



Serializing a Byte of Data

Transfer a byte of data serially
RRC MOV A P1.3,C ;Move the bit to CY ;output CY as data bit

Ex 6-28, 6-29


Example 6-28
Write a program to transfer value 41H serially (one bit at a time) via pin P2.1. Put two highs at the start and end of the data. Send the byte LSB first. Solution: MOV A,#41H SETB P2.1 ;first high at start SETB P2.1 ;second high at start MOV R5,#8 ;counter HERE: RRC A ; MOV P2.1,C ;send CY to P2.1 DJNZ R5,HERE ; SETB P2.1 ;first high at end SETB P2.1 ;second high at end
A D7 D0 CY P2.1 110100000111


Example 6-29
Write a program to bring in a byte of data serially one at a time via pin P2.7 and save it in register R2. The byte comes in with the LSB first. Solution: MOV R5,#8 ;counter HERE: MOV C,P2.7 ;bring a bit RRC A ; DJNZ R5,HERE ; MOV R2, A ;save it




A D7 D0

Single-bit Operations
Instructions that are used for single-bit operations are given in Table 8-1.
These instructions can be used for any bit. Some instructions that allow single-bit operations, but only along with the carry flag (CY).

In 8051, there are several instructions by which the CY flag can be manipulated directly.


Table 4-6: Single-Bit Instructions

SETB CLR CPL JB bit bit bit bit,target

Set the bit (bit = 1) Clear the bit (bit = 0) Complement the bit (bit = NOT bit) Jump to target if bit = 1 (jump if bit)



Jump to target if bit = 0 (jump if no bit)

Jump to target if bit = 1, clear bit (jump if bit, then clear)


Table 6-4: Carry Bit-Related Instructions

Instruction SETB C CLR C CPL C MOV b,C MOV C,b JNC target JC target ANL C,bit ANL C,/bit ORL C,bit ORL C,/bit Function make CY = 1 clear carry bit (CY = 0) complement carry bit copy carry status to bit location (b=CY) copy bit location status to carry (CY=b) jump to target if CY = 0 jump to target if CY = 1 AND CY with bit and save it on CY AND CY with inverted bit and save it on CY OR CY with bit and save it on CY OR CY with inverted bit and save it on CY


Example 6-30
Write a program to save the status of bits P1.2 and P1.3 on RAM bit locations 6 and 7, respectively. Solution: CY is used as a bit buffer. MOV MOV MOV MOV C,P1.2 06,C C,P1.3 07,C ;save ;save ;save ;save status in RAM status in RAM of P1.2 on CY bit location 06 of P1.3 on CY bit location 07

Example 6-31
Assume that the bit P2.2 is used to control the outdoor light and bit P2.5 to control the light inside a building. Show how to turn on the outside light and turn off the inside one. Solution: STEB ORL MOV CLR ANL MOV C C,P2.2 P2.2,C C C,P2.5 P2.5,C ;CY=1 ;CY = P2.2 ORed with CY ;turn it on ;CY=0 ;CY=P2.5 ANDed with CY ;turn it off

Example 6-32
Write a program that finds the number of 1s in a given byte.

MOV R1,#0 ;R1 keeps the number of 1s MOV R7,#8 ;counter=08 rotate 8 times MOV A,#97H ;A=10010111H AGAIN: RLC A ;rotate it through CY once JNC NEXT ;check for CY INC R1 ;if CY=1 then R1++ NEXT: DJNZ R7,AGAIN


;A=72H ;A=27H


before: D7 D4 D3 D0 after:
D3 D0 D7 D4

before: after:

0111 0010

0010 0111

Example 6-33
(a) Find the contents of register A in the following code. (b) In the absence of a SWAP instruction, how would you exchange the nibbles? Write a simple program to show the process. Solution: (a)


(b) MOV RL RL RL RL A,#72H A A A A

;A = 72H ;A = 27H
;A=0111 ;A=1110 ;A=1100 ;A=1001 ;A=0010 0010 0100 1001 0011 0111

Example Of Serial Communication

Write a program to transfer data to serial memories such as serial EEPROMs. Solution: ... RLC A ;first bit to carry MOV P1.3,C ;output carry as data bit RLC A ;second bit to carry MOV P1.3,C ;output carry as data bit RLC A ;first bit to carry MOV P1.3,C ;third carry as data bit ...

