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Front Office Budgeting

The most important long-term planning function

FOM is responsible for:

1. Forecasting Rooms Revenue
Use historical trend data

2. Estimating Expenses
Vary directly with rooms revenue
Payroll, laundry & supplies
Forecasting Rooms Revenue
Forecasted Annual Rooms Revenue =

Rooms Occupancy Average
Available Percentage Daily Rate

Rooms Available = Total Rooms X 365 Days
Forecasting Rooms Revenue
100 Room Hotel
100 x 365 days = 36,500 Rooms Available

75% Occupancy Percentage

$50 Average Daily Rate

36,500 x .75 x $50 = $1,368,750
Room Forecasting
Ten-Day Forecast
Done by FOM and Reservations Manager

House Count
Expected number of guests in the hotel
Divided into group and non-group

Three-Day Forecast
Updated with current information
Identifies changes in staffing needs
Forecasting Room Availability
The most important short-term planning function

Hotel Occupancy History
The past few months and last year at this time

Reservation Trends
How far in advance are reservations being made?

Scheduled Events
City-wide conventions; sporting events, etc.

Group Profiles
Pickup history
Forecasting Data
Expected guests who did not arrive.

Guests without reservations.

Guests who stay beyond their departure date.

Guests who check out before departure date.

Percentage Of No-shows
Number of Room No-Shows
Number of Room Reservations

Helps front office managers decide
when (and if) to sell rooms to walk-in.

Percentage Of Walk-ins

Number of Room Walk-Ins
Total Number of Room Arrivals

Helps front office managers know
how many walk-ins to expect.
Percentage Of Overstays

Number of Overstay Rooms
Number of Expected Check-Outs

Alerts front office managers to potential
problems when rooms have been
reserved for arriving guests.

Percentage Of Understays

Number of Understay Rooms
Number of Expected Check-Outs

Alerts front office manager to additional
room availability.

20% of hotels charge understay guests
Rooms Availability Formula
Total number of guestrooms
- Out of order rooms
- Stayovers
- Reservations
+ Reservations x no-show percentage
+ Understays
- Overstays

Number of Rooms Available for Sale
Rooms Availability Formula
150 Guestrooms
- 5 Out of Order
- 45 Stayovers
- 50 Reservations
+ 10% No-show
+ 5 Understays
- 20 Overstays

40 Rooms Available for Sale
Establishing Room Rates

Marketing Positioning Statement
Room rates reflect service expectations to the
hotels target markets.

1. Market Condition Approach

2. Rule-of-thumb Approach

3. Hubbart Formula Approach
1. Market Condition Approach

Common sense approach.

Often used, but has many problems.

Base room rates on your competitions rates.

Doesnt take into account new properties and
construction costs.

Allows the local market to determine the rate
2. Rule-of-thumb Approach
Sets the minimum average room rate at $1
for each $1,000 of construction & furnishing
costs per room.

Assumes 70 % occupancy

$125,000 in construction and furnishings
- $125 room rate

Doesnt take inflation into account

Doesnt include other hotel services

2. Rule-of-thumb Approach
Average per-room cost for hotel development:
Segment Per-room cost
Budget/Economy $52,800
Midscale w/o $85,600
Midscale with F&B $103,100
Full Service $165,900
Luxury/Resorts $516,300

Hotel & Motel; Jan. 12, 2004
3. Hubbart Formula Approach

Begin with desired profit based upon expected Return
on Investment (ROI)

Calculate pretax profits, fixed charge, management fees,
& operating expenses

Estimate other departmental income

Determine the required rooms department income

Add expenses to get rooms department revenue

3. Hubbart Formula Approach

Average Room Rate =
Rooms Department Revenue
Expected Number of Rooms Sold

Sets a Target Average Price

Lets you determine if your target is too high

You may have to finance the difference

Front Office Operations
Occupancy Percentage
The most commonly used operating ratio

Average Daily Rate (ADR)
Average of all room types and rates

Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR)
Measures revenue capabilities of hotel

Occupancy Percentage
Number of Rooms Occupied
Number of Rooms Available

What does rooms occupied include?
Rooms sold + comp rooms

What does rooms available include?
Use the rooms availability formula

2001= 59.20%
Occupancy Percentage Example
Number of Rooms Occupied
Number of Rooms Available

Sold 95 rooms with 5 comps
150 room hotel with 25 out of order

95 + 5 = 100 =
150 - 25 = 125
Daily Occupancy Rates
Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat
Average Daily Rate (ADR)

Rooms Revenue
Number of Rooms Sold

Number of Rooms Sold includes comps

2001 = $83.48

Average Daily Rate Example
Rooms Revenue
Number of Rooms Sold

$10,000 Rooms Revenue
Sold 95 rooms with 5 comps

$10,000 $10,000 =
95 + 5 = 100
Revenue per Available Room
Actual Rooms Revenue
Number of Available Rooms


Occupancy Percentage x ADR

2001 = $49.36

RevPar Example
Actual Rooms Revenue
Number of Available Rooms

$10,000 Rooms Revenue
150 room hotel with 25 out of order

$10,000 $10,000 =
150 - 25 125
Revenue per Available Room
Occupancy Percentage x ADR

80% x $100 = $80

RevPAR Limitations:
* Does not include Revenue & Costs from F&B and other outlets

Is RevPAR higher or lower than ADR ?
When will they be equal?

RevPAR Index
Hotel RevPAR
Competitive Set RevPAR

You decide what hotels make up your competitive
set of hotels that you compare yourself too.

Get your Comp Set RevPAR figures from the STAR
Report or the HRM (HotelRevMax) Report

RevPAR Index - Example
Hotel RevPAR
Competitive Set RevPAR

Your Hotels RevPAR is $58; Comp Set is $60
$58/$60 = .966 x 100% = 96.6%

Below 100% = Under Performing Hotel
100% = Fair Share
Above 100% = Over Performing Hotel

RevPAR Index
Missed Revenue Example
If your Hotels RevPAR is $58 and your Comp Sets is
$60, you are losing $2 per room in potential revenue

Calculate your potential lost revenue per month
RevPAR Difference x Number of Rooms x Days in Month
Missed Revenue for 150 room hotel in December
$2 x 150 x 31 = $9,300
RevPAR Index

You need to select a realistic Comp Set of hotels

Comparing a luxury hotel to economy hotels inflates
your RevPAR Index but doesnt help your revenues

A consistent increase in RevPAR Index is your goal

Ideally, you want a RevPAR Index above 100% and
a positive percentage change from month to month

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