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Chapter 11: Storage and File Structure

Rev. Aug 1, 2008

Database System Concepts, 5th Ed.

Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan See for conditions on re-use

Chapter 11: Storage and File Structure

Overview of Physical Storage Media Magnetic Disks RAID Tertiary Storage Storage Access

File Organization
Organization of Records in Files Data-Dictionary Storage

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Classification of Physical Storage Media

Speed with which data can be accessed Cost per unit of data Reliability

data loss on power failure or system crash physical failure of the storage device volatile storage: loses contents when power is switched off non-volatile storage:

Can differentiate storage into:

Contents persist even when power is switched off. Includes secondary and tertiary storage, as well as battery-backed up main-memory.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Physical Storage Media

Cache fastest and most costly form of storage; volatile;

managed by the computer system hardware (Note: Cache is pronounced as cash) Main memory: fast access (10s to 100s of nanoseconds; 1 nanosecond = 109 seconds) generally too small (or too expensive) to store the entire database capacities of up to a few Gigabytes widely used currently Capacities have gone up and per-byte costs have decreased steadily and rapidly (roughly factor of 2 every 2 to 3 years) Volatile contents of main memory are usually lost if a power failure or system crash occurs.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Physical Storage Media (Cont.)

Flash memory

Data survives power failure Data can be written at a location only once, but location can be erased and written to again

support only a limited number (10K 1M) of write/erase cycles. of memory has to be done to an entire bank of memory


Reads are roughly as fast as main memory

But writes are slow (few microseconds), erase is slower

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Physical Storage Media (Cont.)

Flash memory

NOR Flash

reads, very slow erase, lower capacity to store program code in many embedded devices


NAND Flash

read/write, multi-page erase

capacity (several GB)


used as data storage mechanism in portable devices

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Physical Storage Media (Cont.)


Data is stored on spinning disk, and read/written magnetically Primary medium for the long-term storage of data; typically stores entire database. Data must be moved from disk to main memory for access, and written back for storage direct-access possible to read data on disk in any order, unlike magnetic tape Survives power failures and system crashes

failure can destroy data: is rare but does happen

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Physical Storage Media (Cont.)

Optical storage

non-volatile, data is read optically from a spinning disk using a laser CD-ROM (640 MB) and DVD (4.7 to 17 GB) most popular forms Write-one, read-many (WORM) optical disks used for archival storage (CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R) Multiple write versions also available (CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM) Reads and writes are slower than with magnetic disk Juke-box systems, with large numbers of removable disks, a few drives, and a mechanism for automatic loading/unloading of disks available for storing large volumes of data

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Physical Storage Media (Cont.)

Tape storage

non-volatile, used primarily for backup (to recover from disk failure), and for archival data sequential-access much slower than disk very high capacity (40 to 300 GB tapes available)

tape can be removed from drive storage costs much cheaper than disk, but drives are expensive
Tape jukeboxes available for storing massive amounts of data

of terabytes (1 terabyte = 109 bytes) to even a petabyte (1 petabyte = 1012 bytes)

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Storage Hierarchy

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Storage Hierarchy (Cont.)

primary storage: Fastest media but volatile (cache, main

secondary storage: next level in hierarchy, non-volatile,

moderately fast access time

also called on-line storage E.g. flash memory, magnetic disks

tertiary storage: lowest level in hierarchy, non-volatile, slow

access time

also called off-line storage

E.g. magnetic tape, optical storage

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Magnetic Hard Disk Mechanism

NOTE: Diagram is schematic, and simplifies the structure of actual disk drives
Database System Concepts - 5th Edition 11.12 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Magnetic Disks
Read-write head

Positioned very close to the platter surface (almost touching it) Reads or writes magnetically encoded information. Over 50K-100K tracks per platter on typical hard disks Sector size typically 512 bytes Typical sectors per track: 500 (on inner tracks) to 1000 (on outer tracks) disk arm swings to position head on right track platter spins continually; data is read/written as sector passes under head
11.13 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Surface of platter divided into circular tracks

Each track is divided into sectors.

To read/write a sector

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Magnetic Disks (Cont.)

Head-disk assemblies

multiple disk platters on a single spindle (1 to 5 usually) one head per platter, mounted on a common arm.

