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Knowledge representation & NLP

Unit III
Knowledge representation & NLP

1. Representation and mapping, Approach & Issues in
knowledge representation, Prepositional logic
2. First order logic representation revisited, syntax and
semantics for first order logic, using first order logic,
Knowledge engineering in first order logic, inference
in First order logic, unification and lifting
3. Weak-slot and filler structure, Strong slot and filler
4. Reasoning Under Uncertainty Nonmonotonic
reasoning, logic for Nonmonotonic reasoning
5. Natural Language Processing- Introduction, Steps in
the process, Spell checking
Knowledge Representation
Search-based problem solving programs
require some knowledge to be implemented.
Knowledge can be a particular states or path
toward solution, rules, etc.

Before being used this knowledge must be
represented in a particular way with a certain

In this session we are looking at the specific
way and technique that can be used for
representing and manipulating knowledge
within programs
Representation and Mapping
AI can be used to solve a complex problems
encountered within.

Nevertheless large amount of knowledge as
well as some means of manipulating that
knowledge is required so as to create
solutions for new problems.
Representation and Mapping
In the representation there are two different
entities that must be considered:-

Facts: truths in some relevant world. These are
things that we want to represent

Representation of facts in some chosen formalism.
These are things that can actually be manipulated.
Representation and Mapping
Structuring of these entities can be done in
two levels:
The knowledge level at which facts are described

The symbol level at which representation of some
objects at the knowledge-level are defined in
terms of symbols that can be manipulated by
Representation and Mapping
Figure 1: Mappings between Facts and
Representation and Mapping
Our main goal is to focus on:

As well as the two-way mappings that must
exist between the two as shown in the figure 1
The links in the figure are called
representation mappings.

Representation and Mapping
Representation mappings, there are:-
Forward representation which maps from facts to
Backward representation which maps the other
One representation of facts concerns with
natural language (particularly English)
Representation and Mapping
Regardless of the representation for facts that
we use in a program, we may also need to be
concerned with an English representation of
those facts that in order to facilitate getting
information into and out of the system.
We must also have mapping functions from
English sentences to the representation we
are actually going to use and from it back to
sentences as shown in the figure 1.
Representation and Mapping
Example we can use mathematical logic as the
representation formalism. Consider the
English sentences below
Spot is a dog

This fact can also be represented in logic as
Representation and Mapping
Suppose also we have a logical representation
of the fact: all dogs have tails as shown below:

Using the deductive mechanisms of the logic,
we may generate the new representation

) ( ) ( : x hastail x dog x
) (Spot hastail
Representation and Mapping
Using an appropriate backward mapping
function we could then generate the English
Spot has a tail

Or we could make use this representation of
new fact to cause us to take some appropriate
action or to derive representation of
additional facts.
Approach & Issues in knowledge
Approaches to KR
Approaches to KR
Issues in KR
Propositional and
First-Order Logic
Logic roadmap overview
Propositional logic (review)
Problems with propositional logic
First-order logic (review)
Properties, relations, functions, quantifiers,
Terms, sentences, wffs, axioms, theories, proofs,
Extensions to first-order logic
Logical agents
Reflex agents
Representing change: situation calculus, frame
Preferences on actions
Goal-based agents
Logic, loses its beneficial
effect when taken in too large

Logic: Review
Big Ideas
Logic is a great knowledge representation
language for many AI problems
Propositional logic is the simple foundation
and fine for some AI problems
First order logic (FOL) is much more
expressive as a KR language and more
commonly used in AI
There are many variations: horn logic,
higher order logic, three-valued logic,
probabilistic logics, etc.
Propositional logic
Logical constants: true, false
Propositional symbols: P, Q,... (atomic sentences)
Wrapping parentheses: ( )
Sentences are combined by connectives:
and [conjunction]
or [disjunction]
implies [implication / conditional]
is equivalent [biconditional]
not [negation]
Literal: atomic sentence or negated atomic
P, P

Examples of PL sentences
(P Q) R
If it is hot and humid, then it is raining
If it is humid, then it is hot
It is humid.
Were free to choose better symbols, btw:
Ho = It is hot
Hu = It is humid
R = It is raining
Propositional logic (PL)
Simple language for showing key ideas and definitions
User defines set of propositional symbols, like P and Q
User defines semantics of each propositional symbol:
P means It is hot, Q means It is humid, etc.
A sentence (well formed formula) is defined as
A symbol is a sentence
If S is a sentence, then S is a sentence
If S is a sentence, then (S) is a sentence
If S and T are sentences, then (S T), (S T), (S T), and (S
T) are sentences
A sentence results from a finite number of applications of the

