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Types of

By: Juvy Anne Lozano
What is Sexual Deviation?
- Sexologists equate it with perversion, anomaly,
abnormality, aberration by way of sex.

- Accdg. to Ford and Beach, it refers to any form of
sexual activity which a given social group regards as
unnatural and abnormal.

- Sex deviation as a type of abnormal condition or be-
havior is largely caused by environmental or psycho-
logical factors in the early and later life of an individual.
Types of Sexual Deviation
1. Homosexuality (a.k.a. homoerotism)
- Refers to sexual relations between individuals of
the same sex

- Homosexuality among women is called lesbianism,
after lesbos, an island of Greece whose inhabitants
are alleged to be homosexuals.

- Homosexuality among men is often called pederasty
which denotes homosexual anal intercourse.

- The prevalent form of sexual behavior for the majority
of adults in all human societies of which social
researchers have any knowledge is heterosexuality.
Schools of thought involved in homosexuality
1. Advocated by Older authorities

- They claim that, homosexuality is constitutionally
rooted, that homosexuals are born and not conditioned
and that hormonal and/or genic imbalances cause
sexual deviation.

- In other words, this school of thought holds that it is
nature that determines homosexuality; a person be-
comes homosexual by birth due to some hormonal im-
2. Advocated by the vast majority of modern psychologists,
psychiatrists, sociologists, and other professional workers

- They claim that homosexuality and other sex deviations
are not caused by hormonal, constitutional or genetic
factors but that they are the result of psychological or
environmental influences.

- In other words, it is not an innate or inborn pattern of
sexual behavior; it is psycho-socially acquired, condi-
tioned, and learned. It is conditioned by the experiences
of life which are often beyond an individuals control.

2. Transvestism (a.k.a transvestitism, cross-
dressing or eonism)

- It is the obsessive-compulsive need of an
individual, almost always male, to wear clothes
worn by the opposite sex.

- A transvestite is sexually stimulated by
clothing usually worn by women.

- Homosexuality is the main or primary root of transvestism
which is not organically caused but is a psychological con-
dition that can be treated or cured.

3. Transsexualism

- coined by Harry Benjamin

- it is a kind of sexual deviation in which
an individual has an obsessive-compulsive
desire to belong to the opposite sex.

- a transsexual person does not only want to dress in
the clothing of the other sex but also wish to have his/
her sex organ surgically changed.

- Transsexual operations are now performed as the only
therapy available for certain persons to help them lead
an adjusted life.

4. Exhibitionism
- refers to an individuals obsessive-compulsive inclina-
tion to obtain sexual gratification by public exposure of
his/her body or sex organs

- An exhibitionist derives distinct satisfaction from exhi-
biting his/her nude body and genitals, especially to indi-
viduals with whom he/she would like to have sex relations.

5. Sadism
- a form of sexual abnormality in which sexual gratification
depends largely on the infliction of pain upon others (i.e.,
sex partners).

- The urge to be somewhat sexually aggressive is within
the normal range of sex behavior when one is having di-
fficulty becoming fully aroused or coming to orgasm.
- One is acting in a neurotic or deviated fashion if he/she
always requires intense sadistic or violent behavior for
arousal and satisfaction particularly with unwilling sex

6. Masochism
- named after Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, an Austrian
novelist who described this condition

- a type of sexual aberration in which sexual gratification
depends largely on undergoing physical pain or humilia-

- One is a masochist if he/she is unable to achieve arousal
or orgasm without having intense physical pain or mental
humiliation inflicted on oneself. In extreme cases, a ma-
sochist needs to be spanked and slapped, pinched and
clawed so as to experience sexual pleasure.
7. Necrophilia (from the Greek nekros corpse and philos
- It means love of corpses or cadavers. It is an
abnormal, erotic attraction to corpses.

- A necrophile or necrophiliac, usually a male, is aroused
by the sight of a human corpse and tries to have sex
relations with it.
8. Necrosadism
- a sexual abnormality in which an individual experiences
sexual stimulation and orgasm by mutilating corpses.