Cylinder i consists of ith track of all the platters Earlier generation disks were susceptible to head-crashes

leading to loss of all data on disk

Current generation disks are less susceptible to such disastrous failures, but individual sectors may get corrupted

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Disk Controller
Disk controller interfaces between the computer system and

the disk drive hardware.

accepts high-level commands to read or write a sector initiates actions such as moving the disk arm to the right track and actually reading or writing the data Computes and attaches checksums to each sector to verify that data is read back correctly

data is corrupted, with very high probability stored checksum wont match recomputed checksum

Ensures successful writing by reading back sector after writing it Performs remapping of bad sectors

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Disk Subsystem

Disk interface standards families

ATA (AT adaptor) range of standards SATA (Serial ATA) SCSI (Small Computer System Interconnect) range of standards

Several variants of each standard (different speeds and capabilities)

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Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Performance Measures of Disks

Access time the time it takes from when a read or write request

is issued to when data transfer begins. Consists of:

Seek time time it takes to reposition the arm over the correct track.

Average seek time is 1/2 the worst case seek time.

Would be 1/3 if all tracks had the same number of sectors, and we ignore the time to start and stop arm movement

to 10 milliseconds on typical disks

Rotational latency time it takes for the sector to be accessed to appear under the head.

Average latency is 1/2 of the worst case latency. to 11 milliseconds on typical disks (5400 to 15000 r.p.m.)

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Performance Measures (Cont.)

Data-transfer rate the rate at which data can be retrieved from

or stored to the disk.

25 to 100 MB per second max rate, lower for inner tracks Multiple disks may share a controller, so rate that controller can handle is also important

ATA-5: 66 MB/sec, SATA: 150 MB/sec, Ultra 320 SCSI: 320 MB/s Channel (FC2Gb): 256 MB/s


Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Performance Measures (Cont.)

Mean time to failure (MTTF) the average time the disk is

expected to run continuously without any failure.

Typically 3 to 5 years Probability of failure of new disks is quite low, corresponding to a theoretical MTTF of 500,000 to 1,200,000 hours for a new disk

an MTTF of 1,200,000 hours for a new disk means that given 1000 relatively new disks, on an average one will fail every 1200 hours

MTTF decreases as disk ages

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Optimization of Disk-Block Access

Block a contiguous sequence of sectors from a single track

data is transferred between disk and main memory in blocks Typical block sizes today range from 4 to 16 kilobytes

Disk-arm-scheduling algorithms order pending accesses to

tracks so that disk arm movement is minimized

elevator algorithm : move disk arm in one direction (from outer to inner tracks or vice versa), processing next request in that direction, till no more requests in that direction, then reverse direction and repeat

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Optimization of Disk Block Access (Cont.)

File organization optimize block access time by organizing

the blocks to correspond to how data will be accessed

E.g. Store related information on the same or nearby blocks/cylinders.


systems attempt to allocate contiguous chunks of blocks (e.g. 8 or 16 blocks) to a file if data is inserted to/deleted from the file

Files may get fragmented over time

E.g. Or

free blocks on disk are scattered, and newly created file has its blocks scattered over the disk access to a fragmented file results in increased disk arm movement


Some systems have utilities to defragment the file system, in order to speed up file access
11.21 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Optimization of Disk Block Access (Cont.)

Nonvolatile write buffers speed up disk writes by writing blocks to

a non-volatile RAM buffer immediately

Non-volatile RAM: battery backed up RAM or flash memory


if power fails, the data is safe and will be written to disk when power returns

Controller then writes to disk whenever the disk has no other requests or request has been pending for some time Database operations that require data to be safely stored before continuing can continue without waiting for data to be written to disk Writes can be reordered to minimize disk arm movement

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Optimization of Disk Block Access (Cont.)

Log disk a disk devoted to writing a sequential log of block


Used exactly like nonvolatile RAM


to log disk is very fast since no seeks are required


need for special hardware (NV-RAM)

File systems typically reorder writes to disk to improve


Journaling file systems write data in safe order to NV-RAM or log disk Reordering without journaling: risk of corruption of file system data

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

RAID: Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks

disk organization techniques that manage a large numbers of disks, providing a view of a single disk of

capacity and high speed by using multiple disks in parallel, and

reliability by storing data redundantly, so that data can be recovered even if a disk fails


The chance that some disk out of a set of N disks will fail is much

higher than the chance that a specific single disk will fail.

