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Operating Instructions
This PowerPoint presentation will give you an
overview of how SpiroVision-3+ operates.
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Spirometer for Windows
 Uses Windows 95, 98,
2000 or NT
 Connects to your
computer’s serial or
USB port
 Performs FVC, SVC,
MVV, pre/post test and
inhalation challenge
Installation and Set-Up
Before using SpiroVision-3+ you will need to:

•Set up the turbine flow meter

•Connect the instrument to your PC
•Install the software
To set up the turbine flow
Insert the clear turbine all the
way in the handset until it sits in
the very end
SpiroVision-3+ is driven by the computer’s
standard serial port, and is adaptable for USB. .
It is powered through the computer’s PS2 port.
To connect SpiroVision-3+ to your computer
Plug the cable provided with SpiroVision-3+
into the handset as pictured
If you have a serial port, plug the 9 pin end of
the cable into your computer.
If you have a USB port, you will need a
USB-serial adapter. Futuremed can
recommend or provide you one.
Plug the PS-2 end of the cable into your
This adapter, provided with your SpiroVision-3+,
lets you share your PS-2 port between the spirometer
and a keyboard or mouse.
Connect the spirometer to the end marked “M”.
Connect the mouse or keyboard to “K”.
Operation of the Software
There are 3 steps to obtaining PFT reports:

1) Patient data is entered,

2) The maneuver is performed, and
3) Results are printed
This is SpiroVision-3+’s main
screen. It is the starting point for
data entry, testing and printing.
To enter patient data
Click on the Archive Navigator

The following window, called the
Archive Navigator, will open:
It consists of 3 sections:

Tests to Display, where test results are stored.

Lists all
Stored Tests
Quickly add Patients

Patient Card,
for general
patient data.

Keep Track of Your

Visit Card, for Patient’s Visits

data for
each date.
In the Archive Navigator, click on the “Add a
New Patient Card” button.
“Patient card”
consists of name, ID,
date of birth & sex.

Each patient is assigned one “patient card”, consisting

of permanent data such as name and date of birth.
Fill in the required blanks (Name, ID, date of birth,
ethnicity and sex.). The remaining fields are optional.

Click OK to

You can customize

some fields for
information specific
to your own use
You will also need to enter the patient’s height
and weight. This data can change from one visit
to the next and will fill in the Visit Card.

If desired, complete remaining blanks (optional).

Click on OK when finished.
Predicted spirometry
values are calculated
based on the patient’s
age, sex, race, height and
Click OK to complete this step proceed to test
The “Test” button
will light up.

Note that the patient’s

name is now displayed
on the bottom of the
“Bubbles” Pediatric Incentive
“Bubbles” blows a
soap bubble that gets
larger as the patient
continues to exhale

“Goal bubble” is the

Predicted FVC
 Helps patients perform the FVC maneuver correctly
and completely.

 Encourages
optimal test
 Is displayed
at your
Children and adults find the
SpiroVision-3+ handset
easy to hold and handle.
Colorful Graphs
Real time flow/volume & time/volume graphs

for best test quality and immediate results

Display a Single Test
Superimpose & Compare Multiple Tests
Other maneuvers include
Slow Vital Capacity (SVC)
Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV)
After patient data is
entered, the “test”
button lights up.

Select the desired maneuver.

To begin testing, click on the “start” button.

The green “light” indicates that the

sensor is on and communicating
with the computer.
The patient can start by taking
2-3 normal breaths (tidal volume),
or you may proceed directly to the
forced expiratory maneuver.
As the patient exhales, you will see the flow/volume and
time/volume graphs in real time.
As the patient exhales, you will see the flow/volume and
time/volume graphs in real time.
As the patient exhales, you will see the flow/volume and
time/volume graphs in real time.
As the patient exhales, you will see the flow/volume and
time/volume graphs in real time.
Following the maneuver, the curve and actual values of the test
can be compared with the predicteds.
The test can be repeated
as many times as
you’d like.
All the tests performed during the session will be listed (from best
to worst). Highlight the ones you’d like to study and save in the
patient record.
These tests
were saved

for this testing

Back in the patient card, the “test to display” box will now show
the dates and types of tests stored.
Highlight the test or tests you’d like to display, then click on OK.
The Flow/Volume and Time/Volume graphs and test data
will be displayed on screen
• Full page reports can be generated
through your Windows printer or fax.
• Color printers can be used for colorful
graphs and reports.
• Reports meet ATS, OSHA, NIOSH, and
SSD standards for spirometry.
Click here to
“print” … … or here for

You can print the results immediately or preview the “printout” on

screen before printing.
click here to
Report headers can be customized with
your facility name or other desired
You can also print the name of the
physician or technician signing the report.
These parameters
were removed from
the report.

Reports include your choice of parameters in the desired order.

You can even modify the predicted equation or add new
equations. This feature lets you keep your spirometer
up-to-date with changing industry standards.
The “Print Report” option generates a
pre-formatted printout using
a patient’s best tests on a given date

“Print Report” will print the
Use these arrows to best efforts from the date
choose a desired test date. date indicated here.

Before choosing print report, open the Archive Navigator and

select the Visit Card with the date for which you want a report.
Make sure there are tests
stored for the desired date.

“Print Report” will print the best results for the date selected in
the visit card
Click here to

After you have selected the test date, close the Archive Navigator,
and select “Print Report”
In addition to the best FVC graph,
you can select a post-medication
test to be displayed in the report.

The Print Report Window will ask if you want a one or two page
report, and also give you the option of printing a bronchodilator
response report.
Here is one example of a preformatted report.
SpiroVision-3+ will let you customize
its bronchial provocation protocol database
for methacholine, cold air or other
challenge testing
Test results can be transferred to other
programs in Excel, Lotus or ASCII formats.

They can also be shared in a network, or sent

by email.
SpiroVision-3+ is a cost effective spirometer

SpiroVision-3+ is used with

your choice of mouthpieces or filters.
This lets you control the cost and quality
of disposables.

Part# Description
SV3+ SpiroVision-3+ sensor handset
3P010 SV-3+ flow meter
3P030 SpiroVision-3+ software
3P040 Adapter for sharing PS-2 port
3P050 Serial communication cable
3P060 Owner’s manual
35070 100 mouthpieces
3P110 Carrying case
Pediatric & filter adapters
Sample nose clips & filters
The operator can choose to view and
print any of more than 35 parameters,

including :
FVC (and Best FVC) ERV
FEV1 (and Best FEV1) IRV
PEF (and Best PEF) VE
FEV6 ti
FEV1/FEV6 ti/t.tot
FEF25-75 Vt/Ti
FET100% IC
Thank you for taking the time to
learn more about SpiroVision-3+.
If you have any questions please
call us at 800-222-6780.

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