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Ankita Sharma (14PGHR09)

Ashish Tayal (14PGHR14)

Prashansa Verma (14PGHR32)
Rose Mary (14PGHR51)
Sagar Srivastava (14PGHR53)
Shlesha Singh (14PGHR56)

Founded in 1935 by Dr. K. A. Hamied
Headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra
2000+ products across 65 categories in 170
USD 1.4 bn revenue in 2012-2013
Recent global acquisitions in Srilanka, Yemen
and Uganda

People Department
(1935-2011): Focus on
core administrative
HR Department (2011
onwards): Focus on
being a strategic
Been in place since the beginning of the

Focussed mainly on the administrative roles
of personnel department

Lack of specialization in different functions

Played the "administrative expert role
Recruitment and Selection:
Shortlisted candidates in terms of different

The candidates however were not required to
go through different selection tests.

Performance Appraisal
Bottom-Up Approach
Self Evaluation by Employee
Supervisor Evaluation of the work done
Training and Development
On-the-job training
No training on leadership and talent management

Performance Management
Performance Management technique
Competency mapping
Not many practices in place
Goal setting - weightage given to different
descriptions and behaviours and the
performance was measured against these
Succession Planning
For seventy years the name Hamied and Cipla
have been inseparable
Being a family owned business no need for
succession planning was felt
The family has always been at the helm of
The organization never felt a dearth of

Constituted three years back

Why was the need felt ?
An increase in its size with respect to the
headcount & activities
New ideas and vision that came along with the new
people that were hired for the top positions
Need for a formal framework was felt
The basis for entitlement was non-existent

No one perceived it as a Cost Centre
The transition was smooth
The department did not try a carrot and
stick approach
It did not start with rules and regulations
Recruitment and Selection
The company now has a fully fledged
employee referral system in place
Unlike other organizations, there is no
amount attached to the above practice
Currently major recruiting from International
Bringing in specialists from the industry in
the R&D department
Not much attention paid to the cost of hiring

Training and Development

On-field training provided
80% on-the-job training
Employee development system still not in

Succession Planning
The organization started hiring for top
positions from outside the organisation
Hired people for top positions at Strategy,
International business and Operations 2 years
Need to have people with different exposure
but facing similar pressure situations

Compensation and Benefits

Grades and level system introduced
Pay ranges for each grade
Pay range revised at appropriate period of time
Critical roles to be taken care in a different way
Benefits include: Mediclaim policy, Hospitalization benefits, Wellness
program, Periodic check ups

Internal Factors
Capability of the company to pay
Maintain Internal Parity

External Factors
Benchmarking itself with peer companies and industry environment


Caring for people
Close bonding within the organization
Changes happening in company in the last 18
months- No particular culture
No culture building exercise
Culture change requires a huge belief in the higher

Mergers/Acquisitions Strategy

Clear Vision
Risk Analysis- Cost and people perspective
HR intervention needed on case to case basis
Functional Integration of the 2 companies
Assurance given to employees of the acquired
No Compromise in certain situations

Recent acquisition of Mabpharm
The Future Approach

Wants to attain specialization in all the core

Wants to play a strategic role in the business

Emphasis on building and retaining talent

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