E.g., a system with 100 disks, each with MTTF of 100,000 hours (approx. 11 years), will have a system MTTF of 1000 hours (approx. 41 days)

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Improvement of Reliability via Redundancy

Redundancy store extra information that can be used to

rebuild information lost in a disk failure

E.g., Mirroring (or shadowing)

Duplicate every disk. Logical disk consists of two physical disks. Every write is carried out on both disks

can take place from either disk

If one disk in a pair fails, data still available in the other


loss would occur only if a disk fails, and its mirror disk also fails before the system is repaired Probability of combined event is very small

Except for dependent failure modes such as fire or building collapse or electrical power surges

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Improvement of Reliability via Redundancy

Mean time to data loss depends on mean time to failure,

and mean time to repair

E.g. MTTF of 100,000 hours, mean time to repair of 10 hours gives mean time to data loss of 500*106 hours (or 57,000 years) for a mirrored pair of disks (ignoring dependent failure modes)

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Improvement in Performance via Parallelism

Two main goals of parallelism in a disk system:

1. Load balance multiple small accesses to increase throughput 2. Parallelize large accesses to reduce response time.
Improve transfer rate by striping data across multiple disks. Bit-level striping split the bits of each byte across multiple disks

But seek/access time worse than for a single disk


level striping is not used much any more

Block-level striping with n disks, block i of a file goes to disk (i

mod n) + 1

Requests for different blocks can run in parallel if the blocks reside on different disks A request for a long sequence of blocks can utilize all disks in parallel
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Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

RAID Levels
RAID organizations, or RAID levels, have differing cost,

performance and reliability characteristics RAID Level 0: Block striping; non-redundant. Used in high-performance applications where data lost is not critical. RAID Level 1: Mirrored disks with block striping Offers best write performance. Popular for applications such as storing log files in a database system.

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

RAID Levels (Cont.)

RAID Level 2: Memory-Style Error-Correcting-Codes (ECC) with bit

RAID Level 3: Bit-Interleaved Parity

a single parity bit is enough for error correction, not just detection

writing data, corresponding parity bits must also be computed and written to a parity bit disk recover data in a damaged disk, compute XOR of bits from other disks (including parity bit disk)


Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

RAID Levels (Cont.)

RAID Level 3 (Cont.)

Faster data transfer than with a single disk, but fewer I/Os per second since every disk has to participate in every I/O.

RAID Level 4: Block-Interleaved Parity; uses block-level striping,

and keeps a parity block on a separate disk for corresponding blocks from N other disks.

When writing data block, corresponding block of parity bits must also be computed and written to parity disk To find value of a damaged block, compute XOR of bits from corresponding blocks (including parity block) from other disks.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

RAID Levels (Cont.)

RAID Level 4 (Cont.)

Provides higher I/O rates for independent block reads than Level 3

read goes to a single disk, so blocks stored on different disks can be read in parallel

Before writing a block, parity data must be computed


be done by using old parity block, old value of current block and new value of current block (2 block reads + 2 block writes)
by recomputing the parity value using the new values of blocks corresponding to the parity block More efficient for writing large amounts of data sequentially


Parity block becomes a bottleneck for independent block writes since every block write also writes to parity disk
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Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

RAID Levels (Cont.)

RAID Level 5: Block-Interleaved Distributed Parity; partitions

data and parity among all N + 1 disks, rather than storing data in N disks and parity in 1 disk.

E.g., with 5 disks, parity block for nth set of blocks is stored on disk (n mod 5) + 1, with the data blocks stored on the other 4 disks.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

RAID Levels (Cont.)

RAID Level 5 (Cont.)

Higher I/O rates than Level 4.


writes occur in parallel if the blocks and their parity blocks are on different disks.

Subsumes Level 4: provides same benefits, but avoids bottleneck of parity disk.

RAID Level 6: P+Q Redundancy scheme; similar to Level 5, but

stores extra redundant information to guard against multiple disk failures.

