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Defect Management using HP Quality Center

July 2013
Defect Management & Defect Lifecycle
Defect Lifecycle
Defect Status changes
Severity Levels & Definitions
SLA & Priority
Quality Center Defect Management
Defect Management - Creating Defect
ST-Defect State Model
UAT Defect State Model
Defect Assignment to Developer
Reviewing the assigned defect
Assigning a fixed defect to test
Requesting further information on defect
Defect Triage Meeting
Defect Module Reports
Types of graphs in QC for defect management


Defect Management & Defect Lifecycle

Defect Lifecycle

QA agrees with
Root Cause?
Need Info? Waiting
Valid Issue?
Issue Fixed?
No No
Testing Team
Tech Lead
Can be fixed in
Received Business
Confirmation mail?

Status Changes
Defect Status Changes

Original Status From -> To Who When
None None New Testing New defect is logged and owner updated as Tech Lead
New New Open Development Defect is acknowledged by tech lead and assigned to developer
New New Rejected Development Defect not valid
Rejected-Closed Testing Tester accepts defect rejection
New New Duplicate Development New Defect duplicate of an existing defect
Duplicate-Closed Testing Tester accepts defect duplication
New Info
Required Development Defect details not sufficient
Open Open-> In Progress Development Development team working on the defect
In-Progress In Progress -> Fixed Development Defect fixed in the development environment
Fixed -> Ready for
Test Development Defect fix moved to the testing environment and ready to test
Ready for test
Ready for test In
Test Testing Defect retesting in progress
In Test
In Test Retest
Failed Testing Defect fix not working and reopened.
In Test In Test Closed Testing Defect fix working properly
In Test
In Test Retest
Blocked Testing Defect retest blocked due to some other issues.
Open Open Postponed Development Defect fix postponed to future code drop
Enhancement Development Defect agreed to be an enhancement.

Defect Severity Levels and Definition

Severity Definition
1 o Produces fatal errors
o User will not be able to perform primary functions
o Impacts system availability (show stopper)
o Critical functionality in the application is blocked with the issue
o Business continuity is not viable without a fix to this Defect
o No work around for the Defect
o System cannot be deployed to production environment
2 o System produces misleading/incorrect information
o A workaround exists, but the solution is undesirable
o System cannot be deployed to production environment
o Application Module Crash/Not able to access
o Significant impact on system functionality.
o An error that impacts on business process to the extent that business continuity is at risk
o Missing major functionalities in component level.
3 o Occurs only for specific boundary conditions.
o Minor system impact.
o Workaround exists
o A problem with minimal impact on the business process
o Stops the user, but a work-around exists.
o Missing low priority requirements
4 o Issue has very minor system impact
o A cosmetic problem such as the formatting of an internal report.
o Cosmetic/content errors. e.g. typos, badly formatted display, etc.
o Nice-to-Have" enhancement

Defect Severity and Priority SLAs

Severity defines the impact of the of the defect on the application
Priority will be accessed & captured during Defect Triage meetings and it will be
prefixed in Summary field. In case there is no appropriate representation during
defect triage QA team will associate the priority based on their assessment.
Severity To be acknowledged To be Resolved
1 1 to 2 hrs 1 day
2 4 to 8 hrs 1 to 2 working days
3 1 to 2 working days 2 to 4 working days
4 2 to 5 working days 3 to 8 working days
Priority Guidelines
1 High business Impact / Impact on testing continuity (show stopper)
2 Moderate business Impact / Impact on testing continuity
3 Minimum business Impact / Impact on testing continuity

4 No business Impact / Enhancement
Priority defines importance to the business to fix the defect
Quality Center Defect Management

Defect Management Creating Defect

QC Helps in reporting defects in application, and track data
derived from defect records.
Standard Testing - Defect State Model
UAT-Defect State Model

Assigning a Defect to a Developer

1.Select the
developers name
from the Assigned To
2.Select the version the
defect fix should be in
from the Planned
Closing Version list

Reviewing an assigned Defect Contd

For any change made to a
defect, you must add a
comment explaining the
reason for the change

3. Click Add Comment
4. Enter the reason for
changing the
status/assigned to etc.

Assigning a Fixed Defect to Test

Status of defect must be In
1.Set the Status to Fixed
2.Update the Planned Closing
Version to the version of the
application that the fix will be in
3.After the release is made available,
set the status to Ready for Test
4.Select the name of the person who
detected the defect from the
Assigned To list (should be the
same person in the Detected By
Remember to add a comment for
each change in the form of a clear
statement outlining the resolution,
including components added,
changed or removed

Requesting further info. on a Defect

Status of defect must be
Open, In Progress or
Retest Failed

1. Set the Status to Info
2. Select the name of the
person who should answer
the query from the
Assigned To list
3. Add a comment clearly
stating the nature of the
information required

Triaging a defect involves:

Making sure the defect
has enough information for the developers and makes sense
is raised against correct deliverable (Application)
has sensible "Severity and priority assigned

Each open defects will be classified as:

1.Defects that will be fixed immediately
2.Defects that will be fixed later
3.Defects that will never be fixed


Development and testing team aligned on the severity and priority of
defects discussed during the defect triage meeting

Defects Module Reports

Standard Report Name Description
Standard Defects Lists the defects that appear in the project.
Tabular Defects Displays the defects that appear in the project in a grid
Defects with Associated
Tests and Runs
Lists the defects with their associated tests and test run
Fixed or Rejected Defects Lists defects with "fixed" or "rejected" status.
Fixed or Rejected Defects
Detected by Current User
Lists defects with "fixed" or "rejected" status that were
detected by the current user.
Opened Defects Assigned
to Current User
List defects with "open" status that are assigned to the
current user.

Types of Graphs in QC for Defect Management

Defects module has following graphs
Summary by Status
Progress by Status
Age graphs
We can export to excel for reporting with pivot tables etc as well as
the standard output from QC

Thank You

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