Section 6.5 BCD, ASCII, and Other Application Programs


Conversion of BCD and ASCII

There is a real time clock (RTC) in many new microcontrollers.
Ex: DS5000T has RTC

RTC keep the time (hour, minute, second) and date (year, month, day) when the power is off. This data is provided in packed BCD. For this data to be displayed (ex: on an LCD), it must be in ASCII format. We show above instructions in the conversion of BCD and ASCII


Table 6-5. ASCII Code for Digits 0 9

Key 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ASCII (hex) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Binary 011 0000 011 0001 011 0010 011 0011 011 0100 011 0101 011 0110 011 0111 011 1000 011 1001 BCD (unpacked) 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0011 0000 0100 0000 0101 0000 0110 0000 0111 0000 1000 0000 1001

Packed BCD to ASCII Conversion

To convert packed BCD to ASCII
Step 1. It must be converted to unpacked BCD first. MOV A,#29H ;It means 2910 ANL A,#0FH ;get the lower nibble Step 2. The unpacked BCD is tagged with 30H ORL A,#30H ;make it an ASCII,A=39H 9


ASCII to packed BCD Conversion

To convert ASCII to packed BCD
Step 1. It must be converted to unpacked BCD first. MOV A,#2 ;A=32H ANL A,#0FH ;get the lower nibble MOV R1,#9 ;R1=39H ANL R1,#0FH ;get the lower nibble Step 2. Combined them to the packed BCD. SWAP A ;become upper nibble A=20H ORL A,R1 ;packed BCD,A=29H

Example 6-34 (modified)

Assume that register A has packed BCD, write a program to convert packed BCD to two ASCII numbers and place them in R2 and R6. Solution: MOV A,#29H ANL A,#0FH ORL A,#30H MOV R6,A MOV A,#29H ANL A,#0F0H SWAP A ORL A,#30H MOV R2,A ;packed BCD ;Lower nibble: A=09H ;make it an ASCII, A=39H (9) ;R6=39H ASCII char ; ;upper nibble: A=20H ;A=02H, equals to RR A 4 times ;A=32H,ASCII char.2 ;R2=32H ASCII char

Using a Look-up Table for ASCII

Its much easier to use a look-up table to get ASCII character than mathematical computation. See Example 6-35.


Example 6-35 (1/2)

Assume that the lower three bits of P1 are connected to three switches. Write a program to send the following ASCII characters to P2 based on the status of the switches. 000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 111 7

P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P2

Example 6-35 (2/2)

Solution: MOV DPTR,#MYTABLE MOV A,P1 ANL A,#07H ;only last 3 bits needed MOVC A,@A+DPTR ;get data form table MOV P2,A SJMP $ ;-------------------------------------------ORG 400H MYTABLE DB 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 END

Create Checksum Byte in ROM

To ensure the integrity of the ROM contents, every system perform the checksum calculation. The checksum byte is an extra byte that is tagged to the end of a series of bytes of data. To calculate the checksum byte:
1. Add the bytes together and drop the carries. 25H+62H+3FH+52H=118H sum=18H 2. Take the 2s complement of the sum. This is checksum byte, attached as the last byte of the series. 2s complement of 18H = E8H The series becomes 25H-62H-3FH-52H-E8H


Checksum Operation
To perform the checksum operations:
1. add all the bytes, including the checksum byte 2. The result must be zero. If the result is not zero, there is some error occurred.

See Example 6-36


Example 6-36 (1/2)

Assume that we have 4 bytes of hexadecimal data: 25H, 62H, 3FH, and 52H. (a) Find the checksum byte, (b) perform the checksum operation to ensure data integrity, and (c) if the second byte 62H has been changed to 22H, show how checksum detects the error.

(a) Find the checksum byte

25H+62H+3FH+52H=118H sum=18H Dropping the carry of 1, we have 18H.