Better reliability than Level 5 at a higher cost; not used as widely.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Choice of RAID Level

Factors in choosing RAID level

Monetary cost Performance: Number of I/O operations per second, and bandwidth during normal operation Performance during failure Performance during rebuild of failed disk Including time taken to rebuild failed disk RAID 0 is used only when data safety is not important E.g. data can be recovered quickly from other sources Level 2 and 4 never used since they are subsumed by 3 and 5 Level 3 is not used since bit-striping forces single block reads to access all disks, wasting disk arm movement Level 6 is rarely used since levels 1 and 5 offer adequate safety for most applications So competition is mainly between 1 and 5

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Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Choice of RAID Level (Cont.)

Level 1 provides much better write performance than level 5

Level 5 requires at least 2 block reads and 2 block writes to write a single block, whereas Level 1 only requires 2 block writes Level 1 preferred for high update environments such as log disks

Level 1 had higher storage cost than level 5

disk drive capacities increasing rapidly (50%/year) whereas disk access times have decreased much less (x 3 in 10 years)
I/O requirements have increased greatly, e.g. for Web servers When enough disks have been bought to satisfy required rate of I/O, they often have spare storage capacity

so there is often no extra monetary cost for Level 1!

Level 5 is preferred for applications with low update rate,

and large amounts of data

Level 1 is preferred for all other applications

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Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Hardware Issues
Software RAID: RAID implementations done entirely in software,

with no special hardware support

Hardware RAID: RAID implementations with special hardware

Use non-volatile RAM to record writes that are being executed Beware: power failure during write can result in corrupted disk

failure after writing one block but before writing the second in a mirrored system
corrupted data must be detected when power is restored Recovery from corruption is similar to recovery from failed disk NV-RAM helps to efficiently detected potentially corrupted blocks


Otherwise all blocks of disk must be read and compared with mirror/parity block
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Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Hardware Issues (Cont.)

Hot swapping: replacement of disk while system is running,

without power down

Supported by some hardware RAID systems, reduces time to recovery, and improves availability greatly

Many systems maintain spare disks which are kept online, and

used as replacements for failed disks immediately on detection of failure

Reduces time to recovery greatly

Many hardware RAID systems ensure that a single point of

failure will not stop the functioning of the system by using

Redundant power supplies with battery backup Multiple controllers and multiple interconnections to guard against controller/interconnection failures

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

RAID Terminology in the Industry

RAID terminology not very standard in the industry

E.g. Many vendors use


1: for mirroring without striping 10 or RAID 1+0: for mirroring with striping

Hardware RAID implementations often just offload RAID processing onto a separate subsystem, but dont offer NVRAM.

the specs carefully!

Software RAID supported directly in most operating systems


Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Optical Disks
Compact disk-read only memory (CD-ROM)

Seek time about 100 msec (optical read head is heavier and slower) Higher latency (3000 RPM) and lower data-transfer rates (3-6 MB/s) compared to magnetic disks Digital Video Disk (DVD) DVD-5 holds 4.7 GB , variants up to 17 GB Slow seek time, for same reasons as CD-ROM Record once versions (CD-R and DVD-R)

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Magnetic Tapes
Hold large volumes of data and provide high transfer rates

Few GB for DAT (Digital Audio Tape) format, 10-40 GB with DLT (Digital Linear Tape) format, 100 400 GB+ with Ultrium format, and 330 GB with Ampex helical scan format Transfer rates from few to 10s of MB/s Currently the cheapest storage medium Tapes are cheap, but cost of drives is very high Very slow access time in comparison to magnetic disks and optical disks limited to sequential access. Some formats (Accelis) provide faster seek (10s of seconds) at cost of lower capacity Used mainly for backup, for storage of infrequently used information, and as an off-line medium for transferring information from one system to another. Tape jukeboxes used for very large capacity storage

(terabyte (1012 bytes) to petabye (1015 bytes)

11.40 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Storage Access
A database file is partitioned into fixed-length storage units

called blocks. Blocks are units of both storage allocation and data transfer.
Database system seeks to minimize the number of block

transfers between the disk and memory. We can reduce the number of disk accesses by keeping as many blocks as possible in main memory.
Buffer portion of main memory available to store copies of

disk blocks.
Buffer manager subsystem responsible for allocating buffer

space in main memory.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Buffer Manager
Programs call on the buffer manager when they need a block from

Buffer manager does the following:

If the block is already in the buffer, return the address of the block in main memory If the block is not in the buffer


Allocate space in the buffer for the block 1. Replacing (throwing out) some other block, if required, to make space for the new block.

