Visual Aids

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Visual Aids

Imperial, Kriselle
Kawamura, Rina

Why use visual aids?

Makes presentation more interesting
and lively
Helps audience understand the
Helps speaker present information more
Reinforce and add impact to information

Why use visual aids?

Illustrate a relationship between ideas
Show information patterns or pictures
Summarize key points
Add variety to your presentation by giving the
audience a break from listening and letting them
see something

Types of Visual Aids

Powepoint Slides

Models or

Overhead or

Audios or Videos


Brochures etc.

Preparing Visual Aids

o Start with at least a rough outline / major points of the
presentation before selecting the visual aid(s).

o Your audio-visuals should be directly relevant to your

presentation topic.
o Each element of an audio-visual must be simple and
contain only one message. Keep visual aids BRIEF.
o Determine the difference between what you will say and
what the visual aid will show. Do not read straight from
your visuals.

Preparing Visual Aids

o Account for production time in your planning and selection
process. Never leave their preparation to the last minute.

o Use charts and graphs to support the presentation of

numerical information.
o If you have handouts, don't let them become a distraction
during the presentation.
o Your visual material should not contain grammar and
spelling mistakes.

10 Tips for Using Visual Aids

1. Plan your presentation before creating visual aids.
2. Use visual aids sparingly.
3. Make them visible to the entire audience.
4. Talk to the audience, not to the aid.
5. Avoid laser pointers.

10 Tips for Using Visual Aids

6. Explain the content of the aid when you first show
7. When you finish with the aid, remove it, cover it, or
turn it off.
8. Limit the amount of material on any one aid.
9. Avoid clip art from well-known sources.
10. Be prepared to give your presentation without your
visual aids.

Advantages of PowerPoint Slides

Projects a professional image.
Minimal expense.
Compact and portable.
Slide shows are easy to email.
Visuals easily edited.
Allows insertion of graphics.
Can be printed, copied and provide as a handout material
during presentation.
o Expands options through the use of multimedia such as
animation, video clips, and sound.

When NOT to use PowerPoint

1. When you want to project a sense of leadership
2. When you want to engage your audiences emotions
and imaginations
3. When you want to connect with your audience
4. When you want to engage your audiences
5. When you have limited preparation time
6. When you have limited time to deliver your
7. When your audience suffers from PowerPoint fatigue

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