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Leeds University Business School


International Strategy simulation
Day 1
Pekka Vahtera
May 2014
What it is

An on-line business simulation game that develops your
understanding of the complexity of global business
operations in a dynamic competitive environment
It integrates a range of concepts from various modules
however, with a focus on strategic management

Your task

to manage a global firm involved in advertising industry
through technological evolution in the fast-paced 21st
century operating environment
to design, analyse and implement strategies for their
simulated company operating on global scale

Learning objectives

Development and analysis of competitive strategies
Management and organisation of teams
Creative thinking and problem solving
Risk assessment
Balancing financial and non-financial performance
Ability to reflect on experience and apply learning into
other contexts
The rational Strategy process


During each session
At least one Wi-Fi-enabled iPad / laptop per group, the more the
Check if smartphone works
Use laptops if possible
iPads can be little awkward at times
In using iPads, download Google Chrome as Safari is not supported
Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox should all work fine
If you face a problem try to open the simulation with Internet
Enable pop-ups
Simulation assessment summary
Strategy simulation
(15% of module mark for
Individual self-
evaluation MSQ
Individual self-
evaluation MSQ
Group presentation
Group presentation
Groups final
performance in the
simulation in
comparison to
other groups (20%)
Presentation evaluation criteria
(1) Presentation Structure
(2) Quality of introduction
(3) Persuasiveness of arguments/choices/conclusions
(4) Division of labour, effectiveness of group work and flow
(5) Use of visual aids
(6) Timing and time keeping [5 minutes]
(7) Content, ideas, and relevance
(8) Selection and quality of information
(9) Question fielding [if there is time for questions]

All evaluated from Excellent, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor

MCQ on todays session
Test your knowledge on relevant issues on Phase 1
Tests that you have successfully collected key information on various documents
affecting WRSX
Factors internal to the company effecting strategy and potential future profitability
External factors to the company effecting strategy and potential future profitability

How to access the MCQ
Set A: Self-assessment questions
I will open the access to this MCQ after lunch

10 questions
No time limit for answering the questions
To be completed by end of today (24:00)

Important note about MCQs

If you use your iPads to complete them, you will
need to send the results to me by email!
Results completed via iPads do not leave a trace in
the simulation system hence, you will need to
email them to [email protected]

How to register
How to register
You will need an access code:

How to register

Logging into the simulation

Enrolling to a course
Click Enrol in a course at the top right corner

Input your course ID

Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 22
ID: CRSKLT5-10002297
Now the LUBS5232M International Strategic
Management should be available to you

Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 23
When you are successfully registered and
logged in, your screen should look something
like this:

Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 24
What if I forget my

What if I forget my

What if I have a technical question?
What should I do first?
Use the Answer Wizard or search the Knowledge Base
What if I cant I still need help?
Ask Question via email
Timetable for today

Day 1 - 7th May - Simulation Phase 1
09:00 Introduction to the simulation. Introduction to the task, expectations, criteria for
success and deadlines. Introduction to simulated company and its industry by working
through the briefing page of the simulation (video, audio and text)
10:00 Understanding the Strategic Position Part 1 Expectations & Purposes & the
Environment Task: Teams are to develop a strategic analysis of the WRSX Group, its
expectations, purposes and environment using relevant models and frameworks.
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Understanding the Strategic Position - Part 2 Strategic Capability
Task: Teams are to develop a strategic analysis of the WRSX Group, its strategic
capabilities and competitive position using relevant models and frameworks.
14:00 Presentation of findings to Instructor(s) in the role of Shareholders -
Presentation time: 5min/group
14:00-15:30 Groups 1-13
15:35-17:00 Groups 14-27
17:00 End of day 1
[Remember to complete the MCQ on Phase 1 by the end of the day]

Mission for today
Firstly, to understand the expectations and purposes of
the business and its major stakeholders
Secondly, you need to take a close look at the business
environment in which WRSX operates
and thirdly, you need to assess the strategic position of
the WRSX Group so that you can evaluate the strategic
choices open to the Group in phase two of the

What we will do today
1. Find your group members
Start thinking about a team/group name

2. We will listen together to Juliette Waldron, WRSX Group's
Executive Chair, as she welcomes you to the WRSX Board

3. Next, we will watch the video briefing from your mentor who will
explain how the simulation works and your tasks for this Briefing
Phase of the simulation

Whats next
TASK 1. Understanding the Strategic Position Part 1
Expectations & Purposes & the Environment: Teams are to
develop a strategic analysis of the WRSX Group, its expectations,
purposes and environment using relevant models and frameworks

After lunch
TASK 2. Understanding the Strategic Position - Part 2 Strategic
Capability: Teams are to develop a strategic analysis of the WRSX
Group, its strategic capabilities and competitive position using
relevant models and frameworks

14:00 Presentation of findings to Instructor(s) in the
role of Shareholders
Presentation time: 5min/group
14:00-15:30 Groups 1-13
15:35-17:00 Groups 14-27
17:00 End of day 1

Remember to complete Phase 1 Assessment: Set A
self-assessment questions by the end of today!
First group presentation
Test your knowledge on relevant issues on Phase 1
opportunity to justify your thinking on factors internal and external to the company effecting
strategy and potential future profitability
Improve your presentation skills in a situation which simulates real-life organizational meeting

5 minutes/group
One or more presenters this is up to your group
Use visuals

What to include
Over view of what your group has done so far
What are the expectations and purposes of the WRSX Group?
What are the dynamics of the business environment in which the Group is competing?
What are the strategic capabilities of the Group?
What strategic frameworks, theories, ideas etc. have you applied for answering these questions?
Justify your choice of frameworks, theories, ideas etc.
Think about the implications: what does this actually mean for the WRSX Group?'

Examples of useful
Organizational purpose
Shareholder value vs stakeholder value
Porter (2011) creation of shared value

Organizational purpose
Levitt (1960)
Whats the customer need that we are trying to
Abell (1980)
Focus on customer needs
Who, what, how?
Montgomery (2008)
What makes a firm distinctive?

Hierarchy of Company Statements
Organizational purpose
Commonly communicated through different statements
Strategy statement
Collins and Rukstad, 2008, Can You Say What Your Strategy Is? HBR

Focus on employees
More practical and concrete
Statements of mission, vision, and value
What is the organization there to do that makes a difference, and to

Mission statement
Why we exist? How do we make a difference
Information to stakeholders about overarching purpose of the firm
Often confused with strategic objective(s)
Value statement
What we believe in
Core principles underpinning operations
Vision statement
What we want to be
Desired future of the firm
Strategy statement
Could you summarize your firms strategy in less than 35 words?
If asked, would your colleagues articulate it in the same way?
Three critically important (seemingly simple!) parts
1. Objective(s)
timeframe and end
single goal
2. Scope
Vertical integration
3. Advantage
Internal and external components

Strategy frameworks
The Ashridge Mission Diamond
purpose, strategy, values, behaviour standards

Strategy frameworks

Strategy frameworks

Strategy frameworks
Porters generic
Cost leadership,
(+cost focus &
differentiation focus)

Strategy frameworks

Bowmans strategy clock
Strategy frameworks
Red ocean and blue ocean strategies
Strategy frameworks
Ansoff growth vector

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