2. Replaced block written back to disk only if it was modified since the most recent time that it was written to/fetched from the disk.

Read the block from the disk to the buffer, and return the address of the block in main memory to requester.
11.42 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Buffer-Replacement Policies
Most operating systems replace the block least recently used (LRU

Idea behind LRU use past pattern of block references as a

predictor of future references

Queries have well-defined access patterns (such as sequential

scans), and a database system can use the information in a users query to predict future references

LRU can be a bad strategy for certain access patterns involving repeated scans of data

e.g. when computing the join of 2 relations r and s by a nested loops for each tuple tr of r do for each tuple ts of s do if the tuples tr and ts match

Mixed strategy with hints on replacement strategy provided by the query optimizer is preferable
11.43 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Buffer-Replacement Policies (Cont.)

Pinned block memory block that is not allowed to be

written back to disk.

Toss-immediate strategy frees the space occupied by a

block as soon as the final tuple of that block has been processed
Most recently used (MRU) strategy system must pin the

block currently being processed. After the final tuple of that block has been processed, the block is unpinned, and it becomes the most recently used block.
Buffer manager can use statistical information regarding the

probability that a request will reference a particular relation

E.g., the data dictionary is frequently accessed. Heuristic: keep data-dictionary blocks in main memory buffer

Buffer managers also support forced output of blocks for the

purpose of recovery (more in Chapter 17)

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition 11.44 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

File Organization
The database is stored as a collection of files. Each file is a

sequence of records. A record is a sequence of fields.

One approach:
assume each

record size is fixed

file has records of one particular type only


files are used for different relations

This case is easiest to implement; will consider variable length records later.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Fixed-Length Records
Simple approach:

Store record i starting from byte n (i 1), where n is the size of each record. Record access is simple but records may cross blocks

do not allow records to cross block

Deletion of record i:


move records i + 1, . . ., n to i, . . . , n 1 move record n to i do not move records, but link all free records on a free list
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Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Free Lists
Store the address of the first deleted record in the file header.
Use this first record to store the address of the second deleted

record, and so on
Can think of these stored addresses as pointers since they

point to the location of a record.

More space efficient representation: reuse space for normal

attributes of free records to store pointers. (No pointers stored in in-use records.)

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Variable-Length Records
Variable-length records arise in database systems in

several ways:

Storage of multiple record types in a file. Record types that allow variable lengths for one or more fields. Record types that allow repeating fields (used in some older data models).

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Variable-Length Records: Slotted Page Structure

Slotted page header contains:

number of record entries end of free space in the block location and size of each record

Records can be moved around within a page to keep them

contiguous with no empty space between them; entry in the header must be updated.
Pointers should not point directly to record instead they

should point to the entry for the record in header.

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Organization of Records in Files

Heap a record can be placed anywhere in the file where

there is space
Sequential store records in sequential order, based on the

value of the search key of each record

Hashing a hash function computed on some attribute of each

record; the result specifies in which block of the file the record should be placed
Records of each relation may be stored in a separate file. In a

multitable clustering file organization records of several different relations can be stored in the same file

Motivation: store related records on the same block to minimize I/O

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Sequential File Organization

Suitable for applications that require sequential

processing of the entire file

The records in the file are ordered by a search-key

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Sequential File Organization (Cont.)

Deletion use pointer chains Insertion locate the position where the record is to be inserted

if there is free space insert there if no free space, insert the record in an overflow block In either case, pointer chain must be updated

Need to reorganize the file

from time to time to restore sequential order

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Multitable Clustering File Organization (cont.)

Store several relations in one file using a multitable

clustering file organization

Multitable clustering organization of customer and depositor:

good for queries involving depositor customer, and for queries involving one single customer and his accounts bad for queries involving only customer
11.53 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Data Dictionary Storage

Data dictionary (also called system catalog) stores metadata: that is, data about data, such as
Information about relations

names of relations names and types of attributes of each relation names and definitions of views integrity constraints User and accounting information, including passwords Statistical and descriptive data number of tuples in each relation Physical file organization information How relation is stored (sequential/hash/) Physical location of relation Information about indices (Chapter 12)

11.54 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Data Dictionary Storage (Cont.)

