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Functional and Dysfunctional

S. Ebi Pearlin
MA.HRM(1st year)

Topics to be covered

What id Conflict.?


Difference between the traditional, human relations, and

interactionist views of conflict.


The conflict iceberg


Functional vs. Dysfunctional Conflict


Contrast task, relationship, and process conflict.


Outline of the conflict process.


5 stages in the Conflict process


Conflict management techniques

Conflict Defined
Is a process that begins when one party perceives that
another party has negatively affected, or is about to
negatively affect, something that the first party cares
o Is that point in an ongoing activity when an interaction crosses
over to become an interparty conflict.

Encompasses a wide range of conflicts that people

experience in organizations
o Incompatibility of goals
o Differences over interpretations of facts
o Disagreements based on behavioral expectations

Transitions in Conflict Thought

Traditional View of Conflict

The belief that all conflict is harmful and must be avoided.

Poor communication
Lack of openness

Failure to respond to
employee needs

Transitions in Conflict Thought (contd)

Human Relations View of Conflict

The belief that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome

in any group.
Interactionist View of Conflict
The belief that conflict is not only a
positive force in a group but that it is
absolutely necessary for a group to
perform effectively.

The Conflict Iceberg

Functional versus Dysfunctional Conflict

Functional Conflict
Conflict that supports the goals of
the group and improves its

Dysfunctional Conflict
Conflict that hinders group

Functional vs. Dysfunctional Conflict

Functional or Dysfunctional is determined by
whether the organizations interests are served
Functional Conflict serves
organizations interests
Is commonly referred to as
constructive or cooperative

Dysfunctional Conflict
threatens organizations
Wastes the organizations
resources and is

Types of Conflict
Task Conflict
Conflicts over content and goals
of the work.
Relationship Conflict

Conflict based on interpersonal

Process Conflict
Conflict over how work gets done.

The Conflict Process

Stage I:
Potential Opposition or Incompatibility
Semantic difficulties, misunderstandings, and noise
Size and specialization of jobs
Jurisdictional clarity/ambiguity
Member/goal incompatibility
Leadership styles (close or participative)
Reward systems (win-lose)
Dependence/interdependence of groups
Personal Variables
Differing individual value systems
Personality types

Stage II:
Cognition and Personalization
Perceived Conflict
Awareness by one or more
parties of the existence of
conditions that create
opportunities for conflict
to arise.

Felt Conflict
Emotional involvement in a
conflict creating anxiety,
tenseness, frustration, or

Conflict Definition

Negative Emotions

Positive Feelings

Stage III: Intentions

Decisions to act in a given way.

Attempting to satisfy the other partys concerns.

Attempting to satisfy ones own concerns.

Dimensions of Conflict
-Handling Intentions

Stage III: Intentions (contd)

A desire to satisfy ones interests, regardless of the impact on the other party to the
A situation in which the parties to a conflict each desire to satisfy fully the concerns of all
The desire to withdraw from or suppress a conflict.
The willingness of one party in a conflict to place the opponents interests above his or
her own.
A situation in which each party to a conflict is willing to give up

Stage IV: Behavior

Conflict Management
The use of resolution and stimulation techniques to achieve
the desired level of conflict.

Conflict-Intensity Continuum

Stage V: Outcomes

Functional Outcomes from Conflict

o Increased group performance

o Improved quality of decisions
o Stimulation of creativity and innovation
o Encouragement of interest and curiosity

o Provision of a medium for problem-solving

o Creation of an environment for self-evaluation and change

Creating Functional Conflict

o Reward dissent and punish conflict avoiders.