- A necrosadist enjoys cutting up cadavers in order to
arouse himself sexually to orgasm. This is an unusually
rare form of sex behavior, statistically speaking.

9. Sex murder

- a sex murderer kills their sexual partners not because
they want to keep or hide their heinous crimes but in
order to attain sexual pleasure. This is another state of
extreme amentia or psychosis.
10. Fetishism
- another form of sexual aberration in which an individual
becomes sexually aroused by the mere sight of a
womans underwear (bra or panty), hair, stocking, a
girdle etc

- a fetish is any object, like a shoe or womans breast,
that is sexually stimulating to certain persons (fetishists).

- Non-deviated individuals are also excited by their part-
ners or anyones breasts, legs, thighs, feet etc. But one
who is obsessively-compulsively attracted to non-erotic
objects in order to become sexually aroused is definitely

11. Pedophilia
- an abnormal condition in which an adult is obsessively-
compulsively attracted to prepubescent youths or young

- originally called pederasty in view of the anal-genital
relations resorted to by the pedophile with his boy partner

- In our country, foreign pedophiles usually prey on boy
prostitutes who are used as the female in the sex act.

12. Sexual attachment to children
- Broader than pedophilia, sexual obsession with
children includes both lesbian and heterosexual
fixations as well as interest of men in boys.
- Some males are obsessively attracted to young girls,
even to infants; and some females too are sexually
obsessed with small boys.
- Unusual sexual obsessions with infants
or children are deviated behavior.

13. Gerontophilia ( from Gk. gerontos old folks and
philos love)

- love of older persons
- Young girls, particularly, may become compulsively
infatuated with aged men rather than with young
boys or men. Such obsessive-compulsive inclinations
constitute a sex-love deviation.

14. Mixoscopia or voyeurism
- A mixoscope or voyeur is anyone who is obsessively
exclusively derives sexual satisfaction from peeping

- From the French voir to see, a voyeur is one who is
sexually gratified by looking at sexual organs or acts.
They usually find visual aids useful in reinforcing their
15. Pygmalionism

- It is a rare sexual deviation in which individuals are
obsessively and exclusively attracted to and
aroused sexually by statues, especially statues of nude
- A pygmalionist may even masturbate before or defile
such statues to give vent to his sexual excitement.

16. Bestiality (from Latin bestialis beast)
- It refers to sexual intercourse between a human being
and an animal of a different species.

- Sexual arousal may end in actual coitus or anal-genital
relations between a man or woman with a beast (e.g.
pet dog, female horse, cow, hen or goose).

- Men and women who become obsessively-compulsively
and consistently or exclusively excited sexually by
animals may be called sex deviants.

- Sexologists tell us that a mild degree of bestiality when
no other sex outlets are available is not necessarily ab-
normal or perverted.

It is often not the kind of sex act that makes a
person a deviate but the manner in which and the
attitude with which he/she performs it. Thus such
attitude may be treated so that one may
overcome ones aberration. Sexual neurotics can
be helped if they are willing to undergo and work
at a psychotherapeutic process, so that they can
understand exactly why they originally became
deviated, and what they can do to become non-
Preventive Measures of Sex Deviation
1. A child should be raised with a healthy, thoroughly
non-guilty attitude toward human sexuality.

2. A child should be taught that some laws are necessary
for the governing of sex, love, and marital relationships,
and that these laws are protective of ones right to sex
and happiness; hence, they must be followed for ones
own good and the good of others.

3. Children should be given extensive and intensive sex
education, in an objective and impersonal manner, and
should be particularly instructed about sex deviations.

4. Children should be strongly encouraged to have hetero-
sexual experiences and to be thoroughly unguilty about
their participation.
5. Children should be raised and nurtured and brought up
in such a way that they like themselves and are willing to
take risks of sex-love challenges.

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