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Dr mukhtar jama nour ,MBBS
Amoud university for health and science
Definition of a paraprotein
A monoclonal immunoglobulin or
immunoglobulin light chain in the blood or
urine resulting from a clonal proliferation of
plasma cells or B-lymphocytes .
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Three major disorders
associated with paraproteinemia
Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined
Significance (MGUS)
Multiple Myeloma
Waldenstrms Macroglobulinemia
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Waldenst rm's Macroglobulinemia
(IgM paraprot ein)
Lymphoplasmacytoid neoplasm
Tumor Effect s Paraprot ein Effects
Lymphadenopat hy
Marrow failure (esp anemia)
Hyperviscosit y
Neuropat hy
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Waldenstroms macroglobulinemia
This is a low-grade lymphoplasmacytoid
lymphoma associated with an IgM
paraprotein, causing clinical features of
hyperviscosity syndrome. It is a rare tumour
occurring in the elderly and affects a slight
excess of males
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Clinical presentations
Patients classically present with features of
hyperviscosity, such as nosebleeds, bruising,
confusion and visual disturbance. However,
presentation may be with anaemia, systemic
symptoms, splenomegaly or
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Patients are found on investigation to have
an IgM paraprotein associated with a raised
plasma viscosity. The bone marrow has a
characteristic appearance, with infiltration of
lymphoid cells and prominent mast cells

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Severe hyperviscosity and anaemia may
necessitate plasmapheresis to remove IgM
and make blood transfusion possible.
Treatment with alkylating agents, such as
chlorambucil, is effective but rather slow.
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fludarabine may be more effective in this
disease. The monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody
rituximab can also be effective. The median
survival is 5 years .
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St able Paraprot ein at low concent rat ion
Not associat ed wit h marrow failure
Not causing immunosuppression
Not associat ed wit h bone lesions
Marrow plasma cell numbers small
Monoclonal Gammopat hy of Uncert ain
Significance (MGUS)
(aka Benign Monoclonal Gammopat hy)
Common in elderly (1-3%of populat ion): approx 20%develop
mult iple myeloma by 15 years
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bone marrow failure
pat hological fract ures
bone pain
renal failure
plasmacyt oid lymphoma
hyperviscosit y
When t o suspect a paraprot einemia
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Pat ient is well
No lymphadenopat hy, splenomegaly
Normal blood count
Normal renal funct ion
Normal serum calcium
Paraprot ein is small
Make a provisional diagnosis of MGUS
recheck t he paraprot ein concent rat ion aft er a
few mont hs
What t o do when a paraprot ein is discovered
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After follow-up of 20 years, only one-quarter
will progress to myeloma or a related
disorder. There is no way of predicting
progression in an individual patient, and if
investigations remain stable, annual
monitoring is all that is required
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