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Disaster Risk


Republic Act No. 10121

Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010

- An act which strengthens

thePhilippineDisaster Risk Reduction
Management to provide for the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Commission (NDRRMC) a
framework, institutionalize the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan and appropriate funds
and for other purposes.

Republic Act No. 10121

Section 14.
Integration of Disaster Risk
Reduction Education into the
Program and Mandatory Training
for the Public Sector Employees.

What constitutes
an Emergency or a Disaster?
It is Any (sudden) event that disrupts
the normal lives of people or normal
operations of a business.
Because of its nature, there is an
urgent need for immediate and
coordinated response by trained
personnel who must function
together in a team effort.

Campus Preparedness
A number of guidelines are in place
to minimize the impact of
It is everyones responsibility to
become familiar with the guidelines
and procedures in place, and know
what to do before, during and after
an emergency.

Things to do
BEFORE the Emergency
Conduct a Risk Assessment/ Job Hazard
Analysis to eliminate hazards, reduce risk,
mitigate the impact of accidents, and to
ensure the safety of personnel.

Means of Egress
Use of candles, Decorating Lights
Combustible material storage
Use of cleaning chemicals and perfumes

Things to do
BEFORE the Emergency
Develop a response plan, and know how
to report incidents and to whom.
Post Emergency Numbers.
Gather Response Supply (First Aid Kit,
Antidote, Spill Kit)
Share preparedness information with
other pupil, parents, etc.
Put documents in a plastic envelope

Things to do
BEFORE the Emergency
Know your buildings Floor Plan and Exits
Routes, and become familiar with it.
Know the location of the emergency
response equipment (i.e. Safety
Shower/Eyewash, Spill Kit Fire Extinguishers,
Fire Alarm Pull Station) and how to use it.
Attend required Emergency Preparedness,
Fire Extinguisher and other Safety training
Know how to respond to medical

Depending on the Emergency, you
may be required to either:
1. Evacuate
2. Shelter in place,
3. Go into a Lockdown, or
4. Take some type of action to
assist others (CPR, F. Aid, Call
for help, Clean Up a Spill)

Things to do
DURING the Emergency
Remain calm but Do not ignore the alarm
If you witness the emergency, initiate a
response! Call 911 to alert emergency
responders (police, fire, ambulance, Env. Hlth &
Safety) to situations requiring their attention.
If you are EVACUATING, report to your Assembly
Point by the safest route available.
Assist others with health/physical limitations if
you are able to without endangering your safety.
Walk do not run.

Wait for instructions from Public Safety,
Emergency Personnel, or Building Emergency
Coordinators (i.e. do not re-enter Bldg, or
continue lockdown until the all clear is given)
Up-to-date information concerning the status
of the campus and the emergency will be
communicated through available sources.
Necessary administrative/operational
continuity plans for essential university
functions to continue on a temporary basis
will be put in place.

Depending on the situation , safe facilities
and critical personnel will be designated
to carry on operations on a limited basis
Alternate facilities will be established, if
Normal campus operations will resume as
soon as possible following stabilization of
the emergency.


Personal preparedness is essential. In a major disaster, it
might be several days before vital services are restored.
Personal supply kits should be adjusted based on personal
Suggested supplies include:
Flashlight with extra batteries
Battery-powered radio
First Aid Supplies
Warm Cloths/weather Resistant, and/or Blankets

Disaster Supply Kits for individual, departmental, or family

preparedness are available from a variety of sources and/or
Safety supply vendors. You can also make your own Kit.

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