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Globalization in

Wawa & Intan

Globalisation is one way of living without any boundaries and
related with each other.
Malaysian government gives priority to:
-economic globalization,
-information and knowledge
-globalization and scientific globalization.
There are five challenges faced by teachers :
1. Creating a continuous learning
2. The usage of ICT
3. Education management
4. Establishment of students integration
5. Teachers quality
1.Creating Continuous Learning
UNESCO has discussed and suggested to :
1. To establish the potential of human sources by education through
formal and informal form.
2. This leads to the increasing of training and education institutional for
adults who already have jobs.
3. This is to develop the potential of human sources so that they can
give more meaningful contribution to country and themselves.
Universiti Terbuka Malaysia (OUM) has given chances to those who
interested to continue their study that may have stop because of
certain problems.
Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan at Universiti Malaya (UM) also gives
various professional courses for executive in the field of
administration, marketing, language skills and early education
program for children.
The challenges appear where the institution needs to open more
campus, more educators and facilities due to the increasing of
students from year to year.
2. The Usage of ICT
Ohmae (1995) stated that the development of ICT and
globalization has caused liquidity in national boundaries which
produces a new paradigm to all organizations, including
educational institutions.
Such paradigm exists because of the concern of losing the
competitiveness in the global environment if changing in
curriculum is not implemented (Hallinger, 1998).

There are some changes in Malaysian curriculum especially from
teaching and learning strategies.

a) School Net Project
The use of personal computer and Local Area Network (LAN)
Teachers functioned as information receiver of curriculum
materials from outside and then transferring it to the students.
This gives chances to the students to gain suitable knowledge
and information that parallel to their abilities.

b) Smart Lab Project
Using computer network so that the students could get
access of knowledge and information from various sources.
Teachers act as facilitator.

c) Vista School Project
The use of classroom management software for teaching and
This is to let the teachers manage the classroom effectively
and give chances for the students to interact with peers and
teachers electronically.

Hallinger (1998) stated that schools need to take proactive
actions to produce students that have certain characteristics to
get ready to face global challenges which are:
i. Having life long learning
ii. Able to communicate using national language and
international language.
iii. Mastering technology skills for jobs necessity and daily life.
iv. Ready in term of cognitive for complex tasks and challenging,
problem solving
v. Becoming a responsible citizen in term of social, politic and
In lined with global changes, Malaysian curriculum also passed
transformation era in using English for science and mathematics in
primary and secondary school.
Besides, that, the used of international language such as Arabic,
French, Japanese and German have also been introduced to school
with the aims of preparing students to face global world and
becoming a efficient global player.
For that, there are some challenges stated by Harvey (1990) which
are faced by the teachers to apply the changes:

1. Lack in the sense of belonging
Teachers regard the changes happened at school as foreign
Therefore they do not think it is important to have sense of
belonging especially when that changes come from parties that do
not come under government.
2. Less beneficial
Teachers have conservative views where the existing
professionalism does not need any drastic changes because they
are not confident that it will be beneficial to them or the students.
There are afraid that their traditional function as educators and
knowledge presenter will lose.
3. Increasing of burden
-Teachers hold general perceptions where every change means the
increasing of burden and responsible.
-They become a pessimist where they blame certain authorities
because these authorities do not understand their burden to
attend matters that are not related with teaching such as attending
meetings, courses, and organizing special day at school (Hari
Kantin, Sports, Hari UB)
4. Lack support from administration
It is hard for the teachers to implement curriculum changes at
school if the administration are lacking in giving support from
money, motivation and materials for teaching and learning.

5. Doing work on their own
-Teachers who tendency to do work on their own will faced where
they are asked to work as a theme such as doing collaborative
-These teachers will avoid from involving themselves proactively.
6. Different level of knowledge and skills
Teachers who have low knowledge and skills toward innovation will
give less cooperation than those who have more knowledge and

3. Education Management
New software introduced as school management information
system has eased the school to execute the routine of :
a. Help and ease school manager to make decision.
b. To increase effectiveness of management and administration.
c. Lessen the burden of manager in executing various work.

4. Establishment of students
1. The influence of globalization has changed the way our kids act.
For instance, there are teenagers who have been influenced by
the negative way of life of westerns.
It seems that they have forgotten their integration.
Eg: loitering, no boundaries in relationship, extreme western
style clothing.

2. Challenges in establishing teachers integration
Teachers need to show positive act especially during teaching
and learning process.
Teachers need to be a good role model to the students so that
they can be followed.
5. Teachers Quality
Challenges faced by the teachers to increase the profesionalism
has many relations with the teachers concentration towards their
work especially those related with innovations (Ornstein &
Hunkins, 1988)
Fuller (1975), who is known as pioneer of profesionalism
development among teachers has categorized teachers
behaviours into 3 levels which are
a) Attentions towards personal
b) Attentions towards tasks
c) Attentions towards implications
Hall and Loucks (1978) in their research and classified the
attentions to these levels.
1. Attentions with no relation
Teachers dont want to know any changes that happened in school.

2. Attentions towards personal
-Teachers look at their self potential in executing any work
especially in term of skills and knowledge.
-another aspects which have been given attention are family, health
and using leisure time.

3. Attention towards Tasks
Teachers tendency to implement tasks efficiently and always trying
to create or to do the best especially in term of teaching and

4. Attention towards Implications

Teachers should have a clear vision of their role as an educator in
a holistic manner in the context of student progress, the feasibility
of curriculum and curriculum implications for the country's

The negative impacts of
1. The increasing of achievement in national school.
National schools need to be the citizens choice of school. These
schools need to compete with SJK (T) (C ). They need to increase
the teaching and learning quality to suit educational globalization.

2. To create more international universities and make sure these
universities fulfill the needs of the learners.

3. Neglecting Malay as national language.

4 the appreciation towards knowledge getting low.
The students only learn for the sake of examination or to fulfill
given tasks

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