Growing Talent

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Case Study

Growing talent as if your

business depended on it

Succession Planning
Succession Planning:
Simply stated, succession planning is a process of developing
talent to meet the needs of the organization now and in the future.
Organizational leaders need to think about aligning their staffing
and leadership needs with the organizations future strategic
Components of Succession planning :

Identifying present and future competency required.

Way to measure it

Methods to asses potential

Narrowing gaps

Evaluating results.

Challenges in institutionalizing talent

Board Participation: Ensuring the
involvement & active participation of the board
which do not perceive the lack of leadership
development as a threat to the companys
Lack Of complete System : Standalone adhoc activities carried out by HR departments
fail to bring about the importance of this
Underlying Fear : Lack of succession planning
due to Inherent fears and underlying defense
mechanism in senior management.
Convince Top Management : Difficult to
convince the senior management about
benefits of Talent Management.

Challenges in institutionalizing talent


Identifying and propagating the right

values for the right position at the right
Aligning : Aligning succession plan to the
organizations strategic plan.
Defining it as an HR problem : People
conceive Talent management as HR
problem not as a responsibility shared by
the Board of Directors, senior leadership
To Align program with existing and future
organizational culture
Not Establishing confused or overly
ambitious goals.

Challenges in institutionalizing talent

Employee Rotation: Convincing unit
heads to encourage to part with their rising
stars in order to help them acquire exposure
to the various functions of the business.
Conveying Significance : Ensure
employees understand the motive and
significance of job rotation and not consider it
a threat to their position.
Ensuring the leadership development system
reinforce the perception you want people
to have about the company.
Ensure the employees consider the
leadership programs legitimate & believe
the candidates chosen for a position are truly

Basic Succession Management


of Strategy and Competencies

needed for the Future
Talent Review
High Potential Identification
Assessment and Gap Analysis
Development Planning and Leadership


Easier to fill vacancies

Alignment with culture and strategic goals of
Prepared for the unknown
Capability enhancement
Ample supply of talent.


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