Dysfunctional Outcomes from Conflict

o Development of discontent
o Reduced group effectiveness

o Retarded communication
o Reduced group cohesiveness
o Infighting among group members overcomes group goals

Types of Conflict
Personality Conflict
Given the many possible combinations of personality traits, it is
clear why personality conflicts are inevitable
A personality conflict is an interpersonal opposition based on
personal dislike, disagreement, and/or different styles

Intergroup Conflict
Conflict among work groups, teams and departments is a common
threat to organizational competitiveness
Intergroup cohesiveness a we feeling binding group members
together can be a good or bad thing (smooth running team or
result in groupthink which limits critical thinking)

Minimizing Intergroup Conflict

Level of perceived
intergroup conflict tends
to increase when:
Conflict within the
group is high
There are negative
interactions between
Influential third-party
gossip about other group
is negative

Recommended actions:

Work to eliminate specific negative

interactions between groups
Conduct team building to reduce
intragroup conflict and prepare
employees for cross-functional teamwork
Encourage personal friendships and
good working relationships across
groups and departments
Foster positive attitudes toward
members of other groups
Avoid or neutralize negative gossip
across groups or departments

Managing Conflict
Stimulating Functional Conflict
Devils Advocacy
The Dialectic Method

5 Alternative Styles for Handling Dysfunctional Conflict

Integrating (Problem Solving), Obliging (Smoothing),
Dominating (Forcing), Avoiding and Compromising

Third-Party Interventions
Conflict Triangles
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Stimulating Functional Conflict:

Devils Advocacy




A proposed course of action is

A devils advocate is assigned to
critique the proposal
The critique is presented to key
decision makers
Any additional information relevant
to the issues is gathered
The decision to adopt, modify, or
discontinue the proposed course of
action is taken
The decision is monitored

Stimulating Functional Conflict:

The Dialectic Method


A proposed course of action is generated

Assumptions underlying the proposal are
A conflicting counterproposal is
generated based on different
Advocates of each position present and
debate merits of their proposals before
key decision makers
The decision to adopt, either position or
some other position is taken
The decision is monitored

Concern for Others

5 Alternative Styles for Handling Dysfunctional










Concern for Self

5 Alternative Styles for Handling Dysfunctional


1. Integrating (Problem Solving)

Is appropriate for complex issues plagued by misunderstanding
Is inappropriate for resolving conflicts rooted in opposing value systems
Its primary strength is its longer lasting impact because it deals with the
underlying problem rather than merely with symptoms
However, it is very time consuming
2. Obliging (Smoothing)
Involves playing down differences while emphasizing commonalities
May be appropriate when it is possible to eventually get something in
Is inappropriate for complex or worsening problems
Its primary strength is that it encourages cooperation
However, its a temporary fix that fails to confront the underlying problem

5 Alternative Styles for Handling Dysfunctional

3. Dominating (Forcing)
Shows a high concern for self and low concern for others
Encourages I win, you lose tactics
Is appropriate when an unpopular solution must be implemented, the issue
is minor or a deadline is near
Is inappropriate in an open and participative climate
Its primary strength is speed
However, it often breeds resentment

5 Alternative Styles for Handling Dysfunctional


4. Avoiding
May involve either passive withdrawal from the problem or active
suppression of the issue
Is appropriate for trivial issues or when the costs of confrontation outweigh
the benefits of resolving the conflict
Is inappropriate for difficult and worsening problems
Its primary strength is that it buys time in ambiguous situations
However, it only provides a temporary fix that sidesteps the underlying
5. Compromising
A give-and-take approach involving moderate concern for both self &others
Is appropriate when parties have opposite goals or possess equal power
Is inappropriate when overuse would lead to inconclusive or delayed action
Its primary strength is that the democratic process has no losers
However, it only provides a temporary fix that can stifle creative problem

Third-Party Interventions
Conflict Triangles
When two people are having a problem and instead of
addressing the problem, one of them gets a third party

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Avoiding costly lawsuits by resolving conflicts informally or
through mediation or arbitration

Alternative Dispute Resolutions

A third party, usually a manager, informally urges disputing parties
to deal direction with each other in a positive manner

A neutral third party informally acts as a communication conduit
between disputing parties

Peer review
A panel of trustworthy co-workers hears both sides of a dispute in an
informal and confidential meeting

Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Someone who works for the organization, and is widely
respected, hears grievances on a confidential basis and
attempts to arrange a solution
A trained, third-party neutral actively guides the
disputing parties in exploring a solution; the mediator
does not render a decision
A trained, third-party neutral, makes a decision regarding
the dispute

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