Some terms
The meaning or semantics of a sentence
determines its interpretation
Given the truth values of all symbols in a
sentence, it can be evaluated to determine
its truth value (True or False)
A model for a KB is a possible world an
assignment of truth values to propositional
symbols that makes each sentence in the KB
Model for a KB
Let the KB be [PQR, Q P]
What are the possible models? Consider all possible
assignments of T|F to P, Q and R and check truth
If KB is [PQR, Q P, Q], then the only model is

P: its hot
Q: its humid
R: its raining
More terms
A valid sentence or tautology is a sentence that is
True under all interpretations, no matter what the
world is actually like or what the semantics is.
Example: Its raining or its not raining
An inconsistent sentence or contradiction is a
sentence that is False under all interpretations.
The world is never like what it describes, as in Its
raining and its not raining.
P entails Q, written P |= Q, means that whenever
P is True, so is Q. In other words, all models of P
are also models of Q.
Truth tables
Truth tables for the five logical connectives
Example of a truth table used for a complex sentence
Truth tables are used to define logical
and to determine when a complex sentence is
true given the values of the symbols in it
On the implies connective: P Q
Note that is a logical connective
So PQ is a logical sentence and has a
truth value, i.e., is either true or false
If we add this sentence to the KB, it can be
used by an inference rule, Modes Ponens,
to derive/infer/prove Q if P is also in the KB
Given a KB where P=True and Q=True, we
can also derive/infer/prove that PQ is

When is PQ true? Check all that apply
P=true, Q=false
P=false, Q=true

When is PQ true? Check all that apply
P=true, Q=false
P=false, Q=true
We can get this from the truth table for
Note: in FOL its much harder to prove that
a conditional true.
Consider proving prime(x) odd(x)

Inference rules
Logical inference creates new sentences that
logically follow from a set of sentences (KB)
An inference rule is sound if every sentence X it
produces when operating on a KB logically
follows from the KB
i.e., inference rule creates no contradictions
An inference rule is complete if it can produce
every expression that logically follows from (is
entailed by) the KB.
Note analogy to complete search algorithms
Resolution is a valid inference rule producing a new
clause implied by two clauses containing
complementary literals
A literal is an atomic symbol or its negation, i.e., P, ~P
Amazingly, this is the only interference rule you
need to build a sound and complete theorem
Based on proof by contradiction and usually called
resolution refutation
The resolution rule was discovered by Alan
Robinson (CS, U. of Syracuse) in the mid 60s

A KB is actually a set of sentences all of which are
true, i.e., a conjunction of sentences.
To use resolution, put KB into conjunctive normal
form (CNF), where each sentence written as a
disjunc- tion of (one or more) literals
KB: [PQ , QRS]
KB in CNF: [~PQ , ~QR , ~QS]
Resolve KB(1) and KB(2) producing: ~PR (i.e., PR)
Resolve KB(1) and KB(3) producing: ~PS (i.e., PS)
New KB: [~PQ , ~Q~R~S , ~PR , ~PS]

(A(BC)) (AB)(AC)
Proving things
A proof is a sequence of sentences, where each is a premise
or is derived from earlier sentences in the proof by an
inference rule
The last sentence is the theorem (also called goal or query)
that we want to prove
Example for the weather problem
1 Hu premise Its humid
2 HuHo premise If its humid, its hot
3 Ho modus ponens(1,2) Its hot
4 (HoHu)R premise If its hot & humid, its raining
5 HoHu and introduction(1,3) Its hot and humid
6 R modus ponens(4,5) Its raining
Problems with
Propositional logic: pro and con
Simple KR language sufficient for some problems
Lays the foundation for higher logics (e.g., FOL)
Reasoning is decidable, though NP complete,
and efficient techniques exist for many problems
Not expressive enough for most problems
Even when it is, it can very un-concise

PL Example
Consider the problem of representing the
following information:
Every person is mortal.
Confucius is a person.
Confucius is mortal.
How can these sentences be represented so that
we can infer the third sentence from the first
Propositional logic summary
Inference is the process of deriving new sentences from old
Sound inference derives true conclusions given true premises
Complete inference derives all true conclusions from a set of premises

A valid sentence is true in all worlds under all interpretations

If an implication sentence can be shown to be valid, thengiven its
premiseits consequent can be derived

Different logics make different commitments about what the world is
made of and what kind of beliefs we can have

Propositional logic commits only to the existence of facts that may or
may not be the case in the world being represented
Simple syntax and semantics suffices to illustrate the process of inference
Propositional logic can become impractical, even for very small worlds

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