Catalog structure

Relational representation on disk specialized data structures designed for efficient access, in memory

A possible catalog representation:

Relation_metadata = (relation_name, number_of_attributes, storage_organization, location) Attribute_metadata = (relation_name, attribute_name, domain_type, position, length) User_metadata = (user_name, encrypted_password, group) Index_metadata = (relation_name, index_name, index_type, index_attributes) View_metadata = (view_name, definition)

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


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Extra Slides

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Record Representation
Records with fixed length fields are easy to represent

Similar to records (structs) in programming languages Extensions to represent null values


a bitmap indicating which attributes are null

Variable length fields can be represented by a pair

(offset, length) offset: the location within the record,

length: field length.

All fields start at predefined location, but extra indirection required for variable length fields






balance account_number branch_name null-bitmap Example record structure of account record

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition 11.57 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

End of Chapter

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File Containing account Records

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File of Figure 11.6, with Record 2 Deleted and All Records Moved

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File of Figure 11.6, With Record 2 deleted and Final Record Moved

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Byte-String Representation of Variable-Length Records

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Clustering File Structure

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Clustering File Structure With Pointer Chains

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The depositor Relation

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The customer Relation

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Clustering File Structure

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Figure 11.4

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Figure 11.7

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Figure 11.8

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Figure 11.20

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Byte-String Representation of Variable-Length Records

Byte string representation Attach an end-of-record () control character to the end of each record Difficulty with deletion Difficulty with growth

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Fixed-Length Representation
Use one or more fixed length records:

reserved space pointers

Reserved space can use fixed-length records of a known

maximum length; unused space in shorter records filled with a null or end-of-record symbol.

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Pointer Method

Pointer method

A variable-length record is represented by a list of fixed-length records, chained together via pointers. Can be used even if the maximum record length is not known

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Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Pointer Method (Cont.)

Disadvantage to pointer structure; space is wasted in all

records except the first in a a chain.

Solution is to allow two kinds of block in file:

Anchor block contains the first records of chain Overflow block contains records other than those that are the first records of chairs.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Mapping of Objects to Files

Mapping objects to files is similar to mapping tuples to files in a

relational system; object data can be stored using file structures.

Objects in O-O databases may lack uniformity and may be very large;

such objects have to managed differently from records in a relational system.

Set fields with a small number of elements may be implemented using data structures such as linked lists. Set fields with a larger number of elements may be implemented as separate relations in the database. Set fields can also be eliminated at the storage level by normalization.

Similar to conversion of multivalued attributes of E-R diagrams to relations

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Mapping of Objects to Files (Cont.)

Objects are identified by an object identifier (OID); the storage system

needs a mechanism to locate an object given its OID (this action is called dereferencing).

logical identifiers do not directly specify an objects physical location; must maintain an index that maps an OID to the objects actual location. physical identifiers encode the location of the object so the object can be found directly. Physical OIDs typically have the following parts: 1. a volume or file identifier 2. a page identifier within the volume or file

3. an offset within the page

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Management of Persistent Pointers

Physical OIDs may be a unique identifier. This identifier is

stored in the object also and is used to detect references via dangling pointers.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Management of Persistent Pointers (Cont.)

Implement persistent pointers using OIDs; persistent pointers are

substantially longer than are in-memory pointers

Pointer swizzling cuts down on cost of locating persistent objects

already in-memory.
Software swizzling (swizzling on pointer deference)

When a persistent pointer is first dereferenced, the pointer is swizzled (replaced by an in-memory pointer) after the object is located in memory. Subsequent dereferences of of the same pointer become cheap. The physical location of an object in memory must not change if swizzled pointers pont to it; the solution is to pin pages in memory When an object is written back to disk, any swizzled pointers it contains need to be unswizzled.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Hardware Swizzling
With hardware swizzling, persistent pointers in objects need the

same amount of space as in-memory pointers extra storage external to the object is used to store rest of pointer information.
Uses virtual memory translation mechanism to efficiently and

transparently convert between persistent pointers and in-memory pointers.