The 2s complement of 18H is E8H. The checksum byte = E8H


Example 6-36 (2/2)

(b) Perform the checksum operation to ensure data integrity

25H+62H+3FH+52H+E8H=200H sum=00H Dropping the carries, we have 00H. Data is correct! (c) If the second byte 62H has been changed to 22H, show how checksum detects the error.
25H+22H+3FH+52H+E8H=1C0H sum=C0H Dropping the carries, we have C0H, which is not 00H. The ROM data is corrupted


Binary to ASCII Conversion

Many ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) chips provide output data in binary. To display the data on an LCD or PC screen, we need to convert it to ASCII.


Binary-to-ASCII Conversion Program (1/3)

;Converting ;---------RAM_ADDR DASCI_RSULT COUNT ;---------binary (hexadecimal) to ASCII Initialization ----------EQU 40H EQU 50H EQU 3 main program ----------ORG 0 ACALL BIN_DEC_CONVRT ACALL DEC_ASCI_CONVRT SJMP $


Binary-to-ASCII Conversion Program (2/3)

BIN_DEC_CONVRT: MOV MOV MOV DIV MOV INC MOV DIV MOV INC MOV RET ; converting binary to decimal R0,#RAM_ADDR A,P1 B,#10 AB @R0,B ;save lower digit R0 B,#10 AB @R0,B ;save next digit R0 @R0,A ;save last digit

Binary-to-ASCII Conversion Program (3/3)

;-- converting decimal to displayable ASCII -DEC_ASCI_CONVRT: MOV R0,#RAM_ADDR MOV R1,#ASCI_RSULT MOV R2,#3 BACK: ADD A,@R0 ;calculate the sum ORL A,#30H MOV @R1,A INC R0 INC R1 DJNZ R2,BACK RET END


Checksum Program in Modules

The checksum generation and testing program is given in modular form. Dividing a program into several modules allows us to use tis modules in other applications. See Checksum Program


Checksum Program (1/5)

;Calculation and testing checksum byte ;---------- Initialization ----------DATA_ADDR EQU 400H COUNT EQU 4 RAM_ADDR EQU 30H
;---------- main program ----------ORG 0 ACALL COPY_DATA ;copy data to RAM ACALL CAL_CHKSUM ;get checksum ACALL TEST_CHKSUM ;test checksum SJMP $

Checksum Program (2/5)


Checksum Program (3/5)

;-- calculating checksum byte and save -;-- checksum in RAM location #RAM_ADDR+#COUNT -CAL_CHKSUM: MOV R1,#RAM_ADDR MOV R2,#COUNT CLR A H2: ADD A,@R1 ;calculate the sum INC R1 DJNZ R2,H2 CPL A ;2s complement INC A MOV @R1,A ;save checksum RET


Checksum Program (2/5)

;-- testing checksum TEST_CHKSUM: MOV MOV CLR H3: ADD INC DJNZ JZ MOV SJMP G_1: MOV OVER: RET byte -R1,#RAM_ADDR R2,#COUNT+1 A A,@R1 ;calculate the sum R1 R2,H3 G_1 ;if A=0 jump to G_1 P1,#B ;bad data OVER P1,#G ;correct

Checksum Program (2/5)

;-- my data in code ROM -ORG 400H MYDATA: DB 25H,62H,3FH,52H CLR A END


Packed BCD to ASCII
By mathematical computation Using look-up table

ASCII to packed BCD Binary to ASCII Calculate the checksum byte in ROM Perform checksum operation Checksum program in module

You are able to1/2

Define the range of numbers possible in 8051 unsigned data Code addition and subtraction instructions for unsigned data Perform addition of BCD data Code 8051 unsigned data multiplication and division instructions Code 8051 Assembly language logic function instructions AND, OR and EX-OR

You are able to2/2

Use 8051 logic instructions for bit manipulation Use compare and jump instructions for program control Code 8051 rotate instruction and data serialization Explain the BCDbinary coded decimalsystem of data representation Contrast and compare packed and unpacked BCD data Code 8051 programs for ASCII and BCD data conversion Code 8051 program to create and test the checksum 113 byte

Problems 1,3,4,11,13,15,26,27,32,33,36,37,40,42,46 Note:
In the problem, please find the CY, AC and OV flags for each the following. You can do it by the simulation tools. Please write and compile the programs. Print the list files and paste them in your homework.


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