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Class #2 Take-Away Concepts

1. 2. 3. X and Y motions are independent. In projectile motion problems, the acceleration is constant = 9.8 m/s2 down (normally -Y direction). Strategy for solving projectile motion problems: Create a table, fill in known quantities, work on finding unknown quantities. Use time to connect information from one column to another.



Team building exercise 3

Problems of the Day

Two cannon crews, A and B, are practicing shooting their cannons in a large, flat field. Crew A points their cannon at an angle of 30 up from horizontal. Crew B points their cannon 60 up from horizontal. They both fire at the same time and they notice that their respective cannon balls hit the ground at the same time. Neglecting air resistance, and assuming both cannon balls start from the same initial velocity and height when fired, which cannon ball reaches the greatest maximum height? A) The cannon ball from crew A goes higher. B) The cannon ball from crew B goes higher. C) Both cannon balls reach the same maximum height.

A pirate ship in a harbor at sea level fired its cannon and hit the top of a hill 310 meters above sea level. The cannon ball was in the air for 10.0 seconds. The elevation angle of the cannon was 30 above horizontal. What was the horizontal distance from the pirate ship to the top of the hill? Use g = 9.8 m/s2 and ignore air resistance.

h = 310 m
= 30



Given: Skier leaves the ramp at qA = 25o and hits the slope at B.
Find: The skiers initial speed vA.

Plan: Establish a fixed x,y coordinate system (in the solution here, the origin of the coordinate system is placed at A). Apply the kinematic relations in x and y-directions.


I shot an arrow into the air. . . . . .

Robin stands near the edge of a cliff in the desert. She shoots an arrow into the air from a height of 100 feet above the ground below with a vertical velocity of 40 feet per second a height and a horizontal velocity of 30 feet per second (sending it over the cliff). What will be the height of the arrow relative to the ground below the cliff when it has traveled horizontally 75 feet?

. . . .but its who hes pretending to be. (I know, Frank is throwing with a vertical velocity, but hes pretty confused; dont give him a hard time.)

Standing near the edge of the roof of a building, Frank throws a baseball from a height of 100 feet upwards with a vertical velocity of 25 feet per second a height of 100 feet at a velocity. (As it falls, the ball will fall past the roof down toward the ground.) How high above the ground is the baseball after three seconds?

An object is fired from the ground at 100 meters per second at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal

b) c)

Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity How long does it take to reach highest point? How far does the object travel in the horizontal direction?

A Home Run

A baseball is hit so that it leaves the bat making a 300 angle with the ground. It crosses a low fence at the boundary of the ballpark 100 m from home plate at the same height that it was struck. (Neglect air resistance.) What was its velocity as it left the bat?


A rescue plane flies at 198 km/h (= 55.0 m/s) and a constant elevation of 500 m toward a point directly over a boating accident victim struggling in the water. The pilot wants to release a rescue capsule so that it hits the water very close to the victim.
(a) What should be the angle of the pilot's line of sight to the victim when the release is made? (b) As the capsule reaches the water, what is its velocity as a magnitude and an angle?

The Figure below illustrates the flight of Emanuel Zacchini over three 0 Ferris wheels, located as shown and each 18 m high. Zacchini is launched with speed v0 = 26.5 m/s, at an angle 0 = 53 up from the horizontal and with an initial height of 3.0 m above the ground. The net in which he is to land is at the same height. (a) Does he clear the first Ferris wheel? (b) If he reaches his maximum height when he is over the middle Ferris wheel, what is his clearance above it? (c)How far from the cannon should the center of the net be positioned?

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