All persistent pointers in a page are swizzled when the page is

first read in.

thus programmers have to work with just one type of pointer, i.e., in-memory pointer. some of the swizzled pointers may point to virtual memory addresses that are currently not allocated any real memory (and do not contain valid data)

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Hardware Swizzling
Persistent pointer is conceptually split into two parts: a page identifier,

and an offset within the page.

The page identifier in a pointer is a short indirect pointer: Each page has a translation table that provides a mapping from the short page identifiers to full database page identifiers. Translation table for a page is small (at most 1024 pointers in a 4096 byte page with 4 byte pointer) Multiple pointers in page to the same page share same entry in the translation table.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Hardware Swizzling (Cont.)

Page image before swizzling (page located on disk)

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Hardware Swizzling (Cont.)

When system loads a page into memory the persistent pointers in the page are swizzled as described below

Persistent pointers in each object in the page are located using object type information For each persistent pointer (pi, oi) find its full page ID Pi


If Pi does not already have a virtual memory page allocated to it, allocate a virtual memory page to Pi and read-protect the page

Note: there need not be any physical space (whether in memory or on disk swap-space) allocated for the virtual memory page at this point. Space can be allocated later if (and when) Pi is accessed. In this case read-protection is not required.

Accessing a memory location in the page in the will result in a segmentation violation, which is handled as described later

2. 3.

Let vi be the virtual page allocated to Pi (either earlier or above) Replace (pi, oi) by (vi, oi)


Replace each entry (pi, Pi) in the translation table, by (vi, Pi)
11.84 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition

Hardware Swizzling (Cont.)

When an in-memory pointer is dereferenced, if the operating system detects the page it points to has not yet been allocated storage, or is read-protected, a segmentation violation occurs. The mmap() call in Unix is used to specify a function to be invoked on segmentation violation The function does the following when it is invoked

Allocate storage (swap-space) for the page containing the referenced address, if storage has not been allocated earlier. Turn off read-protection
Read in the page from disk Perform pointer swizzling for each persistent pointer in the page, as described earlier

2. 3.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Hardware Swizzling (Cont.)

Page image after swizzling

Page with short page identifier 2395 was allocated address 5001.

Observe change in pointers and translation table.

Page with short page identifier 4867 has been allocated address

4867. No change in pointer and translation table.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition 11.86 Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Hardware Swizzling (Cont.)

After swizzling, all short page identifiers point to virtual memory addresses

allocated for the corresponding pages

functions accessing the objects are not even aware that it has persistent pointers, and do not need to be changed in any way! can reuse existing code and libraries that use in-memory pointers

After this, the pointer dereference that triggered the swizzling can continue


If all pages are allocated the same address as in the short page identifier, no changes required in the page! No need for deswizzling swizzled page can be saved as-is to disk

A set of pages (segment) can share one translation table. Pages can still be swizzled as and when fetched (old copy of translation table is needed).

A process should not access more pages than size of virtual memory

reuse of virtual memory addresses for other pages is expensive

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Disk versus Memory Structure of Objects

The format in which objects are stored in memory may be different from

the formal in which they are stored on disk in the database. Reasons are:

software swizzling structure of persistent and in-memory pointers are different database accessible from different machines, with different data representations Make the physical representation of objects in the database independent of the machine and the compiler. Can transparently convert from disk representation to form required on the specific machine, language, and compiler, when the object (or page) is brought into memory.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Large Objects
Large objects : binary large objects (blobs) and character large

objects (clobs)

Examples include:

text documents graphical data such as images and computer aided designs audio and video data

Large objects may need to be stored in a contiguous sequence of

bytes when brought into memory.

If an object is bigger than a page, contiguous pages of the buffer pool must be allocated to store it. May be preferable to disallow direct access to data, and only allow access through a file-system-like API, to remove need for contiguous storage.

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Modifying Large Objects

If the application requires insert/delete of bytes from specified regions of

an object:

B+-tree file organization (described later in Chapter 12) can be modified to represent large objects Each leaf page of the tree stores between half and 1 page worth of data from the object

Special-purpose application programs outside the database are used to

manipulate large objects:

Text data treated as a byte string manipulated by editors and formatters. Graphical data and audio/video data is typically created and displayed by separate application checkout/checkin method for concurrency control and creation of versions

Database System Concepts - 5th Edition


Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

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