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Prophecy (Genesis 3:15) Fulfillment -(Galatians 4: 4),

(Luke 2:7), (Revelations 12: 5)

Adam & Eve

disobeyed God
the creator. They
were driven out
of the Garden of
Eden. But God
promised them
that, God will
send the Savior
to save mankind
from their sins.

Prophecy (Genesis 18: 18) (Genesis 12: 3)

Fulfillment (Acts 3:25) (Matthew 1: 1) (Luke 3: 34)

Prophecy (Genesis 17:19)

Fulfillment (Matthew 1: 2), (Luke 3:34).

Invisible angel wants to stop Balaam.

(In Balaams oracle - Numbers 24: 17)

Before his death, Jacob blessed his 12

sons (Genesis chapter49). (Luke 3: 33)

Prophecy (Isaiah 9: 7) (2 Samuel 7:13)

Fulfillment (Matthew 1: 6).

Prophecy (Daniel 9:25)

Fulfillment (Luke 2: 1-7)

Angel tells Virgin Mary that she will

give birth to the Son of God and to
name him Jesus Christ .

Angel goes in Josephs dream to

advice him to accept Mary . Her
pregnancy was from Holy Spirit.

Prophecy (Isaiah 7: 14). - Fulfillment (Luke 2: 10-12).


Visitors came and offered their gifts to The

New born Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

Prophecy (Genesis 12: 1-3). - Fulfillment (Matthew 2: 11, Luke 2: 16-18).

(13) King Herod plans to kill infant

Jesus. Prophecy (Jeremiah 31: 15). - Fulfillment (Matthew 2:16).
Angle warn wise men in the dream
not to see king Herod again.

Angle warns Joseph in the

dream to flee from Herod.


Joseph, Mary with baby Jesus, had to flee in
the foreign land of Egypt (i.e. old name Misar).

(16) After returning from Egypt, Jesus settled in Nazareth

and Capernaum in province of Galilee, from there he
started his ministry.
Prophecy (Isaiah 9: 1-2) Fulfillment ( Matthew 4:12-16)

As a prophet, Jesus ministered

out of the temple, in the public.

As a prophet, Jesus ministered

in side the temple; as well.

Prophecy (Isaiah 11: 1-4) (Psalm 45:7)

Fulfillment (Luke 2:52) (Luke 4:18).

(20) Jesus triumphal entry (like a humble king), in Jerusalem

was also prophesized. Prophecy (Zachariah 9: 9) (Isaiah 62: 11) Fulfillment ( John 12: 12-15) (Matthew21: 1-11)

Prophecy (Zechariah 11:12-13) Fulfillment (Matthew 26: 15)

(Matthew 27: 3-10)

Prophecy (Zechariah 11:13)

Fulfillment (Matthew 27: 6-7) (Matthew 27: 3-5, 8-10)

Prophecy (Psalm 109: 7-8)

Matthias - New Chosen Apostle.

Fulfillment (Acts 1: 16-17) (Acts 1: 18-20)

Judas Iscariot - Deceased traitor apostle.

High priest and Jews rejected Jesus

and his truths. They became very angry

(26) Prophecy Jesus will remain silent on their accusations.

Prophecy (Isaiah 53:7) (Psalm 38: 13-14) Fulfillment (Matthew 26: 6263) (Matthew 27: 12-14)

Jesus was silent, when accused

before King Herod.

Jesus was silent, when accused

before the Roman authorities.

Jesus was flogged with whip

too! 39 times. (Isaiah 50:6)

Prophecy (Psalm 69:4, 109: 3-5) Fulfillment (John 15: 23-25)

By hate Jesus was decorated as a King

After the tortures, Jesus had to carry his won cross to the hill top of Calvary.

Prophecy (Isaiah 53: 4-6, 12) Fulfillment (Matthew 8: 16-17) (Romans 4: 25) (1st
Corinthians 15: 3)

Before crucifixion Jesus was

offered gall, but Jesus refused it.

On the cross, Jesus was offered sponge

soaked in vinegar, but Jesus refused it; too!

Prophecy (Psalm 22: 16) (Zachariah 12: 10) Fulfillment (John 20: 27, 19:37, 20:

two before hanging on the cross.

Prophecy (Isaiah 53: 12)

Fulfillment (Matthew 27: 38) (Mark 15: 27-28)

(Luke 23:33)

(36) Prophecy Jesus will have to face insults and

mocking from all type of people. Prophecy (Psalm 22: 6-8)
Fulfillment (Matthew 27: 39-44) (Mark 15: 29-32)

Thieves on the cross, mocked

at Jesus and insulated him.

People and soldiers near the cross too,

mocked at and insulated Jesus Christ.

Prophecy (Psalm 22:8) Fulfillment (Matthew 27: 43)

(39) Soldiers broke bones of thieves on the cross. But Jesus

died earlier, so they did not break his bones.
Prophecy (Psalm 34: 20) (Exodus 12:46) Fulfillment (John 19: 33)

Prophecy (Isaiah 53:9)

Fulfillment (Matthew 27:57 - 60)
Jesus was buried in new, garden tomb of
his rich follower, Joseph of Arimathea.

Rolling stone on the tomb was

sealed and guards were deployed.

(42) Jesus ascension to Heaven. Prophecy (Psalm 68:18)

Fulfillment (Luke 24:50 -51) (Acts 1:9).

and Jesus dissension from heaven.

In front of mob Jesus ascended
to heaven with the angels.

Prophecy (Acts 1: 10-11).

(A) Verse is God. (It is written in) Bruhdoranyaka 1:3. (And)

(B) Word is God; Most High. (It is written in) Upanishidaka 21, 4:1.2.
(C) Savior came on earth in the physical form, to forgive sinful human
(It is written in) Wriga Veda 10: 125.
(D) God who forgives, dwells in heart, his name Is - JESUS CHRIST.
(It is written in) Bhavishya Purana (Verse 31.)
(E) To be without faith is a great sin, but faith Eliminates sins.
(It is written in) Maha Bharata Shanti Parva 264:1519.

Compare to Bible Verses

(A) & (B) - John 1:1-2.
(C) John 1: 14, Col. 2: 13.
(D) Matt. 9: 2, Eph. 3: 17.
(E) Rom.1:31, Acts 26: 18.

(A) Ruh Allah means God the spirits physical Form.

(B) Jesus is called son of virgin Mary and not The son
of her husband Joseph as per old traditions.
(C) Virgin Mary is considered holiest, among all women

Compare the verses bellow from Bible.

(A) John 4:24, John 20: 31, John 3: 16.
(B) Gen. 3:15, Matt.16:15-17
(C) Luke 1: 27-28. Luke 1: 42.

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